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I'm not even supposed to be here today

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joined 2022 September 04 22:41:30 UTC
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User ID: 225


I'm not even supposed to be here today

4 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 22:41:30 UTC


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User ID: 225

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Second this. I think that a quiet, peaceful life is highly underrated. I also enjoy reading about everyday life in another country, as I'll almost certainly never experience it. I might visit Japan, but it's quite unlikely that I would ever live there for an extended period of time and settle into everyday life (nor in any other country, for that matter). So it is a delight to read about even if it seems boring to @George_E_Hale .

It's a great dig, but I wonder if it actually sways anyone. I have a hard time imagining that people are so foolish as to think that politicians are not in it for themselves by and large.

I'm also not voting. I despise D and R candidates, and the 2016 election taught me that literally nothing will convince the voters in this country to consider voting for anyone else. So I'm done voting for President. I'll probably still vote for local offices and such.

Men have to have a good career to have a family, otoh.

Oh, definitely not. There are all kinds of men who don't have good careers - some don't even have jobs - who still have families. And I don't mean they fathered kids they abandoned, I mean that they are actually around as part of the family.

It is obvious to young women(or anyone else) who are around mothers and identify with mothers that mothers like and enjoy being mothers and consider the trade offs worth it.

I have been around plenty of mothers in my day. That is not at all obvious to me. So no, I don't agree with your argument that its obvious and that our culture is just suppressing that.

Convincing young people and especially women that the trade offs aren’t worth it is itself the result of a propaganda campaign...

You don't need any such campaign to convince people the trade offs aren't worth it. It's blatantly obvious that parenting is full of unpleasantness, and not at all obvious that there's any upside. If anything, you need a propaganda campaign to convince young people "no really, you'll be glad you had children in the end".

the same argument that lay Protestants invoke against depictions of the cross-with-corpus, i.e. the crucifix.

As an aside, I have always felt that this entire point of contention between Catholic and Protestant Christians is a huge missing of the point on both sides. At least, the people waging the Christian culture war miss the point - most Christians I've known are content to live and let live. Both the crucifix and the empty cross are good symbols for different reasons. The former reminds us of Jesus' suffering, the latter reminds us that he is alive even after all that. You need both of those things in Christianity! I think there's nothing wrong with a particular sect deciding that they want to emphasize one or the other, as they are both equally worthy of symbols.

Well said. Ceterum censeo Twitter esse delendam.

Considering I personally know the people I'm in rooms with, and I know for a fact they are seeing my messages... that isn't true. Maybe in some cases, but not in my case.

I can't really agree with this post. I use Matrix (even host my own homeserver) and it works just fine. I don't think it'll take off among normies, but I also don't think any federated service will ever take off among normies. But for any user who is moderately tech savvy, Matrix works and works well.

Ok you've moved the goalposts twice in one reply. First, I didn't say diddly squat about trans people so that's irrelevant. Second, we were talking bathrooms (and specifically the urinals therein), not locker rooms. The two are different situations so you're going to get very different results.

They shouldn't care. It's not important.

Yes, very much so. I don't think games should be fully voice acted, as a rule. In fact I think no voice acting at all is perfectly acceptable.

Meh, who cares? Good games will find an audience, no matter whether streamers play it or not.

I use Brave, and Kagi. Brave because it has the benefits of Chrome as a derivative (but with a built in ad blocker and at least attempting to care about user privacy). Kagi because I appreciate their attempt to align their incentives with users, even if there's no guarantee it will last (as plenty of paid businesses inject ads in a race to the bottom).

You've got a row of men showing off their penises at the urinal in the men's room. If seeing a penis is so horrible, why are you so comfortable making people endure that?

Amadan touched on this, but I feel it's worth joining in: men very much do not show off their penises in the men's room. The norm is to give other men as much space as you can (leaving at least a urinal between you, especially in the case of urinals without privacy barriers), and to politely refrain from looking at other guys' penises even if one might catch a glimpse. In fact, someone who is showing off his penis (or deliberately looking at someone else's penis) is considered extremely rude and subject to social consequences for it. I'm not sure if you meant this claim literally or just as a rhetorical flourish, but either way reality is the exact opposite of what you describe.

I think you shouldn't have kids unless you are both at least tentatively in the "yes" camp, personally. It's a big commitment which requires a shitload of sacrifice. If your wife is leaning towards "no" at the moment, is she going to be able to embrace the freedom she will have to give up to have those children? It seems to me like it'll be a lot harder for her.

My wife and I don't have children (and can't, as she had to have a hysterectomy a couple of years ago). I do not personally have any regrets. I think that children are a burden, not a blessing, and I am grateful that we don't have that weighing our lives down. I have two nephews (whom I love a great deal), and they scratch the paternal itch pretty well for me. We may come to regret it as we reach old age and have nobody around for us, although to be honest I don't really imagine I will live that long so the point may be moot. But for now, no regrets at all.

I've been playing Trails Through Daybreak, am currently in chapter 5 (which is the 7th of 8 chapters). It's been pretty enjoyable, although I don't much care for the character building in this one which is a shame. Also thinking I'm gonna play some more of Sins of a Solar Empire II this weekend, scratch that itch.

You could also say this about autists and normies. Autists leaning towards more how things are and the normies obsessed with how things are supposed to be. Although I will admit this one is a reach.

It's the opposite, in my experience. Normies just deal with what is, and autists are very concerned with the way things ought to be.

I think this is because I was taking manual (what they call "mission") and the obscure Japanese rules for this regarding hand positions were unknown to me...

Now I'm curious. What are these rules? It seems like it's pretty unnecessary to micromanage that behavior, so I'm kind of surprised.

I don't, but I know someone who does. He has something like a year's worth of living expenses in gold and silver saved up. He does it because he's convinced that the US dollar is going to collapse someday, and that gold and silver currency is going to be the only thing which retains value.

I like the early years of The Daily Show well enough, but later on I think Stewart lost his way. He seemed to have forgotten that he was an entertainer, and prioritized political commentary above actually being funny. Early on the show was political yes, but it was funny first and foremost.

I would say that generally means humanities majors. Basically anything where it has dubious usefulness in getting a job, such that one might say "well it's fine to study X if you are going to live in your parents' basement...".

Not that I'm aware of. I have wanted a time-based way to filter posts on Reddit many times, but have never found one.

With the caveat that I have eaten very little pasta in the past 20 years, and pasta enthusiasts may disagree, it doesn't taste much different from wheat pasta to me. Pasta's mostly just a vehicle for sauce anyway, right?

No. Emphatically no. Pasta should taste good on its own, even if you eat it without sauce. It's kind of like bread - one doesn't normally eat just a slice of bread by itself, but bread should still taste good even if you do eat it plain.