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User ID: 3102



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User ID: 3102

I would agree thats about how it would play out.

objection to the draft

I don't know anyone, regardless of political opinion, who thinks (in the US) that the Draft is even viable. Everyone would ignore it and the president who implemented it would quickly be found on a lamppost.

I sense, from personal experience, booze and cocaine were the genesis of this one.

yeah but lawfare is a tiresome,public tedious and long running gamble and gives your opponent time to respond and react. A bullet to the head is none of those things.

I mean yeah but all those same powerful people would need to do to kill him is shoot him with a gun.(Not them personally obviously but you get the point) That's 10x easier than the trail playing out and can't be undone or reversed by anyone.

I think the DUI thing is one of many crimes that people would be down for way much punishment for if put to a direct vote. I believe that if you put it to a national vote that the third or fourth time someone got pulled over and blew drunk they were just shot like a dog in the street it would pass with a majority or come very close to passing. I could be totally wrong about that but its just an impression I got people just seem to hate drunk drivers universally regardless of politics.

I see no chance Musk will end up in jail. At the point they would be jailing Musk it would be easier and neater just to liquidate him for a lot of reasons.

seems to apply about as well to a country divided politically along age lines as along gender lines.

I mean if that's the case then the age thing applies as much as the gender thing as far as being a proxy for war goes. A 63+ year-old American man is not going to be any more useful in a war than the average woman.

Don't you think that would negatively damage ones ability to rally?

I would absolutely agree that might be a contributor or even the main cause but optically from a winning the election POV he needs to write the ship.

What I don't understand is, what in the world is the Trump campaign doing?

Trump is visibly breaking down seemingly day by day. His mental state appears to be deteriorating noticeably to the point where even his followers in Twitter are starting to comment on it. Biden dropping out and Harris getting good poll results has apparently broken something inside him

  • -22

This is basically the thread ended right? The imagined scenario doesn't even exist as the gender politics gap hasn't changed and has deceased if anything, age is apparently where the big gap is actually.

That all seems very wacky. Its not immediately clear in that wiki why anyone would want to do all of that.

I can't imagine a circumstance where the Harris government has it out Elon bad enough to extradite him to the UK for hate speech where it doesn't just kill him. Cleaner and easier that way

Nigerian Americans

I don't actually think I have ever met anyone in my life that had anything bad to say about the Nigerian Americans.

Fair, but most of them did not escape and those that did are not even in the zipcode of political power in China right now.


Another counterpoint. Mao is famously one of the few people who can be said to have more or less exterminated an entire country's elite human capital. The tatter remains of those bloodlines never really recovered (they are only 17% or so richer than average)

If we're through the looking glass at this point then literally nothing matters. Run whatever candidate you want and voters will accept just about any narrative about them.

Yeah we are in a post post truth world. Whoever writes the best story wins.

I mean if you at that level of escalation a car bomb seems a bit more elegant doesn't it?

To paraphrase a video essay I'm becoming more and more fond of, 'These people don't realize they're one bad week way from being dragged out into the street and burned at the stake.'

I just watched through that whole thing. It was interesting but I think the author drastically overestimates the number of people that engage with what he is talking about meaningfully.

the elite class in the Western world has taken Bertold Brecht's words to heart. When confronted with unruly and disruptive lower classes it really is simpler for them to dissolve the people and elect another

I wonder if the Chinese elites had similar sentiments before Mao wiped them out.

was a nothing burger

It became nothing burger the second it was revealed the shooter didn't have a political motivation.

why not invade Turkey to secure access to the Mediterranean

Can you imagine what the Russian casualties would look like if they attempted this considering how Ukraine is going for them? This is discounting any outside direct NATO intervention I think just Turkey would have annihilated their expeditionary force to the last man.

There are so many hilarious ways one could read this comment

I can't imagine having to explain any of that to my mom. I would never admit to even knowing who Jim or 90% of the internet intellectuals are under any circumstance. I think Destiny and Sam Sedar is as far as I would go in terms of admitting I know who they are.

Just paying the guys in that Kamala ad to read a random selection of themotte.org comments out loud

No man go the whole hog and pay them to read the Jim's blog comment section.