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User ID: 3102



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User ID: 3102

This discussion and the “hyper online right wing guys are weird” being a few post from each other is great comedy.

It's beyond parody. Sloots post reads like something someone taking the piss would write. Supporting a Child Predator to own the Redditors is deranged.

he's the MAGA successor

He is what certian interest hope could be the MAGA successor. I just don't see it. He is not electric at all and doesn't have the sort of weird Charsma that Trump has. Strangely enough with Trump as a spent force the RNC will find itself in the same boat as the DNC post-Obama. In a bind due to weird circumstances leading to only one person with any Charsma at all being a major player in the party.

The only problem there is that your pool of people who would get that reference is limited to /pol/ and this forum.

the dreaded Jim

Quick aside but how old is Jim do we think? Is there a general best guess? According to something I read somewhere he has been pontificating about how much all the groups of people he hates are bad and responsible for all the problems in the world since at least the mid 1990s. Its insane to me that he may be in his 70s or even 80s and still doing this. If I could find a woman who loves me the way Jim hates women and black people I would be very happy.

There is no way there are even close to enough normies, on either side of the center of the political aisle, that think this is a justifiable shoot to make womp womp a viable response.

believe that American red state whites don’t have lower single motherhood rates than blue state whites

If I remember correctly single parenthood/Marriage rate can be pretty accurately mapped to the income quintile you are in. Looked at over years the two-parent rate of the bottom 2 quintiles plummeted the middle one dropped a slight but not significant amount and the top two are a flat line. I can't fine this chart again but none of this data is surprising, I would imagine income is a way better signifier than tribe for single parent rate.

simply think that this particular right was a bad idea we're stuck with.

I argue the ship on that one saled when the property requirement was done away with. Andrew Jackson and his consequences..........

Oh ok, I misconstrued several things together that I should not have. Yeah, that tracks and makes sense to me. I was confused because I thought you were implying something you were not.

Male normie republicans will, after a drink or two, admit they think women's suffrage was a failed experiment to a friend, in private, about half the time.

Maybe this is a regional thing? I am from the northeast and know more than a few people who have and share with me some, let's call them, charged opinions and even they don't think that. In my experience "women shouldn't have rights" is an opinion that exists solely in the reactionary corners of the internet vs IRL.

I would agree. I would also assert that while a lot of normies are more racially aware than is PC to admit I don't think there is any hidden opposition to women's suffrage in a significant amount of people. (IE I can't imagine <5% of the population seriously think women shouldn't vote) I could be wrong about that but I don't think that I am.

I guess that depends on the group of people your asking. On this website? Probably a bit. Within the general public not at all.

I was voicing my support for your opinion and offering what I thought was a practical example of something like that playing out. Sorry If I was being obtuse.

ultimately they found that their differences were indeed irreconcilable, and left disappointed and/or righteously angry

I mean if someone asserts (insert your demographic) here should be marginalized and stripped of rights for the good of society(read to advance my political agenda) There isn't really to much of a practical point in responding to that in anyway other that "May thy knife chip & shatter"

I think it is probably mostly dudes posting to those weird corners of the internet.

Couldn't be me

either the donations can be kept or not.

Yeah I was under the impression in cases like this any donations or gifts the fraudster has given are clawed back regardless of context.

Imo they get played up in fiction because it's more exciting if the good guys might lose, so people get the impression that it was an evenly matched fight even though it wasn't.

The only good think I could think of to say about the Nazi's plan is that it was less insane than imperial Japan's plan.

Their goal was to make Germany strong and big.

I feel like not enough focus is put on what a horrible plan the Nazis actually had and how extremely unlikely they were to actually win WWII. (and this is discounting the trinity test which reduced the odds of a long-term nazi victory to zero)

non-nuclear ICBM

This would be such a massive waste of money the west would internally consider it a win. Not even the US can afford to use ICBMs in this manner.

Mail-order abortions would not stop if mifepristone became completely unavailable tomorrow.

The government can't even stop people from shipping cocaine though the mail I doubt there is any real impact they are going to have on mail-order any sort of pill regardless of the laws.