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joined 2024 April 10 04:39:31 UTC


User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

Yeah, for this particular case it's hard to even judge because the speed and scale of the fires would make almost any level of preparedness inadequate. (Although the lack of recognition of the looming impossible problem is itself kind of an indictment of the dysfunction. All these gated hill developments went through billions in planning, EIS, and other government processes without catching any of this! It's not like they were just building unregulated shanty towns up there.)

People are pointing out the general dysfunction of the firefighting and water systems, and others are seizing on "ha look, the reservoirs are full so they don't know what they're talking about!!" as the easiest talking point to swing back with.

It's depressing that psychology has so many entrenched schools all trying to fit the evidence into existing universal theories. It really does seem like everyone has a useful piece of the map (except for the guys who built an entire theory of the human mind out of the color print bars and some of the copyright logo).

Are there interdisciplinary efforts out there to reconcile this stuff, or do they not get supported?


All I see is how the individual accounts are treated, and I remind you that antifashionata has had bad faith engagement and been ban evading for, what, half a decade now on various forums? If you're making the comparison for who deserves extreme prejudice, I think he's the clear winner!

Yeah, other than the stale piss smell in some stations I always found the tube nicer than the actual streets.
It's odd, because I don't remember especially strict policing, but people seemed to be on better behavior than usual anyway.

I mean, your answer was "it depends on what you mean," and you confirmed that you do go out of your way to give extra leeway to "heterodox" posters who get "hot under the collar," which obviously seems to include posters like "antifa" and the kind of rude behavior that results from hot-under-the-collarness.

I don't think you're manipulative, and don't have a problem extending mod charity to real minority posters rather than ones that show up to troll and bait; notice it wasn't me complaining about your moderation in that thread--it was 4bpp, and I only jumped in to ask that question because other mods had denied it before.

Most of that is that you moderate without the snarky comments amadan uses to bait out behavior he can ban people for

Also, we now have confirmed cases of arson that the fire department put out, so there's no snide "apparently" about it. Clearly some people jump at the chance to make the world burn when given the opportunity and promoting, even if they wouldn't normally focus their generalized malice enough to carry it out.

It is very low non-white Hispanic and black through, which is probably what he means. (10% and 3% respectively iirc! There goes 47% of all the murders!)

And here I am just trying to get my shitty fiber modem and 10yo router to play together.

So what's v2rayA doing in your setup? Deciding what does to the isp vs VPN? Is there a big advantage of the router doing that rather than individual machines?

I'm still using smb for all my network shares, at least when it's actually working rather than throwing mysterious errors. Been wanting to try some home assistant things for solar and security cameras, as well as set up my own weather station logging.

Is a mini-PC the route you'd go for all that? It'd certainly be nice to give up on purpose-built routers entirely, ngl.

53% Asian in Dublin? That's crazy, I don't remember it being anything like that much.
It's even 42-42 white-Asian in Pleasanton too. Guess I was in a bit of a racial bubble.

That's great! I've only ever used STT for work and travel tracking. Do you have any tips on using it for more, because I struggle to pull my phone out, open the app, and hit the button every time.
Or do you have the timer rigged to the voice recognition too?

accusing us of running cover for leftists,


Literally a quote from naraburns two months ago saying you guys do affirmative action moderation for leftists already. If you know me as well as you claim, you know nothing offends me more than "it's not happening and it's a good thing it is, you're crazy for noticing" tactics.
That's the level of good faith I expect from discussions about moderation here, which I suppose means I'm breaking my rule of not engaging with manipulation attempts

Justawoman and a few others showed up after not posting for a year, right as impassionata made a trolling alt, and instantly jumped into the "discussion" to call for stricter moderation against evil fascist right wingers? That's obviously not a coincidence.

Also I actually had to look through your post history to find the right wing guy you banned, because if it's the one I found you instantly deleted his posts and banned him to prevent discussion, so I didn't ever get to find out about him. I only found it because you left a typical snarky comment ban message! That's how different your reaction is, and if you'd done the same to "antifa" everything would be great!

We do see that in the summers. Right now is when fall rain fills up reservoirs (and the snowpack forms in the mountains), and both this year and last year have had well above average rainfall statewide. It's a bit like saying "battery capacity can't be the problem with my solar system, it's full at 1pm!"

That's not to say that reservoir capacity is hurting firefighting right now, which is a mix of local distribution and storage being a mess (part of what was supposed to be fixed by the bond but wasn't), and this sort of fire being really hard to fight.
The seriously wealthy people whose mansions have their own fire suppression systems and emergency water storage seem to have come out pretty well. Which could mean that a) they over prepared more than was cost-effective, or b) the state massively under prepared to deal with wildfires due to mismanagement.

The loss of fire insurance coverage indicates to me that everyone with a real financial stake in the outcome knew how bad things were and pulled out of the market to avoid the inevitable consequences.

Reservoir capacity is the problem, it doesn't matter how full they are when the infrastructure was built for a population a third this size, and the money promised for expansion vanished into a black hole of environmental studies and other busywork.

You're already playing defense and saying you can't longhouse the users because you don't have the time. The next step is them offering to "help" you with that job, and you'll have to make an awkward excuse why you don't want help with the thing you just said you don't have time to do.

All their little tricks are so clever.

Oh right, I never finished that post about the new WA electrician apprenticeship program requirements. They all need to be licensed by the state now, and the license renewal is explicitly contingent on not training too many white men. The instructions literally say you will lose your license to train electricians if too many of them are white, according to some dei department functionary in the licensing department.
If you look at the list of licensed apprenticeship programs on the state website, they're either not in English, limited to women or non-whites, based in prisons, or managed by women whose bios make it clear that they have no interest in recruiting white men.

Things are worse than most people know.

I've given up trying to hotlink reddit images, which is annoying since they're often in the top of image search results.

The Franco-prussian walkover, which reinforced the European belief that elite troops and violence of action would always trump artillery and fancy guns.

It's anecdotal, but Seattle attempted to solve its "white male firefighter" problem by testing recruits on "memoirs of a transgender firefighter." Applying to this "fire foundry" program requires you to write a Diversity Statement just like applying to the UC system, and we already know how that process works to commit racial employment discrimination.

After so many years of the same pattern repeating over and over in "the unbearable white maleness of X" campaigns, I would need significant evidence to assume something different. And I don't trust that anyone who gleefully supports it isn't trolling.

Has it worked that way in any other "there are too many white men" cases? At all? From air force pilot recruiting to air traffic control recruiting to electricians to engineering students to orchestra players to academic jobs?

The strange thing is they had very accurate forecasts several days ago, and already said they were going to deenergize a huge portion of the LA area. But then it seems like they didn't go through with it?

First reddit link is a nice hat, was it supposed to be the 101st airborne bayoneting southerners?

I don't say that, I say "ban people who are literally only here to disrupt discussion of any topic they consider 'problematic'."

But yes, a bunch of trolls organized by impassionata pouring out of the woodwork all at once? I suggest being liberal with the banhammer, because you're being raided.