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User ID: 3489



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User ID: 3489

You're talking to a different person. But yes, my blackpill take is that they need someone to take the fall for the coming recession, like your pt4 in another post.

Senior Dem and non-profit managers being shocked that their interns actually believe all that stuff has been a running theme for the last decade now. And the city machines are the least vulnerable to activist takeover tactics that originated in colleges and are optimized to take over the college-like environments of modern corps and ngos.

I can see an existential battle between the philly turnout machine boss and the 26yo kamela advisor who, like? hit up Beyonce on tiktok? and ofc she's down with the struggle against like fascism and stuff? and sure she'll help us turn out the youth vote?

Oh, lol no, prices are still retarded. You might be able to get one of the new Intel or AMD ones if you just want to game though. Intel's new gay orc cards are actually pretty good and quite cheap.

Aren't they setting up a vote to ban the AfD and confiscate all the party's assets before the election?

What do you mean?

Same. I've been using some really basic chatgpt web apps to simplify basic research lately, and while it's amazing it seems like a small fraction of its potential. Just being able to feed it vaguely worded tip of my tongue questions and then double checking the answers is incredible.

I've noticed this myself. Actually, I'd like to suspend the rules so someone can do a single-blind test with AI-written posts to see if it's psychosomatic on my part.

That wouldn't go well.
"Unteroberfeldwebel Nybbler, you can either stop kvetching for five minutes, or we start an Eastern front to send you to!"

"... I'll get my bags"

I am lower than a code monkey. I am a code plastic flipflop, worn by America. I just thought it might be one of the features zorba stripped from the /r/drama codebase, like the automatic word replace and such.

Not really. Emergency operations have a very difficult risk tolerance than regular ones, as well as much lower stakes (a handful of guys in a helicopter crash they signed up for vs a passenger plane full of people who didn't)

I went flying in a small plane in San Francisco recently, and it was freaky how close they let us get to jets full of hundreds of people just because the pilot had some sort of instrument rating. Multiply engine/control/pilot failure in small aircraft by the number of SFO passenger-flights a day, and you get a much higher expected fatality rate than a few weeks of letting people fly supplies into small towns.

Ugh, that sounds even more awkward. Maybe I'll stick to an external poll and see how many people bother to respond. Thanks for the idea though: it's amazing the stuff people come up with to get around crap UIs.

The really funny part is they're still trying to blame motters for their own terrorists. Remember this guy? https://old.reddit.com/r/bayarea/comments/1id8pd7/string_of_recent_killings_linked_to_bay_area/m9xjb5h/

The dedication to realty-warping spin is incredible.

Wow, that was thoroughly researched. If that's what counts as thrown together for you, I'd love to see what you write when you've got time on your hands.

You're going to have to clarify that a lot, because using short quotes from AI is normal, just like quoting from Wikipedia.
The rule would have to be something like "posts must meet effort standards without the generated content"

That niche group appears to be running much of the federal government regardless of election results, which should interest people. If that's the case it doesn't much matter who's running the parties.

I'll try and find him. Remember him from the "parade tragedy caused by an SUV" article naming controversy or similar event, but most of those have multiple archived talk pages

That was my thought too. The Chinese optimized with Nvidia's hardware-specific PTX instruction set architecture, which ties them even closer as the sole manufacturer.
If they'd done it by using clusters of Intel Sparkle Twink cards or whatever they're calling the new gen, I could see Nvidia taking a hit from it, but this is exactly the opposite.

"Lilith's apple" might be more appropriate statistically

It does use 10x as much nuclear material though, and the centrifuging is already a limiting factor in how detectable your operation is. Not sure how that compares to breeding small amounts of plutonium though.

The one highlighted in the grant link.

Anyone buying the dip on Nvidia? It's looking more and more like they're going to be the only manufacturer of high end gpus for ai use. It's hard to tell if they're overvalued or undervalued, but this particular panic drop seems retarded.

I just threw in 5k for funnies.

(Edit: up 3% so far lol)

A lot of them have a J2 as reddit mods or Wikipedia admins, but you'd have to really work building up a posting history vs their work hours to nail them for that.

There's a guy with a masters in Recreation Sociology who works for the park service (from DC of course), and spends his entire workday in political struggles on Wikipedia. This is exactly the sort you want to get rid of, but none of this policy seems set up to get him.

Is there any ways to do polls on the motte? I'd really like to do a survey on what people are using and paying for winter heating. Don't know about anyone else, but I hate when people link to external poll sites and never reply.

You know, I thought this about the tech layoffs that tried the same tactic, and those didn't seem to turn out disastrously?
It's strange because the incentives seem terrible, but if you pair it with a credible threat of "quit now or you will be hunted down and fired with all your benefits stripped," it could selectively get rid of the laziest traitors who'd provide cover for the really dedicated subversives you're interested in rooting out.

Unfortunately it probably also selects for the 64 year old guys who were the only ones keeping everything running, and are all going to retire at once

22LR or steel/aluminum cased, since those can't be reused

Ask Russian woodsmen about that one. You'd have to be pretty poor and desperate though.