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User ID: 2884



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User ID: 2884

It was on the RSP sub that I saw it lol


This is the second place in the last 5 minutes on two different websites that somebody has talked about Houllebecq. So hot right now.

Well at least my experience was that my wife and I loved having kids so much, that we wanted to have more. Thus: 4 under 5.

Maybe I’m just in a different phase of it then. I said above but I have 4 kids under the age of 5.

One of them is teething and having a sleep regression, and she wakes up at night quite a bit.

We recently all got norovirus from an indoor playground we went to.

We also recently took a trip to Oregon. Travel is’harder with that many kids.

Finding a babysitter for that many kids at that age is difficult.

I don’t know I guess if somebody tells me that having kids wasn’t difficult, I wonder if we just mean different things. Most meaningful things are difficult.

I have four kids under the age of 5. Maybe I phrased what I meant wrong.

My general point is that the things people who are afraid of having kids worry about end up being irrelevant once the kids are here.

How many do you have?

He was brilliant at reddit and twitter, but he looks like a clown on stream.

He literally covered himself in bandaids, put on a fake cast, and played a "flatline" sound effect in the background. If he looks like a clown, I think that was on purpose.

I just watched a bunch of her instagram videos. Thank you! She is hilarious!

Friends I cannot stress this enough: have kids.

People talk about loss of meaning and loss of rigid rites of passage that take you from being a child to being a man.

It's kids. It's always been kids.

Having kids is really hard (I apparently phrased this poorly since people are responding to it as if I am saying the opposite. My point is that you will find that the following things are the things you end of loving, and you will find the idea that these should ever have prevented you from having kids to be childish): your house will constantly be a filthy mess. They will keep you from sleeping, they will make it impossible to go out to dinner or to go to parties, and they make travel really difficult. Any of the dreams of adventure that you had before you had kids will be pushed back by 10 years.

And NONE of that will matter once you have them. You'll find the idea that you ever cared about any of this stuff laughable.

My position is to not go on a podcast and make ridiculous proclamations about “intelligence”.

Intuitively it doesn’t seem like my dogs, for instance, have the same sort of reasoning or creative ability that my toddlers do.

And it definitely does not seem like a trillion monkeys do either.

But anyways, enough about how human speech works.

That is not how human speech works.

Intelligence is complicated

Indeed. “Is this thing intelligent” is probably the question, maybe a question that will never be answered. The Christians would say that this is because machines do not have souls and I agree with them.

Is there somewhere I can read more background on this guy? I'm seeing lots of memetic breathlessness on twitter as if he is a Person That Matters, but...I don't get it. He appears to be gay-coded and extremely high verbal intelligence, but I don't see much substance to any of what he is saying. It reminds me a lot of various cryptocurrency gurus. The outfit, the coifed hair, the speaking as if what he is saying is somehow extremely complex but he is Here to Explain It For You.

He seems like a skinny Charles Hoskinson.

Also I want to register my extreme doubts about where Ai is going or if "AGI" is coming. Current Ai as I use it (daily) seems very good at information retrieval, which it then brute forces into something which looks a lot like human speech, but there is no intelligence there. It's a trillion monkeys typing at a trillion typewriters all at the same time, and then the machine reads all of their outputs (quickly) and finds one which looks like it matches your input.

It's really cool, but getting more monkeys at more typewriters doesn't produce intelligence.

AI is a philosophical zombie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophical_zombie?useskin=vector

At some point people pretending that it is anything other than this just come across as stupid, especially when they try to dress up what they're saying.

I wish everybody could see what the life of a university student looks like right now.

The dorms have morphed into all inclusive luxury apartments. “Student loans” are spent on food delivery, and fast casual restaurants like chipotle.

Go visit a college town and look at the apartments and the restaurants and everything around it. It’s unsettling.

A university should be surrounded by dive bars. Dorms should continue their long tradition of being just barely habitable, and students should have jobs that they use to pay for their tuition. Anybody who can do basic math saw that as the availability of money increased (unsecured student loans), the cost rose to meet it. There is no gating function on university cost. It will continue to go up until it either reaches infinity, or until we stop giving unsecured loans to children to pass on to these massive multi billion dollar institutions.

“Forgiving” these loans is insane. We’ve robbed billions and billions of dollars from the American people and given it to a small minority of elite wealthy children and massive real estate investment firms which also happen to teach a few worthless classes.

As I remember from the bcash fork back in the day, you should basically just have a wallet which works on both the bitcoin and bcash chains.

Like if you import your private key into a modern client that supports bcash, you should just see a balance there that you can move to an exchange and sell.

I'm saying they taste the same, but they're easier to crack, and I don't have to wash them.

Yes the costco 60 pack.

My chickens free range on my entire property, and their feed is just normal feed from the fleet store. Most of my family have flocks, though, so we might have to set up a taste test at our next family reunion!

they're harder to crack and wash shit off of

EXACTLY this. This is the exact reason why.

Some food things:

Microwave potatoes. Take a potato, rinse it off, nuke it for 5 minutes.

Cut it apart, add a ton of butter and cheese and jalapeños. It’s really good.

Take the traeger pill. Brisky: salt and pepper (more pepper than you think, but also more salt than you think). In the smoker at 225 until it hits like 170F internal. Wrap in pink butcher paper, keep going until 203F internal. DO NOT take it out before this. Keep it in the butcher paper and either put it in the oven on warm, or into a cooler for 4 hours AT LEAST. The second part, referred to as a "rest", is required. People skip this step, and their brisket sucks as a result. You HAVE to rest it just like you have to actually cook it. Also: trim it if you are a commercial smokehouse and making sausage, or trim it if you really want to dial in the texture profile of every bite or make sure that customers are getting a consistent bark/fat/meat ratio. If you are a backyard BBQist, then it doesn't really matter if you mess up the trim. Trimming is fine, but do not sweat the trim.

Delight your friends and horrify your cardiologist.

Picanha: sous vide it at 129F overnight. Cut off steaks and fry them and eat them with cut up fresh jalapeños (the hotter the better) and more salt than you think. Don’t tell anybody because Picanha used to be cheap and it’s going up in price as it gets more popular.

Raw Milk: I hate to admit this but it tastes better. A LOT better. I hate admitting this because as a backyard chicken keeper, I also have to admit that store bought eggs are better than backyard eggs, and taste absolutely no different and I would challenge anybody to prove me wrong on this.

It is part of the jury instructions (at least as reported by AP), and the modifier (doing it as part of a campaign finance violation) was one pathway towards treating this as a felony.

The most relevant point is made in several places and deserves its own discussion:

Trump is accused of using personal money for a campaign purpose.

  • His lawyer paid a hooker to sign an NDA, and when Trump reimbursed him it was marked this as a legal expense.

  • The accusation is that this is a campaign finance violation because this benefited his campaign and therefore should have been marked as such.

However, it is not illegal to pay somebody to sign an NDA. Suppose Trump had done what the NY state prosecutor is implying he should have done, which would be to use campaign funds to pay off this hooker.

Would it be better? That seems unlikely.

The regime sees Trump as illegitimate. Because of this any political action he takes is illegitimate.

I now firmly believe there was active vote alteration (before i thought it was limited to an unfair process)

What changed your mind?

No, because they can't say what the crime was. We don't convict people on "vibes", or at least we aren't supposed to.

In the worst case, you could have 8 people, a majority, thinking that he was innocent of the modifier. This should nullify it.

There was some absolute fuckery involved in the jury instructions in my opinion. I'm curious for some of the lawyers who post here to weigh in. As I understand it:

In order for there to be a felony conviction in NY, there has to be a modifier to the "falsifying business records" charge. So you have to falsify business records in pursuit of another crime.

There were three possible modifiers here for Trump to go from a misdemeanor charge to a felony.

  • falsifying other business records
  • breaking the Federal Election Campaign Act
  • submitting false information on a tax return

The slimy part (from my understanding) is that the judge said that they didn't actually have to agree on which of these modifiers he committed. You just had to get 12 people to agree that he had done something. So you could do 4, 4, and 4 all voting on each of the 3 options, with a majority disagreeing that he was actually guilty of the modifier.

Wild stuff.

AP seems to keep updating this page, which is very annoying, but it does explain the jury instructions: https://apnews.com/live/trump-trial-jury-deliberations-updates#0000018f-c551-d5ca-abff-d5fda72d0000

Interestingly, they say this is "fact check: false", and then go on to explain exactly what it is true, lol.

Yes. But that is not what OpenAI did. They hired a completely different real human being a trained an AI model on her voice.

no one will miss FSD

FSD drives me door to door on almost every trip I take. I think a lot of people would miss it. Probably all the people who think it’s worth $200/mo would, and even the people paying $100/mo would too.


But also: Eric Prince is certainly not a dumb person.