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User ID: 2884



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User ID: 2884

How many Catholic Churches were burned in Canada in the last 4 years?

I'm honestly getting sick of hearing the word 'antisemitic' as if this is some major moral standard that matters. It is honestly starting to make me...anti-semitic.

I'm a Catholic. If I were to imagine s/anti-semitism/anti-Catholicism/ for all of these things I keep hearing from official government sources, or from the news media (but I repeat myself, hey, oh!) it would just make me laugh. Imagine Karine Jean Pierre starting off her daily press briefing by talking about the "concerning rise of Anti-Catholic sentiment in The United States" or how "Anti Catholicism is never acceptable" or can you imagine the congress passing a law condeming "anti Catholicism" or changing some educational standard to make it so that public schools were required to teach students that Mary was born without original sin?

You know something funny happening in my neighborhood: there is some kind of Jewish center here for students. Since October 7th[1], there has been a police officer posted outside of this building every day, seemingly 24 hours a day. And yet, my house, 2 blocks away, routinely has things stolen from the yard, has had people attempt to break into it, etc. My Church, a few blocks away again from this Jewish student center, has had to put up a large fence, and get our own security to watch over things during mass. What the hell is going on here?

This stuff is ridiculous to me. Yes, don't hate the Jews for being Jewish, but also...you can absolutely criticize anybody for anything; this is America. This is one of our founding ideas.

[1]: I hate having to constantly say this, but October 7th was probably the most horrific thing I have ever seen. Just maximally horrible and brutal. I get why the Israelis want revenge for this. I just don't think I should have anything to do with it, and don't think I should be funding it.

A response to this I've seen that I think cuts into some of the absurdity of this is:

So you understand why we don't want random men in the girl's bathroom, then?

Something that I think is also lost here, is that men also view other men as predators. A lot of chivalrous behavior (the type of behavior that radical feminists fought so hard against) was specifically designed to minimize the risk that men pose to women.

Walking a woman to her car at night is so that a good man can protect a woman from the bad men.

Encouraging women not to go out at night alone is because men realize that there are predatory men that they might encounter, and realize that this is dangerous for them.

On the mask thing: I think some of these people are doing it for the aesthetics. They really want to play the part of a scrappy revolutionary who has to hide their face from the cops. I actually think this whole thing is based around that. It's like a type of adventure tourism.

I had a guy walk past my house the other day on his way to one of these, and I asked him what he was doing (he was wearing a mask, which is an odd thing around here). He sounded almost scared at the question "...going...to...the....protest". He just seemed really nervous, almost like he had stage fright.

How can you separate "just hating on them incredibly uncharitably" from simply noticing the stupidity of their arguments?

Both are obviously intelligent people

Are they? I've listened to an uncomfortable amount of Richard Spencer speaking, and haven't been able to avoid almost as much Andrew Tate (and this is often stuff he curates himself!). I'm not blindly "hating" them. What Spencer is doing here is just historically and philosophically illiterate, and it does seem comparable to what other very online people like Andrew Tate sell.

The culture that these people all seem to want to “R E T V R N” to is pretty explicitly not just Christian, but Catholic, isn’t it?

The idea they are supposedly criticizing, that human beings have dignity, is not a “slave mentality”, it is the foundational idea behind ending the standard where the vast majority of humans were subjects of their King. Christianity is a liberating ideology at its very core.

Of all the dumb, grifting things that people like Richard Spencer have said, this is perhaps one of the dumbest. This puts him into the same category as people like Andrew Tate; just absolute luke warm IQ people who would be working some low intelligence job if it were not for social media.

The idea that people have duties and obligations to their nation was considered so normal you could mistake it for the air we breathe until, like, yesterday.

Yeah right around the time that countries decided that they no longer had duties and obligations to their own citizens. The sword cuts both ways here.

Just to use my own country as an example: if we can get back to being self respecting unabashed hardcore nationalists (you know: the standard since the beginning of time), then I can understand a duty to that nation.

If another country issues these guys passports and baptizes them as citizens, would that be a route around this?

This one hits close to home. I have a Ukrainian friend here with his wife. He left because he doesn't want to die in a ditch. He's a nice, young guy (about my age). Last week I had a discussion with him encouraging him to have kids.

The idea that he could get pulled back to his country to go die, especially the idea that our government would help with this, is horrific to me.

Maybe an option would be: cross the Mexican border, come back as a "refugee" without a passport?

Bitcoin has not been slow, nor has it had high transaction fees, for quite some time now. If you want you make a payment in Bitcoin you use something called an L2, or a layer 2, (an example is called lightning).

This is fast and with negligible transaction fees. Bitcoin L1 is still used as a final settlement layer.

This is mostly transparent to the end user, btw. The interaction is “pay Alice”, and the underlying technology is as opaque to the user as TCP, or various caches and proxies are to a person posting on this forum.

Am I just overly normy and lame for thinking that Skyrim and GTA5 are both absolutely fantastic games? Whenever this topic of video games comes up, I always feel like I'm missing something.

Arab Christians also say “inshallah”, for what it’s worth. As somebody who has used this term ironically: yes I am making fun of Muslims (which I think is a corny death cult) and also tongue in cheek advocating for fundamentalist Christianity.

Also FWIW: far left libs are beginning to turn on Muslims. Specifically because it means that they’re probably going to lose Michigan as a democrat stronghold.

Biden refers to himself as this; yes presumably to try and create an image of somebody with humble roots.

I'm not sure. There definitely does seem to be a thread of "we aim to radically alter society", and this case that society is a Christian one.

He could have just said nothing. “Transgender day of visibility” is about as relevant as national pancake day. If national pancake day fell on Christmas, or maybe Labor Day or Memorial Day or something, it seems likely that Scranton Joe would simply say nothing about it

I don’t think these things are actually as benign as some are suggesting. Somebody with the power to speak on behalf of the president made this decision; they haven’t been fired, there has been no apology.

Perhaps there should be a national “draw Muhammad day” that coincides with the beginning of Ramadan. Would it be considered benign if president Trump sent out a statement (regardless of if he typed it himself or not) wishing everybody a happy draw Muhammad day?

Draw Muhammad day would actually be aligned with American values. Maybe this should be a new 4th of July tradition that the president celebrates? Presumably tolerant liberals would just call this a “coincidence”.

Can somebody steelman a buyers agent for me? They are paid as a percentage of the total cost of the sale, so aren't they incentivized to negotiate against their purported clients?

No the answer is to stop gate keeping drugs by requiring a doctor to write a prescription for all of them.

This is basically what Andrew Tate did. Post a bunch of controversial things that appeal to young guys on youtube, claim that this is some sort of secret information "they" don't want you to know, then sell coaching classes.

It worked out really well for the tate guys. IMO this is a blatant (and common) scam.

What door has been locked? We also permabanned people over on the subreddit.

Every post on /r/themotte is locked for comments and nobody can post anything new. That's the door that has been locked.

I would be a lot less frustrated over this if the group here hadn't done the following:

  1. Allow a community of like minded people to congregate on /r/themotte

  2. Encourage those people to leave

  3. Lock the door behind them once they do

Maybe you don't like hylnka, but a lot of people did. The whole pitch on moving everybody here was that we could avoid the overbearing influence of reddit admins, but now we just have...you guys.

Hylnka was a dick, and banned me at least once on themotte...but as I have pointed out before: you guys (specifically you, cjet) over way overtending this garden. Most of the discussion here just sounds like (and I suspect heavily is) chatbots talking back and forth to one another. Many have pointed out that a version of a captcha for chatbots is if they are willing to say naughty words or not. What you're basically doing with this ban is saying "you have to sound like a chatbot in order to post here". I think this is a bad idea.

Here's a suggestion for how to improve themotte and course correct it: give us something like "showdead" on hacker news. Give me the option in my userprofile to have a non mod curated experience where I can see naughty posts and interact with them. People who want the more curated experience can untick this "show naughty" option, and never have to see it. I don’t think you will do this since it takes the power of being a mod away (although keeps the practical purpose), but it would be appreciated.

I don't want to dox her further, but: her dad is a relatively well known evangelical protestant christian person. He was popular in the 2005 era internet atheism wars (as a person trying to pwn atheists with facts and logic [about the bible]).

Does anybody remember Stoya? She was another pornstar who tried to do the “not like the other grills” schtick, but I don’t think it worked.

So how many of you were at Aella’s birthday party?

I wonder if polygamists have fewer children because they aren’t very likeable? Many of my polygamist/polyamorist/swinger/ethical nonmonogamist/very enlightened friends routinely post online about how awkward they are and how they hate flirting and want to just get straight to the sex (le heckin’ sexy timerinos, natch).

This mentality, as well as the idea of explicitly rejecting the concept of pair bonding, seems like anti social cope to me.

To steal man it: polies recognize that a lot of what we consider normal human interaction isn’t very enjoyable to them, and they reject it. As long as they stay inside of their ingroups, they believe this will work out well for them.

As others have pointed out: it is definitely causing some /priors updating/ that anybody takes this data even remotely seriously. This would be like polling a bunch of redditors about religion and then reporting on it as if this was a meaningful sample.

Come and poll my church and see if the people who self report as cheating on their wives are more happy in their marriage or not.

Actually in this show! Later in the series the same character tries to take on like 3-4 guys at once and gets beaten pretty badly.

Issa Lopez is a telenovella writer. She just (obviously) doesn’t have the skills to take on a show like this.

Hiding behind “that’s sexist!” makes the problem of sexism worse, since it means we are to believe that this is what a top tier female writer is capable of producing.

I think something that needs to happen for stories like this to be taken seriously is that they need to be more realistic about the shortcomings of the characters. For instance: one of the opening scenes is a female cop absolutely [wo]man-handling a guy twice her size. This scene plays a lot better if she tries to [wo]man-handle this guy, and gets the shit beaten out of her for it. It establishes this character as arrogant (which she is) and humanizes her. We should see multiple instances of these two lady-cops being unable physically interact with the criminals they are supposed to be policing. Maybe at some point they can play this to their advantage somehow.

There is also a weird culture war happening right now where suicide is being presented as hip and cool. This is a serious problem. I have a teenage niece who has had multiple friends kill themselves. This is obviously happening in Canada with the bizarre commercials for their suicide program, and then the end of this show one of the main characters killing herself (seemingly out of nowhere) as a means of "closure" or something? Ridiculous and actually bad for society.