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User ID: 2884



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User ID: 2884

Russia and China have already been exploiting Bidens mental and political state (related to each other) for the last 3 years. Trump is right that Putin almost certainly wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine if he had still been in office.

If Xi wants to do it, this is going yo be one of his best shots at it for a while. Not only because the leader of our military goes into sundown at 4:00pm, but because he has lost the support of his people.

It’s really funny to me that the only reason that the 25th amendment is even in the popular discourse is because the left wouldn’t stop talking about using it to remove Trump.

The current situation with Biden is exactly why this exists. He seems incapable of doing the job.

I will never ever ever forgive the people who got The Expanse character Alex killed off because the actor who played him had the audacity to sleep with some woman at a convention who was attracted to him.

Good. The more rapidly these people get woken up the better. Maybe we’ll get some good art out of it.

Trump did not try to have Pence declare him the winner.

John Eastman may have suggested to Pence that he had the authority to do this (although as far as I can tell this is hearsay), but the plan was to have Pence reject some of the electoral slates, and force a debate within the house over the merits of the fraud claims.

It has been nearly FOUR YEARS since this happened. The evidence for this is well documented, and the plan has internal coherence.

Please just spend a few minutes reading about this and try to read it with the context that the people involved aren’t stupid, and their plan wasn’t lifted from a children’s cartoon.

Biden is an extremely arrogant, compulsive liar. He probably does genuinely think that he is saving democracy, that he is the only person who can beat Trump, that he has some unique geopolitical insight, etc.

Here's a clip from 1988 where Biden is basically just making shit up about his academic credentials and achievements on the fly, as a way to make some guy at a campaign stop look stupid: https://youtube.com/watch?v=D1j0FS0Z6ho

Here's a list of a bunch of things he plagarized, https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/trump-campaign-press-release-copy-that-joe-bidens-long-record-plagiarism

There's also the recent amtrack lie.

He's a narcissist. He thinks he's the smartest guy in the room, thinks he's playing some complex manipulation game, and just makes random shit up all the time. Funnily enough, this is exactly what his compatriots accuse Trump of.

The actual evacuation of Congress during the process was another, and you can't possibly call that lawfare.

Trump had literally nothing to do with that.

You can go both ways. My tax deductions are an attempt to topple the united states government by depriving them of necessary capital to fund the work they are doing.

Driving to the grocery store in my ICE vehicle is an attempt to melt the polar ice caps and flood the coastal cities and cause massive deaths.

Golf is me trying to kill all of the bald eagles by hitting them with golf balls.


Donald Trump tried to seize power

Can we please stop with this? This type of claim is just absurdly bad faith.

Trump attempted to use some esoteric lawfare to force a debate about the merits of election interference claims.

Here’s a clip of Joe Biden making the exact point Trump did last night regarding Roe V Wade: https://x.com/cremieuxrecueil/status/1806541264776565119

I want people to also internalize that Biden has been at Camp David for the last week preparing for this. He has access to unlimited resources from the most powerful empire that has ever existed. Doctors, psychologists, linguists, actors (to pretend they’re Trump) etc.

These people know that if they lose this, they might lose power and some of them might end up in prison.

And THIS is what they were able to present us with.

Joe Biden is supposed to be the leader and chief executive of the country and commander in chief of our military, and he can’t muster the mental power to have a 90 minute discussion with preset questions, controlled microphones, timed responses, and friendly moderators. There are multiple substantial geopolitical crisis happening all over the world, and it’s his job to lead the team solving them.

This is a problem.

Can they come after the new entity once he starts that one up?

Because you haven’t experienced it, you cannot understand the depth of purpose and meaning that children will give your life. Almost every parent is telling you that you’ll get it when the kids are here, and that it’s impossible to explain in words. They’re all saying that because it’s right.

I used to be really into the party/burning man scene and psychonauts would always explain that they couldn’t explain a DMT trip to me. It was just outside of anything I could understand and I would have to see it for myself.

Kids are like that. I can tell you it’s great, but I can’t really explain why. You have to see it yourself.

Both of these things are irrelevant. I see my children as a physical manifestation of the love that my wife and I have for one another, as well as a sort of hopeful proclamation about the future.

This one confuses me. His point seems entirely valid. The last line:

Who am I gonna believe? A rich professional involved with finance, or someone involved in treating sex disorders? Of course, the rich person. No one smart would work in a profession interested in helping people, that doesn't pay.

Seems a little like a non-sequitar. Is that the problem? Japan does produce absolutely bizarre pornography, and supposing that there is a link between this and fertility seems completely reasonable.

  1. Japan as a country seems particularly addicted to porn

  2. The porn that Japanese porn users tend to use is particularly detached from things which would (or even could, legally) happen in real life.

  3. This seems like it could have an effect on Japanese sexual mores

  4. Which seems like it could have an effect on fertility

  5. Japan has a notably low fertility rate

This seems absolutely reasonable, and to say it in a silly way seems completely reasonable in the Friday Fun Thread.

It was on the RSP sub that I saw it lol


This is the second place in the last 5 minutes on two different websites that somebody has talked about Houllebecq. So hot right now.

Well at least my experience was that my wife and I loved having kids so much, that we wanted to have more. Thus: 4 under 5.

Maybe I’m just in a different phase of it then. I said above but I have 4 kids under the age of 5.

One of them is teething and having a sleep regression, and she wakes up at night quite a bit.

We recently all got norovirus from an indoor playground we went to.

We also recently took a trip to Oregon. Travel is’harder with that many kids.

Finding a babysitter for that many kids at that age is difficult.

I don’t know I guess if somebody tells me that having kids wasn’t difficult, I wonder if we just mean different things. Most meaningful things are difficult.

I have four kids under the age of 5. Maybe I phrased what I meant wrong.

My general point is that the things people who are afraid of having kids worry about end up being irrelevant once the kids are here.

How many do you have?

He was brilliant at reddit and twitter, but he looks like a clown on stream.

He literally covered himself in bandaids, put on a fake cast, and played a "flatline" sound effect in the background. If he looks like a clown, I think that was on purpose.

I just watched a bunch of her instagram videos. Thank you! She is hilarious!

Friends I cannot stress this enough: have kids.

People talk about loss of meaning and loss of rigid rites of passage that take you from being a child to being a man.

It's kids. It's always been kids.

Having kids is really hard (I apparently phrased this poorly since people are responding to it as if I am saying the opposite. My point is that you will find that the following things are the things you end of loving, and you will find the idea that these should ever have prevented you from having kids to be childish): your house will constantly be a filthy mess. They will keep you from sleeping, they will make it impossible to go out to dinner or to go to parties, and they make travel really difficult. Any of the dreams of adventure that you had before you had kids will be pushed back by 10 years.

And NONE of that will matter once you have them. You'll find the idea that you ever cared about any of this stuff laughable.

My position is to not go on a podcast and make ridiculous proclamations about “intelligence”.

Intuitively it doesn’t seem like my dogs, for instance, have the same sort of reasoning or creative ability that my toddlers do.

And it definitely does not seem like a trillion monkeys do either.

But anyways, enough about how human speech works.

That is not how human speech works.

Intelligence is complicated

Indeed. “Is this thing intelligent” is probably the question, maybe a question that will never be answered. The Christians would say that this is because machines do not have souls and I agree with them.