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User ID: 2884



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User ID: 2884

She was subpoenaed by congress. Bannon is currently in prison for not answering their questions.

I’m really getting sick and tired of this “under investigation can’t comment” excuse. Seemingly everything is under investigation at all times.

Here’s a video of him trying to get into an SUV and needing a lot more help than normal:


This was last weds when he disappeared for “covid”.

Maybe not the dead Biden thing, but the palace coup thing.

This one makes at least some sense.

Kamala at one point says: “joe we’re so happy to have you on the recor….on the call. It is just so good to hear your voice”

Does this not strike anybody else as a pretty odd thing to say?

Imagine this was another country. Putin disappears due to some illness, and a few days later announces that he is withdrawing himself from politics, but he does this by posting a jpeg to Facebook, then nobody hears from him for a full day, and what we finally get is him calling into his replacements press event with what could easily have been some prerecorded audio.

I mean…what the hell? Why not have Jill call in at least?

I don’t think he could make an announcement like that via WH.gov.

It does seem very odd to me that he announced this in twitter or all places.

I don’t like it when the libs do stuff like this or rioting because it violates my principles.

But the underlying reason why is don’t like having my principles violated on a large scale like this is because where my principles used to be the default societal principles, it signals that they aren’t anymore.

I don’t like seeing buildings burned partially because I don’t like the buildings burning, but also because I don’t want the live in a society where building burning has become a necessary part of participating in the society.

So when the libs were cancelling people for the okay symbol 4 years ago, the feeling we were all feeling was dread at watching the society change. But now here we are.

A similar thing will happen when the democrats have their way and “pack” the Supreme Court. The republicans will be forced to pack it back, and so on and so forth until it’s destroyed.

Okay fair point that there should probably be some people that can blend into the crowd.

But the people literally walking around the President as actual literal meat shields should actually be the hulking beasts I'm talking about.

They’ll just say he wants to be a bridge to the next generation and that he’s dropping out to do that.

He made statements in that direction during the campaign. It doesn’t matter what he’s said in the meantime. The media will just go with it.

Sounds like there won’t be very many female USSS agents.

They get around $3B a year, which is about the same as the military if New Zealand.

JUST for presidential/former president protection their budget is about a billion and a half dollars.

Yes that’s not literally unlimited, but it is functionally unlimited, and is also more than they even asked for, which would seem to suggest that it may be literally unlimited as well.

That should be more than adequate to keep a kid from crawling up on top of a roof 130 yards from Trump and shooting at him.


They have unlimited funding and a license to do whatever they want like close down all the roads, jam cell phones, etc.

Tough tiddies Trump is difficult to guard. Figure it out.

I think this is exactly it. No conspiracy, just a person who was slightly past not caring.

It’s because the service became looked at the same way special forces is: it’s a trophy that can be used to open doors to other jobs, or bragging rights.

So it becomes something that needs to be equally distributed. That’s why you have a woman running it talking about increasing the number of women she hires, and then the embarrass videos from last Saturday.

USSS members should be 6’5” terrifying meat shields with guns. Yes Brienne of Tarth, no to Caroline Ellison.

For many people (I imagine there is a large overlap with Bidens base) Covid is still as big of a deal as it was 3 years ago. They still post on social media about their Covid test results and have people respond about how they’re going to be okay and checking if they need anything etc. They still isolate themselves and talk about how they won’t go out until some number of negative tests etc.

I think Biden is going to use this as an excuse to drop out and still maintain some shred of dignity. To many of his voters, Covid was Trumps fault and I think to them this may play almost as something Trump is doing to Biden.

For sure it's #1. One of his breakout movies was School of Rock, which made it pretty obvious that he dreams of being a rockstar. Tenacious D allowed him to live out that fantasy.

If somebody said “well this is why we want stronger gun restrictions!” I’d sympathize with them (but disagree). I’ve even seen people wondering out loud if this would cause Trump to change his stance on gun control at all.

That’s all different than “I wish my political enemy had been assassinated…to protect democracy.”

What is the correct position for somebody who is pro democracy but doesn’t think that people who disagree with him should be allowed to vote?

It’s just an incoherent question along the lines of “can god microwave a burrito so hot that even he cannot lift it?”

The correct position is to realize that “Trump is trying to end democracy by getting more votes than his opponent by appealing to more voters by suggesting policies that provide material improvements to their lives and the lives of their children” is an absurd one.

Trump is not a “threat to democracy”. This is why there is no coherence to be found among the supporting or downstream arguments around that.

Hold on a second. The attacker in that case had spent years and years living in a Berkeley polyamory cult doing drugs in a shitted out bus in somebody’s yard.

If he ended up schizophrenic and convinced he was helping Donald Trump somehow, it was basically a direct result of democratic politics, and is exactly the type of thing that “MAGA” is fighting against.

The reason people were critical of/making fun of the Pelosis was that this was their own schizophrenic chickens coming home to roost. I also didn’t see any sort of wishing that he had succeeded, just a lot of sort of “you eat what you grow” sort of things.

Likely so that he could vote in the republican primary.

Party registration means essentially nothing at this point. I change my party affiliation almost every election season.

This was one of the worst. I’m on mobile so wasnt able to add anything to my archives sadly.

Somebody get going archiving these absurd CNN headlines about “popping sounds.”

How is nobody behind him dead?

Well yes there is a difference. Some random person screaming “kill all white men” and an army of armed militants who have spent the last 3 years going door to door executing white men screaming “kill all white men” while they do it are very different things.