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User ID: 2884



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User ID: 2884

It’s also a believable story for a coming of age story. My wife and I both read his book, and had to ask ourselves if that story was really in it or not.

This is exactly what happened in Canada during the trucker protests, and to some degree what has been happening to American conservatives since Trump was elected.

While memes aren’t explicitly illegal in the US yet, we have thrown at least one meme artist in prison: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglass_Mackey

I suspect that one of the reasons that the right isn’t memeing as well as they were in 2016 is because of this.

I also wonder if the person who started the JD Vance couch meme will go to prison or not (I doubt it).

Is there a way to ask this legitimately though?

I’m actually just curious if the undertone isn’t coming through in translation. It seems totally reasonable that a non native English speaker would interpret what Trump is saying here literally and not understand the implied meaning.

It’s: submit to us our your opponents will mutilate and sexually abuse your children.

For parents, this is an extremely compelling argument.

Is English your first language?

That very clearly reads as him attacking her for choosing what group to identify with based on convenience.

Oh other than the 1 hour absolutely hostile interview he did with 2 people who despise him and a crowd of people who probably despise him?

That's a big deal, and that is the exact type of thing I would like to see Harris do.

I really wonder if your random normie dem voter is actually familiar with the depravity on display on LoTT all the time.

I doubt my Dad knows who the clothing thief guy is.

The people criticizing Vance wanted Nikki Haley.

The reaction to JD Vance has been hilarious to me. There was a clip from some speech that Tucker Carlson was giving during the convention and he said (paraphrasing): "Here's you know how JD Vance is one of the good guys: all the bad guys in Washington DC, who want to keep you in permanent wars, that want to ship your jobs overseas, and that hate you, your children, and your way of life, those people all hate JD Vance. They're furious that he's anywhere near power."

Tucker Carlson...I don't know, but the reaction to JD Vance from all of the worst people that I see on twitter/reddit/etc. does seem to match up with this. This joke (very mean spirited, be warned) from twitter sums it up pretty well: https://x.com/grandoldmemes/status/1817666334823518436

Mainstream republican votes don't think JD Vance is "weird", they would look at you like a weirdo if you ever made a joke about JD Vance and couches, they certainly don't think that JD Vance should be inspecting the wares of every single vendor at every single gun show he has ever attended and doing background checks on all of them before being in the same building, etc.

They like JD Vance. The reaction validates him to me.

Because it works. “Donald Trump will end democracy” or “Donald Trump will make woman’s healthcare illegal” is something I hear almost verbatim from my lib friends.

You see her walk to the counter, get some hot pads, then walk to the stove and get something, then take it to the sink and turn on the water.

When she starts cowering down when the cop points his gun at her, she no longer has it, and later after he has shot her in the head and he is doing something to her dead body, you see that the sink is still running.

What do our think is the something that she got off of the stove, or why might she have turned on the water?

You guys are seriously reaching with this.

She walks to the stove, turns it off, then carries the pot to the sink and it sounds like she dumps out the water and starts rinsing out the pot. You can hear the water running. In fact, at 16:20 here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=HFun2GydGyU you can even see that the sink is still running.

At 28:18 here in that video you can see that she has set the pot down in the sink, and when she cowers down after he starts pointing his gun at her, she only has the pot holders in her hands.

Just want to echo your sentiments.

Especially during the Kavanaugh hearings, and then the VP debate with “I’m speaking….Im speaking.”

She comes across as a bitter “cool wine aunt” who doesn’t understand her place in the world.

?? Are you watching the video? He points to the stove and says “check on the burner”, she then gets up, and then when she’s halfway there says “we don’t need a fire while we’re here”.

When he points to the stove and says “check in the burner”, she’s sitting on the couch.

If you’re trying to tune out, writing a big motte post about how much you don’t care is not really necessary, and is probably counter productive to your goals.

I guess we just disagree. I don’t read “rebuking” as a threat, and certainly not one that warrants pointing a loaded gun at somebody.

What do you think she meant when she said this? “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus”?

If you went into somebody’s house and they told you that they had negative emotions about you, would you leave, or threaten to kill them?

What does “rebuking” mean here?

At 13:50, the cop tells her to go check on the burner because they don’t want a fire: https://youtube.com/watch?v=HFun2GydGyU

I’ve seen a lot of people hang the justification to kill this woman on the phrase “rebuke”.

What does “rebuke” mean to you?

Go into somebody’s house.

Tell them to go get a pot of water

They go get the pot

Hey I feel threatened

Don’t worry I’m not threatening you, lol, I a devout pacifist. I disagree strongly with your reaction in the name of Jesus, a famous pacifist you are likely familiar with

Don’t use this opportunity to leave.

Use this opportunity to take out a loaded gun and point it at a woman and tell her you’re going to shoot her in the fucking face.

She cowers on the ground

Don’t use this opportunity to leave

Continue not leaving or retreating from the woman who’s house you are currently in pointing a gun at her head while she cowers on the floor in front of you after you said you’d shoot her in the fucking face but instead walk towards her while your friend, also in possession of a loaded gun, watches.

She throws the pot of water you told her to go get at you.

You shoot her in the face

This seems like such a clear cut case of aggressive anti social cops looking for reasons to kill somebody.

This is a perfect example of bad cops.

  • -10

These cops are also posing a danger to her.

Except she wasn’t charging, she was cowering in the ground in her own home while somebody pointed a gun at her after theatening to shoot her in the fucking face.

Here’s the general course of things as I see it:

  • The cops are there, and trying to get this woman’s ID

  • She can’t find it, and says she will get some documents for them.

  • They’re sort of mocking her about saying they’ll review the documents she wants to show them, and trying to get her ID.

  • One of the cops tells her to get the water that’s on the stove boiling because he doesn’t want to deal with a fire here.

  • She gets up to get it, and while she is getting it, he backs away from her.

  • She asks him why he’s backing away (I should note she sounds like she’s being extremely cordial and nice here)

  • He says he doesn’t want to be near her with a pot of boiling water.

  • She says something about “rebuking him in the name of Jesus” - again this sounds like she is trying to be friendly and build rapport with them. She sounds like she’s smiling, and almost flirting with the cop.

  • The cop pulls out his gun, points it at her, and says “you better not or I’ll shoot you in the fucking face”

  • She cowers down on the ground

  • She throws the pot at him, and he shoots her, either immediately before or immediately after this she throws the water which lands on the ground between them, and he shoots her.

As far as I’m concerned this is evil.

Maybe more comes out and my feelings change. My feelings now are that these people are pure evil.

Look I don’t care if this poor woman threw a pot of fucking water at these guys. They were POINTING A GUN AT HER. Pointing a gun at somebody is a major act of aggression and their lives are not more important than hers. Can she point a gun at them for her own safety just in case they reach for theirs, and then kill them if they do? No.

I’m sick of a lot of things and cops getting to act like thugs who can threaten your life at will, as if it doesn’t have value, is one of them. If I point a gun at someone it’s assault, if I even show off my gun when somebody is threatening me, it’s brandishing. These retarded sub 100 IQ assholes pull out their loaded guns and point them at people all the time as if that has no meaning.

To reiterate: I hope they are tried and convicted by a jury of their peers.