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joined 2024 September 15 16:23:49 UTC


User ID: 3256



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User ID: 3256

Hey if you're rich old and famous, why not be a horrible lech? Social capital is just another currency you can't take to the grave with you, may as well spend it on something fun.

I mean a lot of the Woke stuff is anti-Christian as well, and most serious Christians avoid exposure to that kind of media and so on. They don’t drive through crowds.

Christianity also gets pissed on and blasphemed in its home countries a million times a day in media and culture, nobly turning the other cheek year after year as it shrinks. I'm not religious myself, I'm just saying it's not totally inscrutable why a fanatical Muslim might not consider it an example to emulate.

We can torture a computer terminal all day without causing the LLM it is connected to any distress. It's nonsense to talk about it having physical sensation. On the other hand, (to look at your question about the "meat-limit,") we can take a very simple organism, or one that likely does not have a consciousness, and it will respond instantly if we torture it.

This seems less like a philosophically significant matter of classification and more like a mere difference in function. The organism is controlled by an intelligence optimized to maneuver a physical body through an environment, and part of that optimization includes reactions to external damage.

Well, so what? We could optimize an AI to maneuver a little robot around an unknown environment indefinitely without it being destroyed, and part of that optimization would probably involve timely reaction to the perception of damage. Then you could jab it with a hot poker and watch it spin around, or what have you.

But again, so what? Optimizing an AI toward steering a robot around the environment doesn't make it any smarter or fundamentally more real, at least not in my view.

women wearing snuggies in public

I find that hot so I'm all for it.

Are you sure you know what a snuggie is?


the guy who was head of the Kong family in the 1930's was offered the chance to become Japan's puppet Chinese emperor (he wisely refused and fled)

He knew that if King Kong came to Japan, Godzilla would surely follow.

It's a hypothetical that boils down to a scenario where the resources for law enforcement are near-infinite versus one where they aren't. Grocery stores having security guards doesn't mean we can reduce all prison terms to a week-long timeout and expect to be fine.

Consider a hypothetical: Prison sentences are capped at a week, max. But, within a minute of attempting to shoplift or steal a car, the police arrest you, take back the stuff you stole, and send you to jail. What do you think would happen to crime? Conversely, consider another hypothetical: Life sentences for stealing at all, but you'll be arrested and put to jail sometime around five years after you steal. What do you think happens to crime, given how bad at planning for the future low IQ criminals are? I think crime in the first scenario would be much lower than today, and crime in the second scenario much higher.

You're treating the situation as if there exist a pair of control sliders marked "prison time" and "policing power" and that if you slide the former down to 0/10, then you're automatically able to slide the latter up to 10/10 and create godlike supercops. In reality the sliders are demarcated in dollars or man-hours rather than in simple outcome generation, and there isn't enough money in the world (much less in the prison budget) to create a police force of infinite capability that solves every crime in sixty seconds.

Junior has been pretty involved in things lately. But if you want to be sarcastic about it, fine, I'm sure Trump will rush to sign off on another fifty billion dollar care package after campaigning on what a waste it all is. After all, he wouldn't want the Democrats or some Euro leaders to be miffed at him.

What Trump can do is make a not-very-credible threat that he will withhold all aid and watch the Ukrainians die even if they die by the hundreds of thousands...

Don Junior posts memes about Zelensky having his allowance yanked.

Tyson–Roy Jones, Jr. fight

That wasn't a fight, it was an exhibition. It didn't count toward anyone's record and they literally could have had Hulk Hogan run in and hit Mike with a folding chair if they wanted. Evander Holyfield once had an exhibition against Mitt Romney. Exhibitions are fake and any resemblance they bear to actual fights is incidental. In short, you got fleeced.

On the other hand, this Jake Paul thing is actually a sanctioned boxing match. It's going on their records. Either Jake carries or we watch an old man get his ass beat.

Companies are closing their DEI departments, affirmative action has been overturned, and there's no longer a full offensive from the entire media and every sports league, etc., when a red state passes a bathroom bill, the way there was when such things first came up.