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joined 2024 October 31 02:42:55 UTC


User ID: 3313



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 October 31 02:42:55 UTC


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User ID: 3313

Well but we are just a product of our genetic code and environment. What other factor could influence a decision. There is no "free will" outside of that.

From Kavanaugh to Hegseth with dozens of right wing personalities and political figures in between. Why is the left so obsessed with calling them alcoholics? Is enjoying alcohol some taboo thing now? I just dont understand it from the party of needle exchanges and drug decriminalization.

Not particularly bad, and it is a vaccine not a treatment. It has a spectacular success rate as long as it is given before the disease takes hold. It has a zero rate after.

You can't drink coffee anymore? What actuality happend? It isn't random.