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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

All the adult heavy vapers I know are obviously self-medicating for ADD, it's funny to notice as someone with ADD who never got into vaping. I'd probably be vaping now if I wasn't on bupropion.

Since when did the left start liking fast food?

Yeah, that one threw me off too. The closest I can imagine is that women enforce social conformity on men and women both, and abusive female personalities get a free pass in a lot of communities.

Lots of women are...pointlessly abusive? Men are usually getting something vaugely quantifiable from it it.

I'm reaching.

I once went to a "singles" meetup event. It felt like a middle school dance; both the genders stayed amongst themselves. I overheard people shitting on some absent guy who had been...talking to women. Never bothered again.

I remember "Musk Man Bad" starting before he tried to buy Twitter, I could believe that from his perspective the leftists started gunning for him back when he was nominally apolitical.

I know I saw some screed about colonizing mars being bad because it was colonialism, and colonialism bad, in 2020. When there's genuinely no native people to exploit, or even a biosphere to damage, all that's left is tall-poppy slave morality and braindead word-association snarl.

Remember how someone making up a fake hate crime is at least "Raising Awareness" or "Starting A Conversation?" Remember how that's weak bullshit nonsense? This is that.

When I think of "Normies," this is the concept I have in my head, maybe a bit less gendered.

I have a huge amount of sympathy for the women who have been my friends, close friends, or lovers, because they have universally been rejects or outsiders of this culture and I recognize the marks this experience left on them.

Every young Canadian I've met thinks "America, Amirite?" Is the peak of humor and social commentary. They aren't going to move somewhere with guns and racism, which of course define the US.

Do women mock other women for being tall? That could be the source of any reported rough time.

I've heard tall women essentially complain that it narrows their dating options. It's a reasonable desire for her partner to be taller than her. Luckily, most men are taller than most women. Short men can date slightly short-er women.

A 5'2" woman expecting any partner she has to be 6'6" is an unreasonable desire. She's allowed to have that preference, but her having difficulty finding a partner isn't some grand injustice, it's self-inflicted.

I'm not aware of any equivalent to complimentary adjectives like "Amazonian" or "statuesque" for short men.

I believe they've started calling them "short kings," but I'm not convinced it's complimentary.

Well, instead she just resents normies and lives in a leftist hugbox.

This is an adult woman who complains that straight men always assume she's not an aromantic demi-asexual, who hasn't yet learned that most straight men interpret her eye-fucking, sharing intimate details, and saying the other person is pretty as flirting.

I recently had a pretty negative experience with a woman who genuinely WAS neurodivergent, moreso than my awkward ass. I found it incredibly disheartening to find out that she didn't have the same "resents normies but desperately wants to be accepted by them" complex as me, almost as if despite her awkwardness the world had still welcomed and cherished her.

Me and neurodivergent women:

"Oh, what I thought was eye-fucking this whole time was just you being slightly autistic."

Obviously the kung-fu master's power was psionic, not physical. He was only using it on the cop, erasing him from the cop's perception. I'm disappointed in his creativity.

I first ran into it among low-IQ co-workers at a terrible job I once had, male and female. They couldn't wrap their minds around my disinterest in discussing it; I dug in my heels and refused to give them my birth date. I was affronted.

A male friend of a female friend at a dinner party brought it up, and between me slightly disliking him based on secondhand info I got from my friend, and off-the-cuff surprise, I was not kind when he casually brought up astrology as a conversational topic. My default assumption was it was a tactic to appeal to women, and the only thing I dislike more than people who actually believe in astrology is people who pretend to like things for social brownie points.


This one really, really bugs me, I see it as stolen valor. Also, they're still unforgiving of the neurodivergence of others.

Counterpoint: the ones in their 30s who are still single are the ones who haven't changed their priorities yet and still live in Fantasyland.

I've never met a climate activist (or, just a person who sanctimoniously talks about climate change) that seems emotionally invested in the ecosystem the way I personally am. They find natural areas scary and gross and there might be rural white right-wingers there, ew.

I think environmentalism starts with picking up trash and keeping natural functional ecosystems intact. Every river, stream, creek, and brook in the Midwest has had its water sources fucked by roads.

Apparently her family has some "pray away the gay" skeletons in its closet; that's the first thing that came up when I mentioned her way back when to a lefty friend.

Well-spotted, but I'm sure the person who said that to me was basing it off a YouTube video about how only misogynistic chuds don't like Star Wars.

The one guy who I've met in real life who claimed to love the Last Jedi was a literal Antifa guy on a flight to seattle to "help out" with the Chaz/Chop thing after it had already ended. All the people who will try to make excuses for it have been some manner of Leftist. Probably because it vaguely alludes to "capitalism bad" at one point.

Even after the first season, there were standout stinker episodes to the point where one in three was good, another one in three was serviceable or had something redeeming, and a 3rd was offensively bland and pointless garbage.

I do love Landlord Cops, though. And Big Strong City, Capital of Pakled Planet.

The last new star Trek movie came out, what, 10 years ago, and they weren't particularly woke anyways (by Star Trek metrics). The beef with them was they were shallow James Abrams action-fests, not that they were too woke. Star Trek has always been progressive. It just wasn't always so #CurrentYear.

My beef is with Star Wars, anyways. I very specifically got accused of "being against strong role models for girls" when I said The Last Jedi wasn't very good, and I've kinda never forgiven the world for that.

There's still a set of critics and influencers who will clap like circus seals at anything that vaguely alludes to capitalism bad or hwiteness bad,

I've got an Internet one I want to make: Traps are not gay Shrek is love, Shrek is life Anime was a mistake Your waifu is shit Epstein didn't kill himself

In my neighborhood, there's a large park that's full of hobo encampments. They leave garbage everywhere and occasionally harass people. I go to other parks in more-affluent neighborhoods and don't see hobo tents. But my neighborhood is full of black and puerto-rican people, and abuts the local danger-haired queer communist neighborhood, so of course they scream and whine that enforcing the no-camping rule would be mean and fascist, inflicting hobo camps on poor People of Color.

The much shittier park in the black-er neighborhood on the far side of mine, safely far away from Logan Square, is also hobo-tent-free.

Only where there's a confluence of poor people and virtue-signalling do I have to deal with needles and hobo-trash and damaged grass from long-standing tents.

I always assumed it was because the Cultural Revolution erased whatever food culture they previously had.

What exactly is going on in Venezuela and why does it mean there were police barricades in my neighborhood last night preventing me from driving home?