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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

What's a normie-friendly example of official "fact-checking" being an obvious farce? I've run into a few too many people IRL bemoaning the loss of Facebook's official fact-checkers, and my urge to retort is rising.

Ready Player One was shit, though. Knights of Badassia is a more authentic nerd film.

You just have to buy something.

Everyone I knew personally at the time who would identify as being on "the Left" spoke of the protests in nothing less than rapturous terms and would loudly claim to be confused about how anyone could see it as anything other than a second civil rights movement. This includes the sorts of people who volunteer for mainstream dem candidates' campagins. Which were also the people who used cringe Marxist lingo constantly. Which were also the people who complained about how there were so many white people around, or performatively wince whenever they see an American flag. And also the people who were the most tedious about COVID and demanded the same tediousness from those around them, unless it was to protest racism.

The rank-and-file are where the party gets it's staffers from, and they're where regular people get the most personal contact with political parties and form their opinions of them.

I could make a similar rant about where on the doll the Trump supporters touched me, and I'm sure there are many who's hatred of Trump is based on obnoxious personal interactions with his fans rather than Orange Man Bad propaganda.

How the supporters of a political party conduct themselves is de-facto an element of that party's platform and persona.

No political party or subculture at this point can in good faith claim to be the one who's "chill" about things and confused as to why other people are so bent out of shape, there must be something wrong with them. Everyone has gotten dirtied up at some point.

Also, being performatively concerned about something is not the same as being afraid of it.

The other day I had a conversation with someone who used to work for a Non-profit who's whole thing was getting Asylum-seeking migrants in Chicago as many resources as possible. She left that job because most of it was telling them (the Migrants) to lie to get more stuff, and coaching them on exactly what to say. Her take was that the whole thing was just moving people around and extracting money from the city so the Non-profit could continue to pay its directors their cushy salaries and justify the non-profit's continued existence, while dumping Guatemalans in the city's shelters and public housing so the men could be layabouts or thugs while the women deployed their kids to sell candy in Fulton Market (trendy restaurant district).

So not anything we didn't already know. Just funny to hear it from the horse's mouth. Especially an ethnically-mexican horse

Maybe whatever it is that makes Hotel Sex good is increased when the hotel itself is moving.



Oops. SEC was what I was thinking of, egg on my face.

I think the market has been "suppressed" lately and that suppression got lifted when the election results came in; a lot of this might be the Halvening taking delayed effect. This is what the market looks like when the FTC et al isnt expected to continue shitting on crypto.

I noticed IRL reddit-brained leftists snarl and scoff when the subject of crypto was touched upon this summer. They're always patient zero for left-wing propaganda.

Sorta. In liquidity pools, there are coin/stablecoin pairings and stablecoin/stablecoin ones (with lower payout).

AI slop detected. A human would get bored meticulously laying out the same obvious ideas over and over and assume the reader can draw a conclusion or two. The next step in LLMs will be them being able to pretend to get bored with things instead of being eternally patient and obsequious.

Also, couldn't conditions of extreme danger and tightness of resources create a society of extreme communalism where no one's allowed to do anything without group approval?

Or a society trained to military order. Maybe Fremen would be a better model than an IQ-jerkoff fantasy.

A man's body is his own; his water belongs to the tribe.

He's charitably describing even the best-case scenario of someone who was at least functional before going to prison, something blue-collar or menial, had a wife he slapped around occasionally and kids he'd over-discipline when drunk. Not a great human being, but a step or two above the functional scum they are now.

Only thing I can say is I've had two real loves in my life, and most of the reason I loved them was because they had qualities and virtues that I was in awe of. And plenty of those qualities were feminine.

And by now I frankly want companionship, validation and physical comfort more than I want to get off. I find myself disappointed that so few people will let me in, or show me anything that's really theirs and not a regurgitated soundbite.

All my friends rarely date these days for that reason. These issues are all we talk about when we get together.

So their conversations don't even pass the Bechdel Test.

I get that this is a different country with its own rat-race social problems, but I roll my eyes at the fear of men who hate women. Most men who hate women hate them because women won't get anywhere near them, so they never have an opportunity to hurt a woman apart from mean comments on the internet. Sexually successful men dont hate women, they just don't treasure them, and treat them how [sexually successful] women treat men; as disposable. Abusive men don't hate women, they hate the world and women just can't resist being around them for some mysterious reason.

Or by "men who hate women" does she mean that don't soyfully agree with generic feminist talking points? I once ended a relationship over watching The Imitation Game, of all things. "Ah, here's Kiera Knightly reprising her role as a modern woman trapped in the past" was apparently such a hateful comment that it got me a continuous diatribe about women's suffrage until I flat-out got up and left. I wonder if that was proof that I hated women.

I see outdoor maskies every day, and they almost always have leftist signifiers.

Mask requirements for businesses didn't end in my city until...well, I got so frustrated that I left for six months in January 2022. When I came back in 2023, they were finally gone.

I had predicted this at the beginning of the pandemic; people don't generally understand that even the yearly flu vaccine is ~70% effective. By the time they get a vaccine, they'll be so wound up and terrified that it won't be good enough; like a neurotic, there is no threshold of proof that will make the anxiety go away.

I remember the day the CDC officially ended the pandemic, a customer at work said it wasn't over for him. Gay. Corpo Tech job.

It's possible that I'm just unlucky enough to live adjacent to the art/punk/hipster neighborhood of a major metro area. It has the most pronouns and trannies per capita in the entire midwest. I also move in geek/gamer circles, and like short haircuts.

No, openly flirting gets you a lecture about straight guys always assuming they're not queer, or rates of sexual assault, and engaging with a "Men, Amirite?" quip with anything other than soy appeasement immediately labels you as an anti-feminist chud trump-voting something-or-other, with a possible reference to internet bogeymen from 2016.

I'm familiar with women who've suffered particularly negative experiences with men, up to and including sexual assault. I've dated several of them. The ones who've been through actual bad times don't go "Men, Amirite?" or talk about patriarchy and male privilege and the scourge that is straight white men. They have pain and ways of expressing it that are very specific to them, not a generic snark that sounds like it came from a 2015 BuzzFeed article.

This is mainly a vent.

I find myself withdrawing from 'trying' with women, socially. I used to attempt to strike up friendly conversations with with people in general, but naturally with an emphasis on not-unattractive women. Not in a particularly flirty way, either.

And I find myself constantly disappointed that they keep finding a way to get in a reddit-y snark along the lines of "Men, Amirite?" I try to be non-argumentative in this context, but I increasingly have the urge to go meta-therapist and say something like "I feel like there's a lot of implicit hostility in that statement. I have my own frustrations with, you know, girls and stuff, but I'd consider it rude and a bad look to bring it up in conversation with a stranger. Are you trying to hint I should go away, or do you just think this is how people talk in #currentyear? Because I really can't tell anymore."

Trump was Hitler and we got Wokeist nonsense.

Wokist nonsense was plenty present before Trump. I suppose it was juuuuuuust sub-normie, but anyone at least moderately online was either a participant in it or deeply hated it.

fighting a war against Israel in the future.

Typo or Freudian slip?

Height is something that everyone has that you can't change. So anything mentioning height will get rage-engagement in the Internet attention economy. Race-bait, gender-bait, height-bait, they can all be taken as personally as a generic "your mom" insult.

It's not that great to be tall; I still spent most of my life painfully alone, with women often being performatively afraid of me.

Did you consider just not voting? Do you even live in a swing state?

I personally didn't vote because I on-principle hate the social dynamics of politics becoming everyone's new favorite hobby, religion, and spectator sport. And I don't live in the state that I'm registered to vote. And the one I'm in now a true-blue state anyways. And I don't like either candidate.

My pet peeve is the toxic interpersonal behavior of political partisans and the creepy pod-person consistency of their agendas. Not voting is the biggest fuck-you to them I could come up with.

It's convenient when leaving the house on a day trip or whatever, and it sorta takes up space that would otherwise be occupied by soda or juice boxes. My family kept a case of it in the garage fridge for that exact purpose. And we had well water.

Grassroots mail-in ballot "Harvesting;" Everyone had too much time on their hands and mail-ins were convenient; especially if it got the wokescold in your life to stop bothering you about if you voted or not. Lots of small-time activists agitating in their community to get every warm body to send their mail-in ballot out.

There's a lot of people out there that truly DON'T engage in politics; they have manual jobs that keep them busy and don't require ideological posturing, they don't consume political entertainment media, they're not radical hipsters trying to out-radical other radical hipsters. They're hard to spot because by definition they're not posting X or Facebook politics screeds. Whatever combination of being too dumb to read, too grounded to get fearmongered, too unhip to get peer-pressured, too lazy, too disorganized, too busy, too enlightened. Only easy pandemic mail-ins and the omnipresent media narrative got them to vote, then things went back to normal.

That's my pitch, anyways.