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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

They criticize them abstractly but go all gooey when a specific one is in front of them.

I was going to ask a related question:

How much of the market drop and the apparent crisis(es) are the result of negative media coverage? Anything and everything the administration does is seen as a violation of something or other.

"News Today: Fascist still in White House doing things, when will the carnage end? Breaking Update: during a vital meeting, trump used the bathroom and delayed lifesaving aid to [minority]>."

I'm still convinced that this happened during COVID. With any other administration, the media wouldn't have been motivated to keep hammering on the fear, the vaccines would have been an excuse to end the lockdowns, and you wouldn't see masked-up leftists to this day. Being deathly afraid of COVID was bound up with being a good little resistance member.

That said, I didn't even vote in this election and don't personally like Trump; he melted my dad's brain, among other wrongs. I'm disappointed at the Musk lying and tomfoolery; this isn't even good trolling. It feels like someone somewhere made a monkey-paw wish to defeat wokeness and this is what they got. I worry it might have been me.

I really just wanted the crypto market to go up, thanks to fair/reasonable/clear regulation and institutional buy-in. A Bitcoin reserve is fundamentally a good idea. I want a future where putting 5-10% of your assets/investments in crypto is boring safe, conventional wisdom that it'd be irresponsible not to follow, like bonds or whatever. Trumpcoin doesn't further that goal.

I wonder if the Democrats will eventually have a moment when the stark reality of their failures simply can't be tolerated anymore, resulting in a change in tact.

The Democrats might change, but the woke won't. Wokeness is reinforced by and in service to social dynamics; so long as there's an army of braindead leftists out there to like and share your lazy slogans, so long as being a Queer Marxist Male Feminist gets you laid, so long as there's one blue-haired HR lady with kindergarten sensibilities towards everyone but straight white men and scathing hatred towards the latter, the woke will keep at it. They already live in a fascist white supremacy anyways.

I think it's something of a reach to say that Ukraine support is about killing hwite men.

The second suggestion is just anti-pronouns-in-bio. trans women also put pronouns in their bio, so it catches everyone.


My solution would be to use the preferred pronouns but somehow mark them as being specifically-requested pronouns. That way when you say She it can be read as sarcastic.

Or include both versions of the pronoun; so a cis woman is She but a trans woman (or a woman who puts her pronouns in her bio) is She/Her. Never call a They/Them They or Them, always call them They/Them.

I've found that my very first time with anyone tends to suck; the good first-time sex I've had still wasn't as technically good as the 3rd+ times with that same person. Maybe zoomers never fuck anyone twice, so they never find this out?

Likes the Infinite Jest?

Odd, literally the first time I even heard of Infinite Jest, it was a talking point of the Perfect Organism in his demented efforts to become maximally appealing to college-educated women. Since 2020, has Infinite Jest become badwrong, along with Teslas?

I'm happy that a Borderline vaguely associated with the geek scene got dragged into the light and meticulously proven as (mostly) a liar where everyone can see. These monsters are real.

I feel bad for the fiance. Everyone else's suffering in this is just funny.

I'm having a crisis of employment.

My cycle has become:

Get Job that finally has "launch potential" (it pays above a living wage, doesn't embarrass me or otherwise make me moment-to-moment miserable, isn't dead-end)

Finally I feel worthy of participating in basic human stuff; I can socialize with other people without a gnawing sense of inferiority. I'm finally going places and doing things.

I try dating again, or otherwise put myself out there. If women flirt with me, I try flirting back instead of assuming I've either misread the situation or they're trying to bilk me out of something.

It turns out I had misread the situation or I was being misled. Or a third party steps in to torpedo my efforts, because they apparently think I am not worthy of love.

This keeps happening at larger and larger scales until it breaks me and I get angry and depressed.

My work performance suffers and I lose the job.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

The most dramatic instances of this are actual breakups; in 2019 I was seeing someone wonderful and really flourishing as a person, having fun athletic passionate sex with my best friend (her words), doing stuff together, feeling supported and loved. I was motivated to acquire and save money for normal human things like sailing outings, vacations, larger apartments, rings, and such. Then I said "I love you" slightly less than a year in. Three weeks later, she ended it. It turned out, she ended it to go back to her abusive ex-husband, who she also told all about us so he could track me down and mock me. I went from being in the running for a manager position at work to being shuffled off to a dead-end location. Then COVID happened. With absolutely nothing worthwhile tying me to my current life, I bailed and moved to a larger city.

The last "good" job I had was still incredibly stressful; host (floor manager track) at a trendy downtown restaurant. But a major stressor on me was that women were suddenly flirting with me. I was getting unsolicited compliments and weird lingering looks and other foreign experiences, which didn't make any fucking sense; women much less affluent and attractive than these ones were still reacting to me with fear/contempt in my personal life. I have no fucking idea how to react to being flirted with by a customer beyond exiting the situation. Then I had a particularly bad personal-life encounter with someone neuro-atypical; she spends an evening calling me pretty as we make sci-fi references together, I kiss her, she holds my hand on the walk back to her place, I get another kiss and wish her good night. The next day she's angry that I kissed her and complaining about how straight guys are always assuming she isn't asexual and she "already has a crush, anyways," which broke several things inside of me. Then the floor manager training me leaves on vacation and I'm reporting directly to the insanely demanding micromanaging owner, and of course suddenly my "excellent" performance takes a nosedive while remaining the same. I become an anxious wreck at work, get worse at eye contact than I already am, have a mini-panic-attack every time a woman smiles at me or any time the owner is around, then apparently someone with more management experience submitted an application and I was out on my ass.

I can handle a stressful and chaotic workplace OR I can handle soul-crushing loneliness and mistreatment. I can't handle both at once. It turns out that human beings seek relationships for emotional support and comfort, and without them, they become brittle and despondent. Who fucking knew? Sometimes I worry I'm absurdly fragile; then I hear other people complain about their own life-deranging stressors and it turns out I just have it really fucking rough; people have tried killing themselves over stuff that's a Tuesday for me.

It's the dead of winter and there are no hospitality jobs. Anything in my actual field (zoology) pays literal dogshit if there were even any openings, which there are not at any level I'm qualified for. I CANNOT do sales anymore; I have no tolerance for scummy practices and refuse to become a human spambot. Unemployment runs out in two months. I don't know where all these "cozy boring jerkoff office jobs anyone with a bachelor's degree can get" are supposed to be hiding.

I have absurdly low cost of living; my entire rent/utilities/food/basic fun money requirements are under $1500/month, so I really only "need" $2K monthly to consider myself acceptably getting by, which is supposedly easy in a major urban center. Yet here I am, having to countenance liquidating investments to cover vet bills. What job am I supposed to be looking for?

My experience of observing a serial-monogamist male feminist was that the "feminism" was just one element of the omni-leftist persona he had adopted in his quest to marry an affluent (preferably) white woman. It was a combination of tech startup agile corpo-speak, DNC volunteer, radical Marxist revolutionary, and Blackness (lots of talk about "Bodies" and playing up the Childish Gambino schtick). He also spent some time declaring he was non-binary (which apparently meant wearing a midriff-bareing top once or twice). Women apparently lapped it up, he didn't need to pester anyone. (Seeing all this made me hate the world)

He'd be emotionally manipulative to a pointlessly psychotic degree once they were in a relationship with him, though. Despite all this, he could do no wrong in the eyes of leftists, because how could a gay black feminist communist be a bad person? The very statement is an oxymoron.

Ill typically throw in a courtesy $1 on takeout or when there's a human cashier involved.

Maybe the utility isn't in the monster, it's in how much feeding it assuages the guilt of the feeder. So the real utility monster is one's own misaligned conscience.

What are some strategies for speed dating (other than Be Handsome, Muscular, and Affluent)? A short look around the internet only turned up the usual idealistic "Be Yourself" drek.

I tried an event the other night. The group's online footprint did an incredible job of telegraphing to me that I was not welcome there (half their mixer events are getting-nails-did sessions, half their speed dating events are queer-only, the other half queer-friendly, orthodox lingo, and all the event descriptions say proof of vaccination required and masks encouraged). But I badly needed to get out of my own head.

It turned out to not be nearly as hostile as I'd over-dramatically imagined; masks and vaccinations weren't mentioned, so I roll my eyes that they still bother to copy-paste it in everything. There were actual people there. Typically even just trying to have casual conversations with women in any context has a high chance of them scuttling away in fear or making some reddit-y dig along the lines of "men are all such trash, amirite?" (One allusion to JK Rowling being a "terrible person" was the most aggressive woke thing I encountered) It was nice to look into women's eyes and not see arbitrary hatred, fear, or looking-for-the-door annoyance. I wound up caught in the loop of job-interview questions and want to be more deliberately charming next time.

"I'm getting 3 out of 10, elbows too pointy" vibes, unless there's a serious facial deformity involved.

What's a normie-friendly example of official "fact-checking" being an obvious farce? I've run into a few too many people IRL bemoaning the loss of Facebook's official fact-checkers, and my urge to retort is rising.

Ready Player One was shit, though. Knights of Badassia is a more authentic nerd film.

You just have to buy something.

Everyone I knew personally at the time who would identify as being on "the Left" spoke of the protests in nothing less than rapturous terms and would loudly claim to be confused about how anyone could see it as anything other than a second civil rights movement. This includes the sorts of people who volunteer for mainstream dem candidates' campagins. Which were also the people who used cringe Marxist lingo constantly. Which were also the people who complained about how there were so many white people around, or performatively wince whenever they see an American flag. And also the people who were the most tedious about COVID and demanded the same tediousness from those around them, unless it was to protest racism.

The rank-and-file are where the party gets it's staffers from, and they're where regular people get the most personal contact with political parties and form their opinions of them.

I could make a similar rant about where on the doll the Trump supporters touched me, and I'm sure there are many who's hatred of Trump is based on obnoxious personal interactions with his fans rather than Orange Man Bad propaganda.

How the supporters of a political party conduct themselves is de-facto an element of that party's platform and persona.

No political party or subculture at this point can in good faith claim to be the one who's "chill" about things and confused as to why other people are so bent out of shape, there must be something wrong with them. Everyone has gotten dirtied up at some point.

Also, being performatively concerned about something is not the same as being afraid of it.

The other day I had a conversation with someone who used to work for a Non-profit who's whole thing was getting Asylum-seeking migrants in Chicago as many resources as possible. She left that job because most of it was telling them (the Migrants) to lie to get more stuff, and coaching them on exactly what to say. Her take was that the whole thing was just moving people around and extracting money from the city so the Non-profit could continue to pay its directors their cushy salaries and justify the non-profit's continued existence, while dumping Guatemalans in the city's shelters and public housing so the men could be layabouts or thugs while the women deployed their kids to sell candy in Fulton Market (trendy restaurant district).

So not anything we didn't already know. Just funny to hear it from the horse's mouth. Especially an ethnically-mexican horse

Maybe whatever it is that makes Hotel Sex good is increased when the hotel itself is moving.



Oops. SEC was what I was thinking of, egg on my face.

I think the market has been "suppressed" lately and that suppression got lifted when the election results came in; a lot of this might be the Halvening taking delayed effect. This is what the market looks like when the FTC et al isnt expected to continue shitting on crypto.

I noticed IRL reddit-brained leftists snarl and scoff when the subject of crypto was touched upon this summer. They're always patient zero for left-wing propaganda.