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Not I, I assure thee: setting the attractions of my good parts aside I have no other charms.

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joined 2024 August 02 18:11:46 UTC

Nay, you shall hear, Master Brook, what I have suffered to bring this woman to evil for your good.


User ID: 3165


Not I, I assure thee: setting the attractions of my good parts aside I have no other charms.

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 August 02 18:11:46 UTC


Nay, you shall hear, Master Brook, what I have suffered to bring this woman to evil for your good.


User ID: 3165

  1. I've never in my life made love to a woman who was significantly to my Right politically. Perhaps some who were unconsciously so, but never intellectually, I've never been in bed who was going to talk about the Flat Tax. There was one girl I dated senior year of high school who absolutely swore up and down that she had voted for John McCain, no matter how many times I told her that we were both 16 in 2008, but even her reflexes were well to the left of her verbal commitments. I suspect this is true for many, perhaps even the vast majority, of men outside of James Carville or the Conways. It's perfectly possible for all men being to the right of all women to have relatively little impact, provided that the gaps between individual men and individual women aren't unbridgeable. This is why this seems like such a big deal to online Rightists, they do find an unbridgeable gap between themselves and most women, they must either lie about their political beliefs or seek out a tradwife type who will still be to their left, it feels to them like there are no women near them. But for a normie Republican, or even a relatively normie guy who think the Jews Control Everything but mostly doesn't think about it too much, there's a woman who is to his left but sympatico enough that they get along. And as noted below by @Gillitrut, the gap isn't really between conservative men and liberal women, it's between very liberal young women and normie Democrat young men. So the "political polarization" question only matters inasmuch as one thinks the Incel Question is important, donc on bouge...

  2. I categorically reject the tired masturbatory fantasy of Incel Revolution because, in the vast majority of cases, sexuality is a meritocracy. A degenerate, and in many ways unfair, meritocracy; but nonetheless a meritocracy. "Women want 6-6-6 in a man" is the incel rallying cry, and I feel for their suffering and maybe those are unfair standards; but realize that only leaves their team with the short, the poor, those lacking in rizz. There is never going to be a significant threat from Incels to society, for the simple reason that if they manage to get their shit together long enough to set up a serious terrorist organization, they'll probably start getting laid. The traits that women choose, and that society values to provide the social and economic proofs of value that women choose, aren't perfect proxies for how I would rank male virtue and talent, but they're not completely orthogonal either. The best men might not be the ones drowning the in pussy, and the the men drowning in pussy might not be the best men; but the best men are at least gettin' some, and the men drowning in pussy generally have some measure of the classic heroic virtues. To be totally left out, there's something kinda wrong with you. Fight Club was prescient in this, the entire book hinges ((Spoilers old enough to rent a car ahead)) on the moment when the protagonist is attracted to Marla but can't bring himself to ask her out, and that conflict is what splits out the awesome part of his personality into Tyler Durden. And then he gets fucks Marla silly, while the sad incel part of him watches. There's a lot of questions about the nature of the self in there, but at core that's the worm in the apple for the Incel Revolution: to be capable of revolution, the men involved would have to improve themselves to the point where they'd be getting laid, leaving only the truly insane terrorists. And even if there were enough of those to cause problems, we must remember...

  3. "War is the continuation of politics with the addition of other means." (DRINK!) Your original Greentext is the reversal of Clausewitz, politics is war by other means. Both formulations have some truth to them! There is an element of substituting Jaw Jaw for War War. At the same time, consider that as the situation deteriorates, moves can be made. Accommodations can be reached. #Feminism might be out over its skis right now, but it can and will pull back if the system is threatened. Adaptations would be made. Women, and the men who are already benefitting from the current system, have too many levers to pull, too much to offer the men who are exiled from the system currently, to go down without a deal being struck.

Like everything else being so great is why she's been willing to continue this despite the bad sex.

You are probably making way more of this than what it really is.

it's been terrible and it's mostly been me.

How the fuck do you know it's terrible, you've had sex five times in your life.

You have no idea how incompetent the average man is, and you have no idea what kind of experiences she's had before. You might be average for her right now!

on how to have good straight sex?

There's a million things to be said about romance, setting the mood, foreplay, teasing, edging, games, rope, a well placed hand around the throat, a well timed slap, role playing, group sex, positions both normal and wild, surprises, blindfolds, dirty talk.

But, before you worry about any of that, back to the fundamentals: are you touching her clitoris? And are you asking her if that's how she likes to have her clitoris touched?

There's no shame to be had in such a question, it no more reveals your ignorance than asking what the controls are when playing a new game. Individual women are different, wildly different. One needs intense stimulation, another gentle and slow, a third wants it bitten. One wants it fast and hard, another gentle, a third will only cum if you act like you hate her. Men are mostly pretty much the same, the penis doesn't have a lot of variation in its uses or its needs. Women vary. Knowledgable women know they vary, and thus have experience in guiding new partners.

Don't be afraid to need guidance on this from her, if she has enough experience to know you don't know what you're doing than she's run into this before; if she doesn't have enough experience to know you suck than it doesn't matter anyway. Any shame on this topic is coming entirely from within your own head, fake it until you make it. "Do you like that?" or "Does that feel good?" can easily be the building blocks of good dirty talk anyway. It's all in the framing. Make it seem like something hot you're doing and it will be something hot you're doing.

Start there: figure out how she likes to have her clit played with, play with it. Don't start worrying about anything more complex or involved or acrobatic until you've figure out the combination to that particular safe. Everything else will start falling into place after that: go down on her as foreplay, get an orgasm on the scoreboard, and suddenly PiV won't feel like it needs to be the main event of the evening, you'll be able to enjoy that for yourself rather than trying to please her. Take the pressure off your penis, and you'll often find you get and stay harder lasting longer, having more fun. Start to get a few good games on your record and you'll get braver, more confident, and you'll get better. Get better and you'll feel more confident swapping fantasies, pleasures, desires, and you'll learn more about your lover and try more, and get better, and so on and so forth ad infinitum.

It turned out to be one of those life-changing romances you mostly only read about in novels. Most of the time I have trouble feeling comfortable around people, and yet the vibes here were totally instant. We hit it off right away and just sat by the town river cuddling and talking for several hours on our first date, and the second one went even better. I've only felt so instantly connected to and comfortable with someone once before in my dating life and that was a long time ago.

I know how that can feel. The explosive sense of intimacy you can feel with a new person, learning rapidly about them and feeling them learn rapidly about you. The way time compresses and someone you know for just a day can become such an important part of your life. I still remember a girl I met at a college visit in 2010, we locked eyes at orientation and had this sudden intimacy, spent the whole weekend talking and kissing. I didn't end up going to that school, we exchanged phone numbers and texted briefly but I never spoke to her again. The weekend was something, but it fizzled out and cashed out to nothing.

I feel for you. That sudden flash of intimacy can cause one to dream all kinds of things in a hurry. But at the same time:

I think history is a good predictor of the future when it comes to things like this though, and another miracle-woman like the one I opened this post with seems unlikely.

I can count a half dozen moments like that across my life, and I"ve no doubt you'll be able to as well, if you live long enough. These occasions of perfection in chemistry are rare, but not singular unless you choose to make them so. So this woman turned out to be less than expected, or you fumbled the bag, so what, you'll find another. And as for this whinging...

I'm sure in this modern world it's terribly entitled and sexist of me to think like this, but I value youth and beauty in women, and it's something that I want to experience more in my life.

Romance is a capitalist market, you're entitled to what you can get. If you can't get what you want, raise your capital value and make yourself someone who can get what you want.