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Civilization is simply a geno-memetic-techno-capital machine

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joined 2022 September 06 13:34:27 UTC


User ID: 853


Civilization is simply a geno-memetic-techno-capital machine

13 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 13:34:27 UTC


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User ID: 853

Conservatives don't have a solution to low TFR because Christianity, the European fertility cult for many hundreds of years at this point, is waning.

You know who has a fertility cult? The Jewish sects in Israel which have staggering TFR. Those sects have other problems, too, but it's proof positive for how our religious impulse directs our breeding behavior.

We need a post-postmodern, non-Abrahamic fertility cult, specifically one that esoterically targets, not just higher TFR in general, but a eugenic mate selection. Higher TFR for only high-quality people. Conservatives can't provide that.

Do you think absent "cultural signals", there would be zero women who would actually prefer being cat ladies over being mothers?

Did you read my comment? There is no "absent cultural signals." We are a hive mind. There's no "what would women prefer if they weren't programmed one way or another." The question isn't if we should program women to have a certain perception of motherhood, it's just a question of how we should do it.

But I do think even in the presence of strong cultural signals in favor of Motherhood there would be some women who would prefer to be cat ladies. A lot of them were probably burned at the stake in Old Europe on the accusation of Witchcraft, as that decision would have been regarded as highly anti-social and low-status. It's quite ironic that the cultural Witchcraft movement on Reddit and the like is closely associated with childless advocacy as well. Witches exist, and they do mean to tear apart the fabric of our society.

In Defense of Witches takes witches — unmarried, childless, strong, independent women in control of their future, their time, and their sexuality — and uses those elements to explore how women who possessed those attributes, or who simply failed to comply with what men wanted of them, were accused of witchcraft and persecuted. Then the book focuses on how modern women who are independent, childless, and elderly must still deal with some of the same pressures as the witches of old did.

I guess this hinges on whether the Chinese got to those positions through merit by being legitimately better at them, or through corruption (there is a lot of gray area in between of course, but my point should be obvious).

This is completely wrong. If the Chinese acquired and used that level of influence in academia, Hollywood, and news media to perpetuate systematic hostility towards White American identity, and used that same influence to elevate Chinese identity above all others, it would not matter whether they acquired those positions by merit or by crook.

If I were to say, "hey the Chinese are being very ethnocentric and hostile" then the merit of that accusation has no bearing whatsoever on how the Chinese acquired that influence which is the subject of my accusation.

Do you think that in the world you want where women are pressured to have as many children as possible and told this is their natural and most fulfilling role, a woman who wrote an essay about the joys of motherhood and why everyone should do it would be exercising independent thinking? Or would you just say "Well no, because women can't do that, but it would be good because she's been properly programmed according to values I agree with?"

Obviously in that case a woman would not be engaging in independent thinking. No more than if she wrote a "racism is bad" Substack essay listing all the reasons racism is bad according to the prevailing cultural wisdom. The notion she reached that conclusion independently of cultural signals is hilariously naive.

Or would you just say "Well no, because women can't do that, but it would be good because she's been properly programmed according to values I agree with?"

You don't get it, there is no "don't program women, let them think independently" option. It's only a question of how we program them. This applies to men as well to a somewhat lesser extent, but women in particular are highly susceptible to the social memetics that get naively mistaken as independent thought. Humans are a pack animal and hive mind, "independent thought" does not exist, there only exists variation within a collectively-shared distribution.

"I thought about it, and decided being a childless cat lady won't be so bad" is not independent thought, it's downstream of all the cultural signals she's internalized her entire life.

id you read the piece Hoff linked to? That woman, at least, clearly does understand the long-term tradeoffs. She goes out of her way to talk to her right-leaning readers and say "Yes, I understand all the arguments you are making, I've heard them, now please consider the counterarguments."

Yes, I did, and I noticed that her calculator estimating the cost for a woman to have children doesn't even attempt to place a value to a woman on having a child. Just the inconveniences like nausea. But her calculator includes no consideration of the cost of being a miserable, old, ugly cat lady with a gaping hole in her life she can't fill with all the wine and cats in the world. And that outcome is closer to the modal childless woman than the sad story of parents who get stuck with a non-verbal, autistic child.

If her calculator attempted to estimate the dollar value the average woman places on her child, and subtracted the average misery of the typical childless cat lady, she would come out of her analysis with an entirely different conclusion. Her "million dollar shortfall" shows she hasn't actually thought it through, and she does exactly what I am accusing childless woman of- being hyper-conscious of the benefits of remaining childless while being aggressively oblivious to the costs... which just happens to align with the pattern of cultural signals young women are bombarded with. It's not independent thinking.

If anything, you need a propaganda campaign to convince young people "no really, you'll be glad you had children in the end".

The data bears this out as being true. That's why you do need a propaganda campaign, to convince young people to make the decision which heavily weighs towards deferred gratification and, more importantly, societal health.

It does tell us a lot. How many people say "I wish I had 2 instead of 4 so I could have had more free time in my 30s or gone out more". Never heard that in my life. "I wish we had X more" I have heard several times.

Imagine "I wish I had more children" compared to "I wish I had more free time in my 30s." The former is so much more tragic than the latter.

The problem with revealed preferences is that women, in particular, don't properly understand the long-term tradeoff of not having children. And there's nobody to inform them of that tradeoff, but there are innumerable cultural signals which will point out to them all the downsides and horror stories of having children. Cultural memetics is supposed to be the roundabout way to warn women of that tradeoff.

The most miserable woman I know is childless- she's fat and ugly and absolutely hates men and is constantly negative. She calls her dogs her children, unironically. Obviously, she is absolutely miserable. But the risk of that type of existence in the decades following fertility- single, aging, ugly, childless, must be weighed against all the risks you pose here, but it isn't in the life of a Gen Z girl.

It's true that quality matters more than quantity. Low TFR is not a problem compared to a dysgenic TFR, which is actually an existential crisis. But I think it's a stretch to say that women's "revealed preferences" couldn't be heavily influenced by culture, or that their "revealed preferences" are not already a function of that culture rather than an objective response to wealth or something.

If Chinese could get American children to learn about and feel bad for the Century of Humiliation, I'm sure they would.

If the Chinese acquired the representation across institutions of cultural influence that Jews currently have in media, politics, and academia, and made the Century of Humiliation equivalent to what is now the Holocaust in public consciousness, then wouldn't the "Chinese Question (CQ)" be justified as well?

The JQ doesn't claim that the behavior of Jews, or the Chinese in this counterfactual, is hard to understand. But that it's a hostile foreign influence. That same criticism would apply if the Chinese forced the elevation of their identity so prominently in the cultural consciousness.

And wouldn't it be weird to call someone a "Chinese-hater" for correctly pointing out that influence and identifying it as hostile, in this counterfactual?

Especially if many of those lobbing the accusation of "Chinese-hater" in this counterfactual were Chinese themselves, you would be correct to view that epithet, and its cultural weight, as being yet another validation of the initial critique.

The initial post-war assessment that Germany shared 100% of the war blame for WWI was supplanted by historical revisionism relatively quickly (as well as propaganda-claims that the Germans operated Corpse Factories where they made soap and fertilizer out of corpses, a claim which also becomes prominent in the WWII Holocaust). It makes sense- tensions cool and you are able to have a more sober-minded view of hindsight. WWII is long overdue for the same treatment, and Cooper and Tucker are indeed telltale signs that we are going to see it happen.

As a Holocaust Denier, I actually agree with the assessment that Cooper was engaging implicitly in Holocaust denial by relating the large death toll in the camps to logistical failures, mostly in the final days of the war as Germany was being destroyed on all sides. This is what Revisionists say, and I don't think Cooper mentioned the story of homicidal gas chambers disguised as shower rooms at all in the discussion. Talking about WWII without paying alms to the Holocaust mythos is indeed a soft form of Denial, which people are correct to pick up on.

Cooper can appeal to plausible deniability- his point is that the Holocaust is a post-hoc justification for the war, but you can't just talk about war guilt for WWII and not make the gas chambers central to a moral outrage towards the Nazis.

The fact is, WWII revisionism hasn't yet happened, and people are now so scandalized by its emergence, precisely because of the gas chamber mythos. Like any other religious mythos, it has a deep psychological impact on intended audiences. The Gas Chamber story is the only thing that has held the post-hoc rationalization for WWII and its outcomes together. Without it, the entire Nuremberg-established moral order collapses. And Cooper does directly criticize Nuremberg in the discussion, which is another argument Revisionists make.

Cooper criticizes Nuremberg and doesn't fall over himself denouncing the Nazi's alleged gas chambers disguised as shower rooms. It is implicit denial, because the denial argument is correct.

You don’t think any white people have been persuaded to the anti-semitic cause (and as an ethnonationalist who believes supporting diversity in western countries is anti-white I presume you accept wholly that anti-Zionism is antisemitism) by sympathy for Muslim Palestinian activism and its relationship with the left?

The story of left-wing antisemitism has nothing to do with transmission of Muslim cultural values to progressives. It's the classic story of the golem turning against its master. All of the "values" being appealed to by progressives to oppose Israel were foremost pushed by Jewish intellectuals and cultural influencers in order to oppose latent fascist tendencies embedded in white ethnocentrism- i.e. "The Authoritarian Personality". The fact this cultural Kritik is now being turned against the state of Israel has nothing to do with the transmission of Muslim cultural values, and has everything to do with Jews being increasingly unable to get away with the most vomit-inducing hypocrisy known to mankind, in which they incessantly give moral lectures to white gentiles about racism while creating the most violent ethno-supremacist cult in the Western world.

I thought it was the memetic capacity of the dissident right driving people towards it, which is why you’re so keen on protecting access to big public platforms like Twitter?

Where's the contradiction? Critically-minded white people who are confronted with the obvious hostility towards them by prevailing systems of power, the systems which have brought all the cultural trends you have mentioned, have a tendency to find the dissident right critique of that Culture to be persuasive. Nobody is more conscientious of the memetic capacity of that Critique than Jews themselves, which is why they are desperate to make sure it isn't platformed anywhere. What's the source of the memetic power? Mass psychosis, or force of truth?

Having more Muslims as members of a formerly entirely or near-entirely white community is naturally going to drive more white people towards antisemitism for the same reason that it will likely transmit to them other cultural values from that population too.

That's laughable, as if Europeans needed to cohabitate with Muslims to rediscover thousands-year-old criticisms of Jewish behavior by European intellectual tradition. The uncomfortable fact is that the influence goes in the reverse. There's no white DR person who was influenced to become anti-Semitic by transmission of Muslim cultural values. But the reverse is happening. You have black and brown figures with large audiences- Myron Gaines, Candace Owens, Sneako, the Tate family, who are all being influenced by traditional European antisemitism transmitted by DR figures like Nick Fuentes.

When you have multiple cultures, some with very strong group-consciousness, free speech easily becomes abusable as a tool to direct aggression towards other communities in a zero-state competition for state benefits and favours.

Oh, really? So having minority cultures with very strong group-consciousness causes directed aggression towards other groups in a competition for resources and power? Very interesting. It sounds like you would call me a "weirdo ranting about Jews" while you acknowledge a dynamic recognized by the DR which is denied by everyone else.

The US is not an exception to this by any means. It's just that Jews were the minority group with the very strong group-consciousness that has used free speech to direct strong cultural aggression towards White culture and identity while simultaneously demanding fealty to their own group identity.

The "weirdos ranting about Jews" are just saying what you are accusing Muslims of doing, but Muslims don't even have such prominent control over academia, Hollywood, and other institutions of cultural influence. If they did, and used their influence to elevate their own group identity and criticize the identity of their outgroup so prominently, you would certainly accuse Muslims of doing what anti-Semites accuse Jews of doing.

We probably agree on the existence of this relationship, but disagree on the cause.

Why does an ever more brown and black, third-world ist, leftist/'de-colonial' and otherwise 'anti white' Culture drive large audiences of white people towards anti-semitism? Is it a psychopathology, or is there a rational reason that these things are connected?

Obviously browns and blacks have more of a tendency to be a receptive audience, but that's not the cause of the relationship between those things. The cause is white people pattern-matching these cultural phenomena to the systems of power that have consciously brought them about and suppress opposition to them.

Then why so much drama over Telegram?

The entire DR was forced there by Twitter censorship, but absolutely nobody considered it desirable. Obviously, any platform used by the DR would be a target. TikTok, X, Rumble, Telegram are all facing enormous pressure. With TikTok being another example to disprove the naive notion that this is about illegal content. The bipartisan consensus to ban TikTok was brought about by the Jewish lobby demanding censorship of anti-Zionist speech. It wasn't about illegal content.

The writing was on the wall for a pretty long time now, and technologically nothing stands in the way of making an uncensorable service, but all these alt-tech CEOs keep making the same single-point-of-failure architectures

An "uncensorable service" where the only users there are like-minded people is not what the DR wants, certainly not what it needs. It needs to be present in the public square. That's why Musk's turnabout of Twitter censorship is so monumentally important. You have DR perspectives getting huge engagement with mainstream audiences. You have anti-Semitic posters publicly ratio'ing the ADL's annual memorial-post to the murdering pedophile Leo Frank. That is the stuff which is actually dangerous. All the DR being herded into some uncensorable service which gets no engagement or audience from the mainstream is worthless.

In reality, everything that the EU wants Durov to remove from Telegram is stuff Musk’s X already does remove and is happy to remove if a takedown notice is filed.

That's only if you take the EU and US at face value, that they are just really passionate about fighting pedophilia and terrorism, and don't assume that they are also trying to disrupt dissident political communication and organization. Which they obviously are. Musk made headlines just last month by claiming:

The European Commission offered 𝕏 an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us.

The other platforms accepted that deal.

𝕏 did not.

So the EU is obviously pressuring Musk to remove content which is not already removed, at least according to his perspective.

There has also been a lot in the news about the EU and US pressuring Musk:

Elon Musk is under renewed pressure from the US and EU over his ownership of Twitter, as regulators clamp down on the billionaire’s push to transform the social network into a freewheeling haven of free speech.

The European Commission on Wednesday threatened Musk with a ban unless Twitter abides by strict content moderation rules, as US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen indicated that Washington was reviewing his purchase of the social network.

The warning from Brussels came in a video call between Musk and Thierry Breton, the EU’s commissioner in charge of implementing the bloc’s digital rules, according to people with knowledge of the conversation.

Breton told Musk that Twitter must adhere to a checklist of rules, including ditching an “arbitrary” approach to reinstating banned users, pursuing disinformation “aggressively” and agreeing to an “extensive independent audit” of the platform by next year.

Musk is also a much, much harder target than Durov. They can't arrest him, but they probably can get away within giving X huge fines or banning it, and they have threatened to do both on many occasions since his acquisition of the platform.

The CEO of Rumble has fled Europe. Reminder that this is the "liberal free world."

So you have TikTok- forced divesture clearly going to be banned. Telegram, founder arrested. Rumble CEO has fled Europe. Musk is battling the NGOs and EU as well. This is not just about illegal content, it's about buckling down internet discourse for good.

An appeal to the dissident right from the Russian opposition about the arrest of Pavel Durov

Just like what’s happening in France today. In 2017, Putin accused Telegram of helping terrorists and pedophiles and tried to pressure Pavel Durov to provide the FSB with keys to decrypt private messages.

But after months of struggle and rallying, we managed to defend Telegram. It still operates in Russia today, virtually free of censorship. Although it’s in an increasingly precarious position.

Since then, Putin opened a criminal investigation against me, and my entire team was forced into political exile. We won the battle but lost the war.

Because back in 2017, we were naive and thought it was a uniquely Russian problem. We actually thought Putin was a backwater dictator preventing Russia from joining the family of free nations. Unfortunately, we couldn’t have been more wrong.

As it turned out, Putin was the trailblazer. He set the example for the rest of the Western political class with his censorship, destruction of privacy, and surveillance. It turned out, the West was simply trailing behind.

I’m now in exile in Latin America, witnessing the same silencing of people unfolding under Lula’s rule in Brazil. Reading about people getting arrested for tweets in the UK, and watching Pavel Durov get arrested in France. Something even Putin didn’t dare to do at the time.

These are not isolated issues. The political class is waging a global war against the people. It’s not just Pavel who came under attack in France last night; it’s our privacy and freedom of speech.

... I implore the global right to apply their resources to support Pavel Durov. We have what it takes to save Telegram and finally start winning.

The founder of Telegram was arrested in France and faces 20 years in prison. The charges ostensibly surround the use of Telegram for criminal activity, but the Guardian notes:

The app was also used widely by far-right agitators plotting anti-immigration rallies in England and Northern Ireland in the wake of the stabbing of three children at a Southport dance class last month.

The anti-racism campaign group Hope Not Hate concluded that Telegram had become the “app of choice” for racists and violent extremists and “a cesspit of antisemitic content” with minimal moderation or effort from the app to curb extremist content.

At the height of Twitter censorship, probably 95% of the Dissident Right was banned from Twitter and all went to Telegram. The only contingent of the DR left on Twitter were the Bronze Age Pervert-types who extoled "The West" and race realism but otherwise promoted a philosemitic undercurrent among the right-wing. This all changed with Musk's acquisition of Twitter/X and now nearly all of the banned are back on that platform.

Yesterday Elon Musk also gave exposure to the Telegram founder's claim that the FBI tried to recruit one of his engineers to introduce vulnerabilities into the application through open-source dependencies.

It's hard to overstate the fragility of "freedom of speech", although admittedly I mostly care about expression and information-sharing related to the topics that I consider true and important. And those are the political topics which are only actually threatened at this point. The political persecution of Durov not only threatens Telegram, basically what became the last "internet Ghetto" of the Dissident Right, but it puts pressure on all platforms to conform to EU censorship standards, which are becoming more stringent year after year. TikTok is likewise being banned for not sufficiently curtailing speech according to the interests of the Jewish lobby.

You have the EU censorship regime, the international NGO apparatus like ADL and Hope not Hate which put enormous political and financial pressure on platforms and governments to censor this speech. The current state of Internet discourse is also proof positive of Elite Theory. Only someone like Elon Musk could do what he did with X and (for now) get away with it. Musk himself has related growing scrutiny and lawsuits by the federal bureaucracy against his businesses as retaliation for his "free speech" policy in governing X, and I think he's almost certainly correct.

It really is, at this point, one man standing against the impending total-internet censorship of the Dissident Right. People were making fun of Musk for overpaying for X, but it's an important lesson, a lesson already known by many, that you can't put a price on memetic control over the collective consciousness.

I had to go back because I don't remember that particular controversy. It turns out your memory is faulty, as the controversy surrounded giving thousands of additional work visas each year to Irish immigrant workers in a bilateral agreement- not "essentially unlimited immigration from Ireland":

The Senate is slated to vote on a bill supported by the Wisconsin Republican that cleared the House in November, which provides Irish applicants thousands of unused E-3 visas typically allocated to Australian citizens working in “speciality occupations” in the US.

But what you are even more wrong about is that Paul Ryan received no criticism for his own ethnic identity in supporting this policy. In fact, he was criticized for it in every single article I read about this controversy, with wording like:

House Speaker Paul Ryan is pushing a proposal that would greatly expand access to work visas for Irish nationals — a nod to his ancestral heritage — and drawing backlash from both sides of the political aisle.


Because he is Irish, Paul Ryan is promoting a bill that could provide Irish nationals with thousands of additional work visas each year. I’d love to see this included in the next op-ed from a white writer lamenting “identity politics,” but I know better.


The outgoing speaker, whose ancestors came to America from Ireland to escape famine in the 1850s, has always had a soft spot for the country. He even said he hopes to one day become to U.S. ambassador to Ireland.

In contrast, with Biden's almost-entirely Jewish cabinet which has pushed unprecedented policy initiatives in favor of Jewish NGOs and combatting antisemitism, with sweeping policy coming out of the Jewish-run DHS, Secretary of State Office, and so-on, there is actually no criticism of these Jewish officials using their power for the benefit of Jews in the same way that Ryan received criticism for his Irish heritage regarding his support for that bill.

Your example is just proving my point. The Paul Ryan example is 0.0000000001% the level of Jews supporting Jewish groups domestically and internationally, and the state of Israel, within the United States policy apparatus. And that 0.0000000001% draws criticism and complaint of ethnocentrism by the media whereas the elephant in the room does not.

A Jewish-run Department of State adding Israel to the Visa Wavier Program, despite there being very good reason for Israel to not be included in this program, drew no criticism or suggestion that the move was "a nod to Blinken's ancestry", of course except from the Dissident Right:

Today, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas, in consultation with Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, announced the designation of Israel into the Visa Waiver Program (VWP). By November 30, 2023, the Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) will be updated to allow citizens and nationals of Israel to apply to travel to the United States for tourism or business purposes for up to 90 days without first obtaining a U.S. visa

So (Jewish) head of DHS Mayorkas and (Jewish) of Secretary of State Blinken add Israel to the program and not a whisper of a "nod to their heritage".

Can we pause to appreciate how fucking insane it is that an AMERICAN high school has its students volunteering for a foreign army as a "project?" And that Jews expect NOBODY to breath a word about this or hold them accountable for their OBVIOUS loyalties to a foreign state and their own international community?

Yeah, it would only get harder and harder to gaslight the world into thinking dual loyalty is just an antisemitic trope rather than a systematic problem at the highest levels of the US government.

Shapiro, born in Missouri, didn't volunteer for the US army but he volunteered for the Israeli army. How much more on the nose can they get while screaming "antisemitism!" when somebody points out the obvious?

American neutrality in the decision of Jews to create their ethnostate in the middle of the Arab world. They chose it, they can defend it themselves- not at the economic, military, and diplomatic expense of the United States. It's not too late for America to course-correct, but our "Democracy" will never provide a ticket that is skeptical of the alliance. You either get to vote for the ticket which is already agitating for war with Iran, or the ticket poised to tap an IDF Volunteer as VP. "Democracy", right?

America's alliance with Israel has been catastrophically costly economically, diplomatically, militarily, reputationally... tapping an IDF volunteer as VP of the United States is not a display of competence. It's a display of being captured by foreign influence.

Josh Shapiro seeks to downplay his time as IDF volunteer

Considered by many to be a front-runner, it turns out that Governor Shapiro volunteered for the IDF. Will this sink his chances in being selected by the Harris campaign? Or will his selection be yet another demonstration of Zionist influence in American politics? To have a volunteer for a foreign army as the Vice President, a heartbeat from the presidency as they say, seems unconscionable to me, particularly a volunteer for an army that is at the center of violence which is currently bringing the region to the brink. Enter your predictions.

I predict Shapiro will be selected and these articles about his op-ed now being dropped, on a Friday before Kamala's selection, are an indication that Shapiro has been selected by the Harris campaign and this is meant to "clear the air" before the announcement.

Seems like pretty thin evidence, "two degrees of separation" notwithstanding. What it does prove is how the practice itself is a sort of Pandora's Box. Everybody was scandalized by the assassination, no European power took credit for it. It led to a massively destructive war.

So now that Israel has embraced and normalized the practice as S.O.P in engaging in warfare, what are we to make of it? It's dangerous at best. They know they could start a regional war by conducting assassinations in Tehran. That's the point. They want a regional war so they can drag America to their defense.

The 1914 plot is a very good example for how and why the practice has not been used in warfare in the past. Imagine if the US engages in a Proxy war with China, and China starts assassinating US politicians or sending mailbombs to civilian factory workers. All hell would break lose.