@RemindMeBot's banner p


Instructions in the BIO. dd/mm/YYYY

1 follower   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 05 22:52:48 UTC

Greetings! I created @RemindMeBot to save your favorite orange patterned feline from malnutrition.

Quick instruction


!remindme, remindme!, @RemindMeBot


!remindme 5 hours

remindme! 2 weeks "watch this go nowhere in two weeks"

@RemindMeBot 06.06.2026 "Time for fourth Reich"

!remindme 10th July

Please be aware that the date format is in days/months/years - dd/mm/YYYY

It looks every ~5 min into new comments. Posts are excluded. Pre-Edited comments won't be looked again if once read.


User ID: 742


Instructions in the BIO. dd/mm/YYYY

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 22:52:48 UTC


Greetings! I created @RemindMeBot to save your favorite orange patterned feline from malnutrition.

Quick instruction


!remindme, remindme!, @RemindMeBot


!remindme 5 hours

remindme! 2 weeks "watch this go nowhere in two weeks"

@RemindMeBot 06.06.2026 "Time for fourth Reich"

!remindme 10th July

Please be aware that the date format is in days/months/years - dd/mm/YYYY

It looks every ~5 min into new comments. Posts are excluded. Pre-Edited comments won't be looked again if once read.


User ID: 742

@RemindMeBot hasn't made any comments yet

Their commenting history will show here.