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Trump would likely respond to this with a call the end the Senate filibuster.
Sports are profoundly important to lots of kids, and messing with them is, politically, on par with saying we should kill house cats to protect the environment.
Probably meant "hoping Trump wins".
The only interesting thing is that the Congressman treated his professional staff like dirt, and they hated him for it, but they respected his intelligence and work ethic.
Shows the harm of government regulation.
A long time ago I was a congressional intern. The issue that generated the most mail was animal rights. Don't be surprised if this killing has political impact.
I watched all of it, and the interview was highly inconsistent with the narratives that either Trump is Hitler or Trump is senile. The interview made Trump seem joyful. Funny to think back to the TV show NewsRadio (yes, I'm old) and consider that the actor playing the station mechanic played a key role in an US presidential election by interviewing Donald Trump.
So your father almost failed out of the Coast Guard for not pretending to not believe in stereotypes.
Signaling games. Not wearing a tie to an interview for a job where you know they expect you to wear one signals a lot about you. Suppose 0.1% of people stopped by the police during traffic stops are so dangerous that they lack the ability to appear cooperative and pose a genuine threat to the welfare of the police. Having the police think you're in this 0.1% is very bad for you, so you will avoid giving that impression unless you have no choice or desire a confrontation with the police.
My biological father (who is still alive) grew up in a poor family and as a kid literally had to worry about starving to death because of lack of calories (war played a role in this).
My small US town put bike lanes on some roads, but lots of cyclists understandably ride on the sidewalk. The bike lanes I pass on my commute to work seem optimized to kill cyclists as they literally cut across the path cars take at one point, although fortunately I never see cyclists on this part of their path.
The cyclists I personally hate are the ones who pull recycling material in carts behind their bikes. These cyclists are hard to pass, and I'm certain the amount of extra gas cars use to slow down for them more than makes up for any environmental gains of them using bikes rather than trucks to transport recycling material.
Experiment: When a plumber, electrician, or handyman has finished his job and expects payment, ask if paying in cash is OK. You will see an expression of pure joy cross his face as he answers "yes".
There was a miscommunication that for a short time caused the Kaiser to think that England would not fight against Germany and might even stop France from fighting, but this was quickly cleared up, and was cleared up before the start of war. If Britain was a lot stronger, the British foreign minister would have had a lot more influence and could have either told Austria-H don't invade Serbia, or Russia to stay out of it. Germany would have figured that with a strong Britain against them, they would be unlikely to get Turkey or Bulgaria to join them and they probably get Romania and Italy to side against them.
It would have been the Louisiana conquest if the US had been part of the UK.
I'm actually listening to a WW I podcast and Germany was worried about Britain entering WW I. If it had been Britain + America, Britain would have been able to dictate terms. The German military was not stupid.
You could be right about the South. My only somewhat informed view is that the Civil War was a war of choice for the South, and not going to war would not have caused them to have to give up slavery. Unless they were crazy (which they might have been) the war only made sense if they thought they could win easily and that needed the UK to not let the North blockade the South.
But the South's strategy for winning the Civil War relied on the UK Navy not allowing the South to be blockaded. The UK + North American North would have easily beaten the South and so could have forced the South to end slavery without a Civil War.
Yes, but Singapore is better than the US especially when you adjust for the difficulty level they are playing at. The US has massive land advantages over Canada (too cold) and India (too hot and dangerous neighbors).
If Kamala Harris gets to appoint two Supreme Court Justices I suspect the 1st Amendment will be found to have a hate speech exception that coincides with what Big Tech censors you for saying.
The British abolished slavery without a Civil War! If the US had been militarily part of the UK you don't get WW I and II (probably) and as a bonus no communism.
I'm a patriotic American, but I think the Revolutionary War was a mistake and history would have been a lot better if the US had stayed British. So the printing presses used by the Founding Fathers did a lot of harm even without being "automatic assault presses".
Or the printing press which allows heretics to attack the honor of the holy Catholic Church. Let's pray this doesn't cause schisms and violence.
Before Columbus the Americas had a low disease burden meaning the check on population had to be war and starvation. I'm guessing they fought before they let their kids die of starvation so there was probably constant war over food.
The only moral action is to use Neanderthal DNA to bring back some Neanderthals and then abandon Europe to them.
Lots of leftists basically think Deliverance was a documentary and have a statistically unjustified fear of rural white Republicans. I don't doubt that some FEMA workers really were afraid to knock on the door of homes with Trump signs.
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