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User ID: 791



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User ID: 791

My guess is that some men get so used to the hyperfeminine women the media constantly throws at us that a normal looking older woman looks masculine to them. Kind of like thinking a woman must have a genetic deformity because her eyes are so much smaller than the eyes of anime girls.

If you have celebrity status in one place on earth, you live there.

Scott could have been debanked and stripped of any professional license. Imagine not being able to get a bank account or credit card.

There would seem to be clear synergies between your fertility clinic and a strip club. How about opening up one of those inside your clinic?

The significant recent rise in obesity suggests we can’t dismiss the possibility that the increase in autism is a genuine effect rather than merely a measurement artifact.

Altman saying "Maybe Not" to an employee who said they will ask the model to recursively improve itself next year. https://x.com/AISafetyMemes/status/1870490131553194340

Why not also ASML?

To get to the really important question: Does this mean we should be buying NVIDIA stock?

Is that true? There is a military base within 50 miles of where I live and we occasionally get loud military jets going overhead. We don't expect to be told the purpose of the flights and accept the inconvenience as part of the price of having a strong military

Could be, but then why wouldn't the military admit what it is doing?

Trump talked about the drones at a press conference. As best I remember, he refused to say if he had been briefed, said they couldn't be foreign, and said the US government should say what they are. Assuming Trump was briefed and is not being misleading this means the drones are likely controlled by the US government. The military has massive bases on which to test drones, so I'm guessing the drones are looking for something.

I think a key difference with the trans issue and normal culture war issues, is that people have undergone difficult medical procedures in the expectation that the "civilized" parts of society will respect their choice of gender. That expectation would have been reasonable if Harris had won and the government continued to pressure employers and schools to punish anyone who didn't go along. Now, I have to imagine many fear being betrayed, not just by Trump voters, but by the realization that ambitious Democrats might abandon the progressive trans position to help win future elections.

Elon might be able to get humans to Mars before someone creates a computer superintelligence, but it seems very unlikely he could create a self-sustaining Martian colony before superintelligence is created.

Yes, but building multiple underground bunkers run on geothermal power that have mass food stockpiles would probably do more to increase humanity's survival chances than trying to colonize Mars would.

What I don’t understand about Elon is his push for Mars colonization, given his views on AI. AI is either going to kill us or greatly accelerate technological progress. If it kills us, it will find us on Mars. If it accelerates technology, it will make getting to Mars much easier than it is today. Given the likely progress of AI over the next 15 years, why is Elon bothering with trying to colonize Mars in the near future?

After his first presidential victory Trump was deemed illegitimate because he lost the popular vote, colluded with Russia to steal the election and fooled his voters into supporting him. This time everyone who voted for Trump clearly knew what they were voting for and Trump won by enough that it's hard to claim he did so via fraud. Also, it's very likely that the next Republican presidential nominee will be pro-MAGA. Finally claiming that Trump is less morally qualified to be president than Biden isn't plausible given the Hunter pardon.

It's a bad idea unless you have enough evidence to overcome the Bayesian prior.

I don't live near many rationalists, but I have had several phone conversations with Vasser, and have not observed this. He seems sane to me. We had normal (for nerds) conversations.

I think you should make an exception for important breaking news where the top post is just something like "what's your opinion on X". I like coming here to see what peoples' immediate takes on such news is.

Not clear that North Koreans will get to move into the vacuum. Could be that South Korea imports lots of young non-Korean immigrants to take care of their elderly and these immigrants end up taking over.

Wonder if North Korea is thinking now would be the perfect time to attack.

In a similar situation Trump would have pardoned his son before the election.

But they were pretending to explain what happened.

The Dems probably thought the Republicans were incapable of backtracking on abortion, but Trump pulled it off.

Also, everyone instructed by their school or firm that they must at least pay lip service to the woke line on the trans issue.