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BANNED USER: /comment/199590 performative ban request granted.




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joined 2024 March 23 16:29:13 UTC


User ID: 2946

Banned by: @FCfromSSC

BANNED USER: /comment/199590 performative ban request granted.



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2024 March 23 16:29:13 UTC


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User ID: 2946

Banned by: @FCfromSSC

Mod hat to defend rape. Lol count me out then buddy. Holy shit. This whole place is polluted by your presence. If you want to ban me for this? I'll be proud to wear it. God damn!

  • -15

Even having this conversation is a bad sign. Why would you need to worry about such distinctions?

This didn't start from a place of having 2 glasses of wine with dinner.

You're retreating to the motte after proposing the bailey. Classic stuff.

  • -16

Why split hairs. Just don't.

  • -18

If someone takes a lot of drugs, consensually or otherwise, that doesn't open the door to "sexing" up their passed out body. Again...jesus christ.

This is a special place.

  • -16

So if you drug someone and have sex with them that isn't rape?

Jesus dude...

  • -22

That doesn't make any sense to me. I apologize for engaging. Good luck and God speed.

To torture this terrible metaphor even further. It is actually like watching the car being painted red, so you know exactly how it became red.

You can literally watch natural selection in action in thousands of studies...many done in real time in a lab. I have nothing further to add.

How about walking through the park or on the subway? Not much you can do about that unless escorted by bodyguards at all times. I guess i don't get your message here. Yes telling men not to rape is stupid, anyone willing to listen is already not going to rape. I get that part.

You go on to make claims about agency and the true message being not to victim blame, if that is the case then it isn't stupid and probably a message that still needs to get out there.

Why is "victim blaming" in quotes? You're actually blaming the victim. This is the second post I've seen this morning asking women to have more agency over being raped or assaulted.

You shouldn't have to actively cover your drink at a bar or avoid walking through a busy park in broad daylight because you may be forced into a portapotty and raped by a vagrant, or not take the subway becauss you mignt get groped.

Don't rape messaging isn't going to reach the criminals perpetrating these acts. But if you're correct in that is about avoiding putting blame on the victims, it is clearly still needed.

Time to unplug for a bit. Sounds like it is really getting to you. Go to real places and talk to real people. Most get along just fine.

Yeah i don't get it. I want fewer people. Not more!

Creative. But from what I know they have to be relatively close, and directed for them to be a danger to you. Once you have colonized a few systems it is doubtful one would wipe out a universe of life...

Stellaris looses the plot late game when you're just building first stike doom stacks and chasing fleets around that won't stop and fight you.

Yeah i mean it dosen't make sense. As with most alien invasion narratives, any civ with the tech and power to invade earth would never have a reason to and if they did we wouldnt even know it, we would just be dead. There would closer and easier solutions to their problems.

The magic photons are especially silly and impossible. Reminds me of all the shoehorned psychic abilities that humans end up "developing" in bad scifi.

Yes i didn't notice he said covered. My mistake for sure.

Yeah that is normal market rate. More work goes into it than you think. Commercial appraisers often get deposed if things go wrong. You will go walk the comps and talk to other recent buyers and owners, research the industry, decided on appropriate approaches for valuations etc...etc...etc...about 2 weeks and the appraiser is only getting a percentage if they work for someone else.

Must have been commercial. Residential appraisals are not that much.

It seems like you want something terrible to happen so that you'll be energized and entertained. Am I wrong?

Ah i missed that they were covered. Wouldn't that negate the inflated price thought? That is the whole point of the options people are buying.

Have you heard the phrase. Picking up pennies in front of a steam roller? You're much better off in an index fund if youre looking for 10% returns.

Reading this cold hearted analysis mixed with terms like cream pies...it just makes me sad. Is this really the lense through which anyone should be viewing the world?

None of us are dukes of winchester that need to carry on the family line for the good of the country.

The current Christian theological consensus is that God knows the future with 100% accuracy. Shouldn't that make right wing thought align with zero agency thinking?