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User ID: 2246



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User ID: 2246

How else, exactly are researchers supposed to get their hands on copious amounts of cocaine and quails (eggs) without a study such as this?

My wife and I had to hand sew a Hobbes stuffed tiger for our son when he was born, it wasn't until that moment that I realized he never merchandized the characters.

I don't think you'll find "Won't someone think of the quants" as a very compelling argument either way.

This isn't accurate, she lost a significant portion of her expected vote to Jill Stein, but she didn't finish third.

Trump won with 42.48% of the vote over Vice President Kamala Harris, who received 36.26%, according to results, with 100% of precincts counted, provided to the Free Press from City Clerk George Darany. Jill Stein received 18.37% of the vote.

This confusion is due to a misunderstanding from CNN last night (I saw it live) King talking to Tapper said that, and later clarified the stat is actually there's no county she outperformed Biden by 3% points.

Deiseach is definitely an older, Irish woman.

It actually makes TequilaMockingbird's comment all the funnier as it would in fact be the funniest answer.

Having recently visited said cursed island (which was delightful and I highly recommend) I can safely say Irn Bru trying was the worst part of the trip. That includes a trip to the cliffs of Mohr that was so foggy we practically couldn't see our hands held out in front of our faces.

I have 3 kids, 1 was in a booster while 2 were still in their car seat. I made it work for a short time with 3 in the backseat of my crossover, but I had to buy a seatbelt extender just to be able to buckle in the booster seat.

My experience with Bikers on hiking trails hasn't been pleasant. The bikers "claimed" a hiking route in a park near me (ie they put up a handmade sign indiciating that one of the parallel paths were for bikers only). This was in spite of signage placed at the entrance to the park indicating the paths were shared and that bikers had to yield to hikers.

I ran into one on the "bikers" path and I thought we were going to have a fist fight when he got uppity about me being in his way. He was threatening and stated it was for my own good that I stay off this route.

The YouTube algo must have identified and hit all of us with the same recommendation. I did precisely the same thing. She actually reminded me a lot of Jenny Nicholson, whom I've watched a bunch of stuff from. I assumed that's why I she was inmy feed. I was surprised when I looked up Collier to find that she was a PhD and Science commentator and not a media reviewer.

To this point in my life, I've probably watched 10x the amount of ST:Discovery dissection than I have the show itself.

He was simultaneously - too early, hitting another group in the progressive stack and too unsympathetic (read weird/non-passing/masculine aggressive). If memory serves he did get to use the full weight and support of whatever Canada's Human Rights Division is called and they independent business had to defend themselves.

I'm curious how that case would go now?

Maybe, but the whole - lifting it over her head in a throwing posture makes it less likely that she was planning on putting it away and more likely about to attack the officers with it.

That last bit reminds me of this kid:


That's not true any longer, our first was caesarian and my wife was able to successfully have our second two without the need. VBAC was a very positive experience for her and she was in her mid 30s for #2 and #3.

I mentioned this to someone at work the other day and they looked at me as if I were crazy. The idea that the two were in anyway related (I even specifically limited it to fast food/take out costs) was inconceivable to him, he had a whole bunch of alternative theories.

I'll +1 the recommendation of Blindsight.

Also there is the long running joke that the American black history month is in February, the shortest month of the year. The Irish are giving it a month with the full 31.

I'm old enough to remember when the food containers were insulated, but that was changed on account of environmentalist activism.

Alex Garland

Eigenrobot referenced Cerebus on twitter the other day, something must be in the air.