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This is my exact relationship with my kids/wife. I suspect it's overall healthy for the kids to have one "strict" parent and one "soft" parent, but I agree that modern mothers have gone off the deep end. I often find myself having to be harder on the kids than I'd like to be in order to strike a better balance.

I've got a 1, 2, 3, and 6yo. All were sleeping through the night by 6 months. I (father) was responsible for the night shifts, and did basically the Ferber method.

We've got an all-in-one Narnia that I got used for $2. It's fantastic for an adult, but for kids I'd go with the smaller size. The font on our all-in-one is a bit too small to be comfortable for a kid to read (or to point with you're finger at what you're reading to show a kid), and the weight is too heavy for them to comfortably carry it around. Mine is ~400 pages but they are very large (bigger than US letter paper size).

That's a great idea, I'm going to try it :)

I started my kids off with Harry Potter. After watching the movies, it's much easier for them to visualize what's going on when I read. I read books 1 and 2 to my 6 year old that way.

I thought about doing the same with the Hobbit or Narnia, but the movies aren't quite as friendly to young kids. (I've also got a 1, 2, and 3 yo right now that even Narnia would be too much for. Harry Potter is full of funny scenes in between the scary ones that these other "kids" movies don't have.)

I like your shared thoughts.

But I also really want the AI to go away and would be supportive of more extreme moderation in the future. I haven't seen a single thread with AI content that I thought was productive.

in the United States it is illegal to use surveillance aircraft and NSA SIGINT assets to hoover up reams of data and then act without warrants in response.

This isn't really true in the sense that you're implying. Ordinary police regularly use surveillance aircraft to establish probable cause for an arrest. Ordinary police don't quite have NSA SIGINT assets, but they do still have quite a bit of SIGINT assets they use regularly. If there was political will to arrest/imprison drugees, it would certainly be possible for the police to do so legally.

When Bush walks over, Obama stands up to shake his hands like an old friend. Trump stays seated and neither he nor bush acknowledge each other. Then Obama and Trump are back to cracking jokes with each other.

LLPSI is pretty intense for an elementary schooler. There's much better material for young learners. Minecraftium is a youtube playlist of a Latin teacher playing minecraft while talking latin, and is a good example of something in the same "natural" style but geared for the younger audience. It's not a complete course by itself, but there's lots of other similar material out there.

I think the phrase "quantum woo" vastly understates the potential impact of quantum computing on machine learning. The quantum algorithm zoo, for example, lists a number of quantum machine learning algorithms. Several of these get exponential speed up from classical algorithms, but even a quadratic speedup of grover's algorithm would be game changing at the scale frontier models operate on.

I agree that most normie use of quantum in the brain is "woo". And I also agree that it's not been established that the brain relies on any quantum effects. But there is actual legitimate research in these directions and it seems wrong to offhandedly dismiss it.

For those (like me) wondering why "female" should be related to "sucking", it's because the babies suck on their mothers breast. (See https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/female and follow the etymology links.)

Another fun note is that the old-english for male was "weaponed" because their was a weapon between their legs: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/w%C3%A6pned#Old_English

I'd forgotten about this film. This is a really good suggestion... there's lots of fantastic themes in that movie. Thanks!

My kids are also into Harry Potter. They've started calling Neverending Story "white harry potter" just because the dvd case is white. It's a great story!

Oooh.. Ben Hur. I hadn't heard of that before, but it sounds fantastic. I'll have to watch it with my wife, and maybe with my kids when they're a bit older. Thanks!

Aaahh... I remember these from when I was a kid... my 2yo is super into dinosaurs right now, so that's likely to be a winner... thanks!

What are the all-time best movies / shows for kids to watch?

This Christmas, I watched the Home Alone series with my kids (6yo, 3yo, 2yo, 1yo). The movies are fantastic. They keep the kids engaged with humor, and they provide valuable lessons on family (you might think they're a pain, but they're still wonderful), independence (kids can accomplish a lot of things that adults can't and they should be encouraged to try), some seemingly bad people are good (the shovel guy/pigeon lady are scary at first but turn out to be great people in the end), and some seemingly good people are bad (the thieves dress up as cops and trick a lot of adults).

I want to find other similar movies to watch with my kids that are fun and full of great lessons. Does themotte have any recommendations?

Is there really a norm against killing foreign heads of state in war? It seems to me like this happens all the time.

When the US invades a country like Iraq and declines to kill their leader, one of the main strategic reasons for this decision is so that there exists a clear person with authority to surrender. Often, when a leader is killed without surrendering, the armed forces splinter into a variety of insurgent groups and there is no way to achieve a diplomatic resolution to the conlfict anymore.

This argument suggests that Putin would have a strategic reason to not kill Zelensky, but Zelensky has no corresponding interest in not killing Putin. My guess is that if Zelensky had the chance, he would definitely choose to kill Putin whether or not the US supported the decision.

I'll add to this that BIOS passwords do not provide much security even in the ordinary context without armed guards. In order to do something with a BIOS password, you need physical access to a machine to type it in. But if you have physical access, you can also easily reset the BIOS password by removing a battery. (This would break a seal on the machine, but those seals can also be replaced.) So I don't think this leak of BIOS passwords meaningfully made the election less secure.

I'm still very much opposed to electronic voting, however, because of all the other ways they make voting insecure.

I did look into this, and they generally require co2 cartridges and regular cleaning which reduces their cost effictiveness. I also have the goal of cutting the fuzzy drink addiction entirely at some point, and the regular bill reminds me I should be making progress towards the goal.

I'm "down" to 3ish cans/day. That's still a $10 pack every other week = $250 / year. That feels like a lot of money to spend on water when the tap spits it out for free.

I "accidentally" started drinking about 4 liters/day Coke0 after my kids were born to stay awake. (It felt safer to have a cold soda around babies rather than hot coffee, plus I like the taste better.)

I weaned myself off by drinking the sparkling water from costco. Still expensive, but no more caffeine dependency.

For a robbery caught on camera, or a murder where the killer’s fingerprints are on the knife and his DNA is on the scene? What is there to argue about? Why is a defense attorney necessary? What do we gain by pretending that going through the (expensive, time-consuming) motions is valuable?

The purpose of a defense attorney is not to get the accused acquitted at all costs. Their purpose is to help the accused navigate an extremely stressful environment. That can include, for example, encouraging the accused to take a plea deal in the case of overwhelming evidence. There's a reason the vast majority of cases do not end up in trial.

Github repo with course content: https://github.com/mikeizbicki/cmc-csci181-languages

All the lectures recorded and put on youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSNWQVdrBwoa4KNaiKr-ayUdROZdSZ_1E

(unfortunately the audio didn't capture on the first video)

I'm teaching a class on LLMs right now, and the students are working on a project to use LLMs to answer questions about the current election. (They're using a RAG based system to pull in news articles to answer the questions, and they're next assignment is going to be to get the system to respond in the style of Harris/Trump.)

Anyways, to evaluate the students' work, I needed to create a dataset of US election facts. I call it the Hairy Trumpet dataset (github link), and I'm surprised I haven't heard this pun on the candidates' names anywhere else yet. I especially like the pun because hairy trumpet is also the name of a weird fungus, which seems fitting for a dataset on politics.

That link is super interesting, thanks for sharing.

Two comments:

  1. The U-shaped graph about the "political activism graph" directly speaks to the idea that the "middle is dropped out". What this graph doesn't show is that this phenomenon is getting worse (i.e. that the middle today are voting less than they voted 20 years ago). I interpreted your previous points as the middle is dropping out even more than it used to, and I don't see evidence of that.

  2. What there is evidence for in your link is that the middle is getting smaller and the tails of the distribution are growing larger. This is different than "dropping out" (which I interpret to mean not voting but continuing to have the same beliefs and staying in the middle). It seems to me that the actual polarization of beliefs is what's causing the polarization of discourse/policy and not the fact that the middle has stopped participating as much.

I agree. That's exactly the type of book that JTarrou should write.