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joined 2022 September 05 15:41:10 UTC

Husband, Father, "concerned citizen."


User ID: 612



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 15:41:10 UTC


Husband, Father, "concerned citizen."


User ID: 612

I wouldn't put numbers on it, but yes. I don't think high intelligence makes anyone immune to self-delusion, or more broadly, to adopting strange beliefs and acting on those beliefs.

If anything, this would look like a return to the older way of selecting candidates for the major parties. The primary process used to rely much heavier on backroom deals gated by rounds of voting to select a candidate, with the regular voting public mostly shut out. After the perceived meddling in the 2016 Dem primary (Sanders and Clinton), I wonder how this would play out among the democratic party electorate.

Mid 20's, lives on the other side of the country. I'm not sure when she plans to 'come out' to the family (or if, honestly - though it might become obvious depending on how far she goes physically).

Are introductions a thing here? Should I just start poasting? I've lurked for some time, but decided to start commenting. There have been some posts recently (and in this thread) about a slow decline in the users here, and I feel compelled to state "it's not all bad" for the record.

I have a younger sister who is, I suspect, considering a conversion to the religion of trans, and I'm wondering if anyone else here has some experience with a family member doing so, and if you have any thoughts on such. I'm usually pretty reserved, and to be honest, I'm pretty chill with people who disagree with me about a great variety of things. My current plan is to try to avoid any major disagreements of faith and the associated language, but I'm pretty uncomfortable with lying directly if asked.

I've started to use religious terms around transgender ideology, since I think they're the most accurate ones to describe what I see as a metaphysical belief system, or a "folk religion." If there can be a more widespread understanding of this ideology as similar to a folk religion, I think the decisions around treatments and surgeries (acts of faith) become easier for pundits/politicians/voters to articulate and decide where the guardrails should be.