I use Self-Control, which lets you block websites for a length of time. You can block all websites but allow a whitelist, or block only a few websites. That doesn't prevent all internet connection though, just browser use.
Maybe arsons in less-flammable times don't result in newsworthy conflagrations. Nobody cares about the fires that remain small and burn themselves out quickly. During fire-prone times, any arson is liable to become a big deal.
My understanding is that back surgery is very rarely helpful and usually makes the pain worse. People are always upset to find the surgery is not covered, but there's a very good reason for it. It doesn't work.
"Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man" by James Weldon Johnson is a great book-length example of that.
they’re not fossilized because they have bird like bones that aren’t very robust the fossil record is incomplete etc.
Bird fossils do exist.
For Coke and Pepsi, advertising is defensive. If you aren't wooing your fans with ads, you're losing them to upstart companies that are. It's not possible to bank supporters, not for brands and not for political parties.
Lol, that makes more sense than shirking Puerto Ricans, which was the only idea I came up with.
and can I shirk another PR, having made it 3 years into my career only ever having done one
What's "PR" in this context?
Horseshoe crab
I Love "Into the Woods", it's the best musical.
Honestly, Trump should just keep saying "she was the official border czar, and she failed". The Democrats will feel obligated to engage in constant semantic clarifications instead of actually campaigning.
The 2032 Olympics have been awarded too, to Brisbane.
Seems to me the obvious explanation is that they are worried this will look racist. Rejecting a redneck might have been fine, but you can't reject a black person for wearing the wrong clothes without getting sued or boycotted. The only resolution is to not have dress codes.
I've also never met a man who was upset about a woman not cleaning the house enough, with the exception of a couple Niles Crane-type obsessives who married the same. Literally the vast majority of straight men I know would rather their wives spent less time cleaning. If pressure from husbands could affect women's cleaning, it'd make them clean less.
That's kind of a Latin American thing, right? electing outsiders. Fujimori in Peru, Bukele in el Salvador, I think some others I'm forgetting. They like electing ethnic outsiders.
Yeah a prostitute without a pimp or someone similar is gonna get stiffed by customers all the time.
In case anyone's wondering...
1: Pest-control companies said they didn't know which pesticide they used because they hadn't diagnosed the problem yet. They hadn't chosen a pesticide. (edit: or, more likely, the person on the phone isn't an exterminator and doesn't know)
2: The company that didn't say she had to wash all her clothes, etc. just skipped that step to get a customer. The moths will likely be back within a year, because they laid eggs in the folds of old clothes or stacks of cardboard or ruffles on the edge of a couch cushion. I realize it's a pain, but it's the only way to solve the problem (thereby minimizing the total number of "murdered" moths, the cost of treatment and the amount of pesticide used).
3: This seems more like burgeoning OCD than legitimate animal welfare concerns. Switch to hardwood floors, synthetic fabrics and no whole cereal grains if you really care so damn much about moths.
4: Carpet moths don't eat carpets. They eat human hair, insects and animal leavings, etc. Actually carpet moths don't eat, but carpet-moth caterpillars do.
I read recently that cats have been evolving to be less friendly to humans, at least in the West, because friendly pet cats are spayed or neutered, as are strays that are caught by people. The cats that are reproducing are strays unfriendly enough to avoid animal control. Seems plausible the same effect is occurring for dogs.
Do you think any new countries will become independent in the next twenty or so years?
Not to nitpick, but isn't Thursday the 15th?
Do y'all think we're likely to see any new countries become independent in the next, say, twenty years? Just curious.
About 2000 Hawaiians. But I can't rule out the possibility that they are a supervillain and his lackeys. Still counts.
I gave up and got the answer. It's not one of those states, but I think it is a suburb. I had heard of it though.
I should have gotten that one,
Sure, it's Cityquiz.io They have other places besides the US too.
Yeah, it's hard to see from the map. Most of the major cities are surrounded by smaller ones with generic names that were easy to guess, like Glendale, etc. So they get crowded.
Texas has a bunch of big cities with very generic, forgettable names (like Garland). Also, every single place mentioned in King of the Hill is apparently fictional.
The Dakotas are sparsely populated but full of easily guessed names, towns with like 6 people in them. Lotta towns named after people's names -- Pierre, for example.
Most landforms and terrains that are famous have a city named after them, eg Everglades. The exception is Hawaii, where there is no Maui, Oahu, Mauna Loa, Waikiki Beach, etc. Luckily you can guess a couple towns just by combining the relatively few letters in the Hawaiian language. I got a couple I've never heard of that way.
Spanish-language placenames seem harder to guess. English-origin names like Michael usually have a town named after them. There's no town named Miguel though. Of course any saint most likely has a San Whatever or Santa Whatever town, but other than that, Spanish names are hard to guess. Also, if a county has an English-origin name, there's likely a town of that name too. If a county has a Spanish-origin name, it probably does not have a town of that name.
I've been playing an online game where you just try to name as many US cities as you can. Here's my map. My goal was to name all the cities over 500,000 people. I am stubbornly short one such city. I haven't looked up the correct answer yet.
Can you guess which one American city over 500,000 people I'm missing?
I've been canoodling around with it for a week or so, and I've been listing generic city names and getting a surprising number of correct answers that way, including some big cities.
You named 2,826 cities, with a total population of 120,814,720 (46.35% of the national urban population in 2020).
I also got 234 of 339 cities over 100,000 people (69.0%).
Edit: I checked, here's the city I missed:
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There's also the Space Force, but they're just nerds. They only exist so the other branches have someone whose lunch money they can steal. Might as well be Coast Guard.
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