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joined 2022 September 25 23:56:43 UTC


User ID: 1352



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 25 23:56:43 UTC


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User ID: 1352

2 points. First, Private Equity and alternative investments outperform their public counterparts. How do I know this? I worked at a pension fund. Everyone is aping into the private markets for the same reasons.

Second, many individuals consistently beat the market. The thing is, these people trade their own capital. Or at the most of some insiders/partners.

Sometimes it takes a great deal of courage to be honest with yourself about what you really want. I don’t know that I’m great at it.

A little advice: The greatest insights about your yourself always come from other people. No exception. Take special attention to the insights about yourself you get from those people who are very capable yet are not very close to you. If you are a relatively smart and imaginative person, it's pretty easy to tell which guys will amount to something. And who will become zeros. I am pretty sure you agree on that.

I have a better idea. Why don't you migrate to Chile? Serious question.

First off, doctors in the UK are middle class at best. You could go to Chile, work as a doctor, and easily be upper class or at worst upper middle class. You could live a far more prosperous life than in the UK. I am not joking. Doctors here are over-payed asf.

Not to mention, immigrating here should be much easier to achieve. The top universities here are desperate to take students from abroad to prop up their world rankings. I know an indian girl who is doing a phd program here.

And Chile is not a shithole, make no mistake. There is not other country I would move to, barring perhaps the US or Switzerland.

Germans (especially north of Bavaria, which they somewhat identify with, and Baden, which was iirc Austrian territory for a while anyway). The Swiss don’t think they’re intellectually superior to the Germans, they have the kind of attitude that like a wealthy Texan who ‘identifies’ as a salt of the earth good ol boy has to a Yankee intellectual, even if the latter is poorer. That’s my experience.

In my experience, the swiss are a materialistic bunch. Austrians, on the other hand, are a depressive bunch. I still remember when I went to Viena and everyone seemed so miserable. It was real downer tbh.

Interesting. It always seemed to me that society has always been composed of 1% that drives it, and the 99% that follows. And that 1% often gets frustrated because of that fact. This leads many in that intellectual and social engine to question the purpose of human life, which seems destined for suffering no matter how hard you try to avoid it, and with an inevitable end that truncates everything. And this leads to nihilism when it goes unchecked. It's important that we find a meaningful purpose in what we do or want to do, and for that, a period of societal hibernation is truly a luxury that everyone should afford at some point in their lives. Training, reading, traveling, wandering, thinking, and writing, especially today with the infinite resources available, is a very rewarding journey if the goal is to come out of hibernation as the best possible version of oneself.

Certainly happened to me. At some point, things turned around spectacularly in my life. Take it from a guy who was basically a bum for 2 years of his life.

Argentina is a hilarious country. Basically a bunch of retired college educated 30 year olds who live at home in poverty. It’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen. A mansion cost a millions dollars to own and $700/mth to rent. (Too many people buy real estate to hedge inflation but everyone lives with their family so there’s no renter demand so rent is dirt cheap to rent the upper classes investment mansions).

Steak cost 10% of the cost in the USA but clothes cost 150%. It’s literally so weird. The whole thing is weird. Way too many oddball terrifies and taxes on certain things that throw parts of the economy off.

Beautiful place though. And nice people too. Argentinians are some of the nicest people out there.

Plan to move there sooner or later.

Movie industry has long ago peaked. Unless you are repackaging IP content like Marvel, financing a movie does not make sense.

What you have to understand is that the truly talented people have long ago left the industry for greener pastures.

Across history, talent always follows the money. Just like when musicians were the hot thing. Then came dramaturgy. Then literature until the end of 19th century. Then movies which peaked in the 90's. Now we are waiting for the new artform of the future. Maybe it is youtubers, or AI is the new thing.

Talent will go there. As it always has.

The most notorious speculator in the world is a hack to you? Seriously?

He is one of the most respected figures among the best traders in the world. These are people who not only beat the markets, they beat the crap out of them. And I'm not talking about the average Goldman trader. I'm talking about the desks that don't even consider taking your money unless you put 10 million on the table, no questions asked.

Everythin was easier in the old days, yes. That's what a loser would say.

I truly envy you. I feel I will never experience such delicious and indulgent feelings.

Be grateful. And don't fuck it up!