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joined 2022 September 25 22:56:39 UTC



User ID: 1350



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 25 22:56:39 UTC







User ID: 1350

From the team that also used to have D'Andre Swift and Mike Quick.

I am going to make myself sound about 30 years older than I am, but there were also David Susskind and Joe Franklin

I answered this a few months ago, so here's the copy/paste of that comment. Since that time the GOP has updated the rules on the link I provided, but the rule appears to be the same:

Per the rules of the Dems and the GOP it appears that the Democrats will have a meeting of the national committee, and the new nominee will be selected by a majority vote of the committee, one person, one vote. The Republicans will do the same, but members representing each state will receive the same amount of votes their state had during the convention. The replacement will be selected by a majority vote.

In neither case is it a rule that the Vice Presidential nominee will automatically assume the Presidential nomination.

In my neighborhood there is still one "In This House..." sign, it is counter-signaled by three "Love Lives Here" signs

The view from my neck of the woods (western Montgomery County, PA, which went handily for Biden in 2020) is that Trump signs outnumber Harris/Biden signs 100+:1. In 2020 there was more parity in comparison to the lopsidedness this year. In my neighborhood of 70 some homes I count 8 homes with Trump signs out front and no signs for anyone else. At minimum I take this as a sign for greater enthusiasm for Trump.

This is contradicted in my own home where one member who voted for Trump last time almost certainly will not this time due to Dobbs.

Are you thinking of the walked-back policy of PayPal fining clients $2,500 for engaging in 'misinformation'?

Are you thinking of this press conference by Joe Arpaio?

Would you pay one-time $5 fee to be able to post on a forum you like to read?

I did, on MetaFilter. Twice. The one-time fee served to keep some of the riff-raff out. It also gave users a feeling that they had a piece of ownership in the forum, which would inflame the dramatic 100+ reply threads on MetaTalk when unpopular mod decisions would be handed out.

What if it was $5/year?

Probably not, maybe if it were here. It's hard for me to justify the benefit to my wellbeing of finding more reasons to sit in front of a screen instead of doing anything else.

It is one hell of a performance of intellectual gymnastics to turn someone who spends all day tweeting, reporting people for minor traffic violations, and shilling his substack, into a Nietzschean Superman.

The interview you reference can be found in two parts here and here

There are images of intact teleprompters taken after the Secret Service swarmed him

You should think twice because the formal mechanism for denying him the nomination relies on either pledged delegates breaking their pledge, or him giving up voluntarily.

Also, it could make more sense to have him drop out after the convention to prevent an open convention and an open intra-party civil war that could ensue.

Him stepping down now creates a bad situation for Harris, it either sets up an open convention or a farcical situation where everyone is voting for him at the convention only for him to accept the nod and have the committee give it to her afterward

She'll be the American Kim Campbell; we'll have to hear a similar story about how the first woman president was set up to fail.

Here it is. it's an essay from February 2020 by James Lindsay in which he is suggesting terming the phenomenon Critical Social Justice. It's interesting that in the essay he uses the word 'Woke' once, and in the comments a user suggests referring to the ideology as 'Wokeness' only to do be dismissed.

Thanks for the suggestion, but it wasn't Freddie. I remember it being by someone further to the right (not necessarily a conservative or someone further right, either).

Can anyone help me recall/locate an essay written around 2018-2020 which had as its thesis the idea that when the ideas circulating around the Social Justice movement developed a name that could identify the ideology readily to the general public (and one more value neutral than Social Justice / SJW), then the Social Justice ideology could be effectively counteracted? I remember this circulating prior to Woke becoming the common term for the ideology.


EDIT: The essay in question is here

That's a fascinating sub with much wrongthink; has Reddit become more tolerant or is this sub just flying under the radar until they get the inevitable ban? I stopped browsing Reddit when they banned CCJ2, so I don't know how things go over there nowadays.

And now FFIE is down 40% on the day.

Also, the 'irony' is that a woman can genuinely have all it all if they locate a reliable husband and lock him down early in life, since he can support her ambitions in ALL THREE of those roles. He can give her kids, support her raising them, take her on trips and parties and generally have fun, and support her career ambitions where needed.

This is my lived experience, but it took my wife entering a well-compensated corporate position in her mid '30s where her superiors were mothers of young children for her to entertain the idea of kids. Before that (and I mean, from her late-teens when I first met her), she had a laser-focus on her career.

So yes, WHY are women discounting the sacrifice of their childbearing years so heavily? Are they actually aware of the opportunity cost there?

Maybe this comes down to a drive for status and status alone? If they are encultured in a society that gives less status to mothers/housewives than it does to those in corporate positions, moving up the corporate pecking order would be the rational choice for a status-seeking agent. The exceptions—Mormons, traditional Catholics, Amish, etc.—are cultures that afford status to mothers of larger broods of children.

The sentiment you describe reminds me of the Talleyrand quote:

He who has not lived in the eighteenth century before the Revolution does not know the sweetness of life and can not imagine that there can be happiness in life. This is the century that has shaped all the conquering arms against this elusive adversary called boredom. Love, Poetry, Music, Theatre, Painting, Architecture, Court, Salons, Parks and Gardens, Gastronomy, Letters, Arts, Science, all contributed to the satisfaction of physical appetites, intellectual and even moral refinement of all pleasures, all the elegance and all the pleasures. The existence was so well filled that if the seventeenth century was the Great Age of glories, the eighteenth was that of indigestion.

Wikipedia says their black population is 10%, i.e. a smaller percentage than what the US has.

Going deeper into this, the Wikipedia article on the Demographics of Brazil makes it seem as though only those with almost entirely African ancestry are counted as black (at 7.6% of the population) and then indicates that 42% are classified as Pardos (with a mixture of white, indigenous, and black ancestry). The article on Pardo Brazilians includes some genomic analysis that indicates between 10 and 30% African genomic ancestry for Pardos in most areas, and that in many areas, those classified as black have at least 40% European genomic ancestry.

No, it is in the middle of what used to be a cow pasture (and was still surrounded by it when I went there). The school (built on a 60+ acre property in the '70s) is centralized to serve a group of exurban communities to ensure kids don't have a long commute time.