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BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC

White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC


White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

It's the other way around; it's hubris of the highest order to think your enemies are idiots. I respect my enemies too much to lie and call them stupid.

Wait, hold on. We've done a verbal sleight of hand here: you went from "is anyone really dying out?" to "is anyone being genocided?". I don't blame you, that's the phrase IGI mistakenly used, but let's rewind.

Consensual or not, if all the Uyghurs have kids with Han, are the Uyghurs dying out?

Yeah I don't believe gaming dubious asylum claims is a legitimate means of entering the country, gonna stick with illegals. Hope they keep getting shipped to sanctuaries!

Yeah, makes sense. My social circles are entirely working class.

No it isn't, given that most of the concern is coming from gentile whites.

Is it proportionally coming from them?

Yes, I understand why you and yours would want to parasitize a White society, I just trust you understand why not every White is so masochistic as to tolerate it.

Why not? Kerosene too expensive?

As much as I wish history went differently, they are legal US citizens, and have been widely recognized as such for a long time. I'm unwilling to support the government having the power to arbitrarily mass deport its own citizens.

I'd happily support a program to help deport minorities who voluntarily signed up and revoked citizenship, however.

We just want to do well for ourselves and promote policies that do that, any harm or benefit to white people is coincidental;

So what? What does it matter to me, as a White man, if your negative impact on my life is intentional or an accident? Either way I'm going to support the White boot on your face forever until you leave.

Blue cities in red states are still a problem for the red states. Herding them into these locations is a step in the right direction, though.

If the total illegal population is mostly stable, and NYC already has, to a first approximation, its "fair share" of that population...what's the justification for shipping them more migrants?

The justification is that they support the migrants and the people shipping them away don't. There's no problem with that arrangement; if you are pro-migrant, congratulations, you should welcome the chance to live up to your principles and help the unfortunate.

There's no problem shipping illegals to New York City, then. Glad we agree.

Not trans activism, leftist activism, and all its tentacles. It must be stopped on every front together.

I'm advocating for everyone letting bygones be bygones and focus on their own problems. No more paternalism, no more babysitting, no more hand-outs, no more grudges. The blacks get over being brutalized like every people in the history of the world did, we forgive them for being the worst of the underclass and don't demand reparations, and then there's a nice, clean break.

Once a foreign power has shown itself able to so thoroughly control politics, by default I refuse to consider subsequent elections legitimate. I can't stop you from doing so, of course.

The northeast.

You don't get to call any election free or fair after a foreign-backed coup. Especially not when it's now been surpassed by the out-and-out banning of political rivals.

I literally don't know a single person who smokes cigarettes.

Damn. I think I know two people who don't smoke.

A well-done Kellhus would be truly wonderful, yes. He's a very difficult character, and a very strange point-of-view 'protagonist', but it'd be incredibly engrossing.

They're incredibly weak and fragile early.

Let's be real, here. The Baldur's Gate experience involves a lot of saving and loading early on, no matter what you are. Whoops, basilisk. Whoops, random encounter, six bandit archers killed you in round one. Whoops, bear. Whoops..

Game's atrocious until you have a few levels' worth of HP gains.

That still sounds like a them problem, though. I see no reason whatsoever why I should feel obligated to the blacks regardless. Even if Whites were responsible for their plight -- which I reject -- I wouldn't care, as I'm not black.

Many of these supposedly left-leaning hobbyist spaces are casually, pervasively hateful in a way that only doesn't get recognised as hate because hate gets defined in whatever way is most useful to them at the time.

Man, don't I know it. I've fallen out of every single online hobbyist space I had in the 2000s and early 2010s. None of them are recognizable to me anymore, and every single one of them is permanently hostile enemy territory. The exception is the chans, but even they're different nowadays. For the worse.

That sounds like a problem for them, not me.

Ah, understandable. No worries. I know what he was saying so I could translate, that's all.

I dislike you and I will almost always be willing to express that. Do not mistake that for investment in your opinions.

The fact that this particular user was a long-time poster who has never had a history of trolling of any kind made it transparently obvious that you were just throwing a tantrum and namecalling because someone contradicted you.

Your inability to not be fooled by transparent sneering does you no credit. You should replace this inappropriate pride of yours with a healthy dose of shame.

This is correct, though.

I know. Thanks for backing me up.