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BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC

White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

BANNED USER: /comment/21314


Si vis pacem, fac bellum

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:20:22 UTC


White, right-wing, male.


User ID: 101

Banned by: @ZorbaTHut

In other words, the calendar says your explanation fails. What do you suppose explains your mistake?

You're misremembering the origins of the forums. It's not the subreddit creation dates that matter, it's when the community breakaways and migrations actually happened.

Lots of followers despite actively pissing people off—must have a high charisma score

A high Charisma score would be represented by not pissing people off. Charisma isn't a magical force that compels you to like the unlikeable. It's what makes people likeable. That said, yes, Galadriel would be a badly done D&D Paladin.

Books encourage 200+ pages of material with a common theme. That is the ideal format for deep exploration of an idea.

We call these manifestos, and blogs are fine for them. I'm sure you can even find plenty -- though you probably don't want to read them.

Why did they follow Zorba over to the Motte sub--but perhaps more importantly, why did they follow Zorba over to the Motte sub, instead of going to the CWR sub, or later to the Schism sub? Why have so many people actually come over here onto Zorba's server?

No one has followed Zorba; they've followed the community, which has whittled down over time but consistently been the same people over the years. CWR and The Schism aren't the dominant forums because they came after in response to specific complaints. Had it been CWR that opened first after the Culture War got booted off of SSC, it'd be the big dog.

Life is all base pleasure seeking. The only thing that changes is what you consider pleasurable. You can unflatteringly paint them as dull hedonists; they can unflatteringly paint you as an insecure gloryhound. You cannot understand why they are motivated by pleasure; they cannot understand why you aren't.

I admire your optimistic belief that you could tutor the underclass and make them not garbage. How I wish that optimism was, even once, justified.

What you wrote did indeed say that. Your abuse of the red hat is noted, but as I'm capable of wiping my own ass power tripping jannies don't intimidate me. Fuck off with that nonsense.

"Race swapping your fairy tales is okay, but race swapping mine is double plus ungood."

Nah bro, my name is Chinkakinte, and I know kung-fu.

Yeah, life is aesthetics. We only interface with the world through sensory inputs, what delights our particular senses is always what wins. If you find God to be compelling and pleasing, by all means, embrace God, but you're fundamentally identical to someone who goes "nah things should just be cool".

Also a juvenile preoccupation with aesthetics and going out in a blaze of glory as if everyone in the world should aspire to be a Shonen manga character like you do, as always.

How tragic and telling that your first revolted instinct concerning glory is "ew, anime". No appreciation for those who rage against the dying of the light? Nothing in you admires the bold Hound of Cullan, who tied himself to a stone that he might die on his feet?

I've seen you use "immature" as a slight toward others multiple times. Perhaps your inability to understand this facet of the human experience in adult terms shows that you still need to grow. It is not childish to value how you leave this world.

These women are too stupid to be taught. They need to be sterilized because you will never otherwise stop them from abusing their kids.

Both can be true. The malevolent actors in America need not be identical to the malevolent actors in Finland.

Blacks are not uniquely good at getting whipped and following instructions poorly. I'd love to see some race-swapped Roots.

They're all self-serving, what surprise, what shock, no one could have predicted this tragic outcome.

Assuming bad faith can result in you making mistakes, but more often it will result in you being correct.

Both are unnatural. 'Something is natural' is a pretty shitty argument in general. Gravity is natural too, jumping off a cliff isn't healthy.

Trans people wouldn't need to be given hormones if they were making them naturally.

I forget what it is called, but what does this community think about when a movie takes a character that was white or a male and makes it a different gender or race for the sake of it?

I accept the product is trash and pay it no further mind.

If the EA movement wants to tie itself to the Democrats, that seems fine to me -- as a Republican, I'll treat them like I treat everything else tied to the Democrats. The why seems unimportant, but I presume it's because EAs is white and urban.

I use Origins, too. It keeps ads off Youtube for me. Did you white list it or something?

It does indeed reflect poorly on Whites. You understand now why there's such a sharp and bitter intra-White political divide.

I daresay a subset of western policy-makers don't count as "human intuition".

Amen. When someone tells you they hate you -- or themselves -- listen to them. When White progressives say something anti-White, they mean precisely that. Nihilistic self-loathing is the norm among them.

I'm glad we agree! I'm more than happy with the transportation.

It is this difference that's causing people to flock over and why the only real way to end the hordes descending upon Europe is to either lower your own QoL a lot or raise living standards in their home countries to the point where the added benefits of migrating aren't worth the costs like being away from your family.

Oh, my friend, there are so many other ways to stop invading hordes.