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Lipstick on a guitar

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joined 2022 September 05 13:52:36 UTC
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User ID: 573


Lipstick on a guitar

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 13:52:36 UTC


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User ID: 573

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is rather mild in the scheme of things and is probably much less than the same left would be censored by the people it currently censors if that group was in power

My personal rebuttal to this is always something like ' yes - it is very bad that my grandparents went through the Holocaust in Poland, it is bad that my parents lived through communism in Poland, but it still sucks for me personally that I have to pretend a man is somehow a woman, or that I have to pretend everyone in the US is my equal, or that ... ' so yuh, its relatively mild - but it's still living in unreality, and it's still bothersome.

Tipper Gore is the reason my CD's had parental advisory stickers and the left is the reason tweets and podcasts and truthteller marks are all over everywhere telling us wrong facts.