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The world-spirit texting on the toilet

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joined 2022 September 04 18:10:59 UTC


User ID: 58


The world-spirit texting on the toilet

0 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 04 18:10:59 UTC


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User ID: 58

Ah, I missed that part. Never bet against sailer on that count.

I general have mixed to negative feelings about trace, but this is actually a very fair point.

“This car isn’t as fast as a Bugatti super bike.” Yeah… basically nothing is.

This place feels very elder millennial but maybe that is just my projection.

I think the healthy, measured response to what’s been done to the modal US citizen in the last eight years or so is nothing short of white hot, borderline murderous rage.

Sometimes that’s truly the appropriate response. Many people and institutions have spent incredible amounts of money, time and energy gaslighting people into not believing this.

I was fooled for a very short amount of time, but I know in my heart what’s right.

Don’t the French use full sized poodles as police dogs? They’re crazy smart, I knew one and it was like having a huge furry toddler walking around.

”Folks, the bourgeois, they're no good everyone is saying it. All these workers, very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they're right. These bourgeois are very nasty people very very rude and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me everyday and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say, Look the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction believe me you gotta trust me on this one. The means of production, obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I'm seizing them. Landlords? They're done for folks. Everyone told me they said, Comrade Trump you won't be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess whose laughing now?"

We remember it that way because of how it ended up, but the Weimar was absolutely lousy with serious, revolutionary communists and honeycombed with the most stomach churning levels of sexual and cultural degeneracy ever witnessed in the west at that time. It very easily could have gone the other way.

My general feeling on this matter is that a healthy society capable of self government with aligned values and incentives would have never produced the Nazis in the first place, so if you’re frightened of a reappearance of them the moral imperative is not to produce the same levels of abject moral depravity that produced them in the first place.

Up until very recently, I felt that we were obviously failing that. I feel much more hopeful now.

Your entire analysis is wrong because your framing is wrong; Trump is the counter-force.

The ideologically motivated fracking of the American genetic, cultural and social foundation is pure Weimar-style dangerous nonsense that has been going on since at least 2012.

Failure to apply this counter force will convert a legitimate immune response to a real problem (MAGA) into a full on auto immune disorder. I don’t want to be around to see that.

Trump is Gracchus. If no course correction, then comes Sulla. Then the Caesars.

I agree, avoiding this is incredibly important.

An additional irony is that, like the modal “shitlib” resistance type I am also very frightened of fascism. But like, the real thing and not the fake & gay secular satan stand-in for non conformity to the vagaries of fashion, but rather an actual militaristic totalizing death cult.

“Please stop doing Weimar stuff, for the love of god.” Is my actual point of view.

One of the recurring elements of the resistance to Trump is that those decrying Trump and his supporters as a fascist don’t understand they are engaged in a self fulfilling prophecy.

I don’t think Trump and his supports are fascist, I generally think that fascism is not a live political force of any real consequence in the USA. I think people who throw the term around loosely almost always don’t understand what fascism actually is, and why it arose.

I cannot think of a better way to actually facilitate the birth of a real American homegrown fascism than killing or jailing Trump and successfully using extralegal methods to suppress the maga movement and stifle their (very popular) core political agenda.

It’s as if these people are trying to do a Weimar Republic speed run. If they got what they wanted, they’d likely also subsequently get what they are afraid of and what they deserve.

They do it for free!

A fed bureaucrat and a Jannie? This is pushing the absolute limits of my disdain.

It’s also the most obviously correct strategy.

That’s a good one.

Or have a minor character who mentions it be banned from there for life but still lurking. You’d have your pick of the litter as to who that is.

You could name the forum “One zillion witches” or “OZW”.

Yeah it’s like “TDS: The Song!”

The fact that it’s super popular amongst right wing zoomers is a deliciously ironic twist of the knife.

It’s the current year version of Yankee Doodle dandy, designed as an attack and then judo spun into a counter attack.

Great song! Thank god for the “death of the author”.

Accidental top level response?

I think that’s a bit pedantic, most people nowadays use the phrase to describe a large spread on a wooden board which includes meats and cheeses, but also olives / crackers / nuts with various sauces and dips like honey and mustard.

It’s a whole genre at this point.

Champagne or dry sparkling wine is the most general pairing with charcuterie boards, as they tend to go well with a large variety of cold meats, cheeses, nuts etc and are conducive to a cocktailing environment in which people arr constantly nibbling.

Belgian beer is also a good way to go, and if you want to feel fancy they often come in larger bottles. Dubbels, Tripels, Quads, strong golden ales are very good for this type of thing. Brands like Duvel, Unibroue, La Choufe, Gulden Draak are all reliable choices.

Also dry, still Rosè wine made in a Provençal style is a pretty fun pairing and is light and easy.

For non alcoholic just making a tonic water bar with ice and a wide variety of freah fruit slices that are cut to size to easily put in a tall glass with ice and tonic would be fun, people can make their own like tonic spritzer style drinks. Plus there are a load of different styles of tonic waters nowadays to choose from so you could have a variety in an ice bucket.

Basically all of the above are good pairing for the ‘generic’ charcuterie board of sliced charcuterie, hard & soft cheeses, olives, nuts, dried fruit, crackers of all types, etc etc etc

hey its me ur brother

Having played all of them, 4 is the absolute pinnacle of the series, especially with the “beyond the sword” expansion pack. I fire up a marathon campaign on a huge terra map (which has all the civs on one Eurasia style continent but leaves at least one continent unoccupied except for Barbarians) every single year, and it’s usually a 40hr investment or so. Been playing it basically since it came out in ‘05

My instinct is that the substitute activities people are engaging with are actually even worse than what happened to teenagers before for your brains.

I’m actually fine with teenagers drinking beer and wine in moderation, I learned to do so because I reached legal drinking age outside of the USA and I had a parent who was very modest in their alcohol consumption. Basically all of my bad alcohol habits I picked up when I came back and lived in the burbs and attached myself to the local party scene.

It may have some negative consequences, but as stated above it’s one of lindy-est things to ever lindy.

Internet brain rot, social media obsession, binge video gaming, and a sedentary indoor life style seems much much worse to me in terms of damage to young people’s brain. Massive spikes in youth depression, anxiety and isolation seem to bear this out.

Pick your poison, I imagine every generation since the first has had to deal with this issue.

It’s actually the reverse; by the time the Roman Empire was split the eastern portion of the empire had far outstripped the western portion of the empire in terms of wealth, power, population and prestige for more than a century.

In the Taiwan / China analogy, which I do t think even applies very well to premodern empires, you’re the one insisting Taiwan is China.

I’m sorry to say, but you’re simply wrong about this, and any level of cursory knowledge of the Roman Empire would reveal this to you.

Literally millions of people living outside of Rome were considered Roman, even by the people living in Rome. They had the rights of citizens, they called themselves Roman, and other people called them Roman, including their enemies.

Contributions to Roman philosophy, literature and poetry frequently came from outside the city of Rome.

They followed and were subject to Roman law, practiced Roman rites of religion, when the empire converted to Christianity they did too, they had a “Roman way of life” that was particular to them ie culture.

It’s like thinking someone who lives in Dallas isn’t American just because at one point Texas was part of Mexico.

No, what happened is what it is to be Roman simply changed. In the beginning it meant living in the city and surrounding area of Rome, then it denoted a status being a citizen of the empire, and after that it became essentially a sort of super-ethnic category that rested atop more specific ethnicity, much like “Latino” or “Arab” or “Desi”.

They went through a process of ethnogenesis. It’s a historically common process, ethnic groups don’t just spring from the earth.

After the 3rd century or so Rome wasn’t even the most important Roman city anymore in any given year.