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joined 2022 September 05 00:52:03 UTC


User ID: 323



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 00:52:03 UTC


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User ID: 323

But in Twitter, everyone knows you're @dog.

For that, you'd have to break HR's stranglehold on the process. Strongly in favour of, by the way.

Europe is still a major force in music.

Also various metal subgenres. Not that most people in the US care, but it matters to me.

"She was a law clerk to Justice Antonin Scalia

My sister knew one of Scalia's law clerks, but I don't believe this one. Said clerk was extremely progressive, but clerked for Scalia because despite having opposing views on many things, he was just that good. Also it was hyper-prestigious.

"I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor provisions; I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country in his heart, and not with his lips only, follow me."

Curious for people's thoughts on the Dept of Education getting shut down? Personally I think it's a good thing - our education system has had terrible outcomes with no accountability for far too long.

Is there a good breakdown anywhere as to what the Department of Education actually does, aside from administering national standards of achievement and the testing thereof?

In no order: longsword; giant fuck-off hammer; polearm; gun/small sword; rapier/cloak. Seriously, give me more cloak fighting. Give me a game where I play a matador, but taking down horrendous beasts rather than a tortured animal.

Yeah, that's a movie/hollywood convention. Nothing to do with the books.

In some cases I think it does, but that's the exception, not the rule.

I know people (unwillingly; they're in my neighborhood) who honestly think that if they can just manage to get Trump to pray for someone sick, said person will be healed. No shrines and prayer candles that I'm aware of, but I don't hang out at their house, either.

Instead, I felt the urge to police left wing people celebrating the shooting. But I soon noticed there weren't actually nearly as many of these as I expected.

You must hang out with a different crowd than I do. Some of the kindest people I know were still saying, "Well, wouldn't it be better if he had been assassinated?"

That nuclear baseload is a beautiful line.

there are 500,000 dead in Gaza

That looks like an order of magnitude greater than most estimates. Where are you getting that number from?

That's not a Yes, Minister gag, is it?

Wait, what.

I don't suppose you also recently read the CSIS article on USIA merging with the state department? Which, oddly enough, I found from following a Brookings link that purported to link to an entirely different topic.

It is sometimes depicted with this jpeg.

Am I missing some context? Presumably it's that anyone who scores... some way on some metric that results in that chart isn't worth listening to?

Oh, absolutely not. That's a major part of the conflict in the region, and the point of my mirrored statement.

So what's your opinion on the South China Sea?

people who managed to get all of Eastern Europe to hate them and then decided to move to Palestine started the conflict.

I'm pretty sure there were Jews in the middle-east (and in Israel specifically) long before Eastern Europe hated the Jews.

Wouldn't "incompetent" and "intentional" be opposing each other here?

If Americans are so adamant about a jewish state they should give them a small plot of land.

"If the world is so adamant about a Palestinian state, they should give them a small plot of land." After all, there's plenty of land outside of Gaza or the West Bank. I'm sure Israel would be happy for the Palestinians to no longer be their neighbors.

Yes, that's exactly what it means. Now, how many civilian casualties are acceptable per military target is very wishy-washy, depending on the country and their situation, and for good reason! We don't want soldiers to say, "Well, per international law, if I have two civilians with me at all times (or five for two soldiers, nine for three, and scaling up), we're legally and/or doctrinaly unassailable."

I have never seen a realistic suggestion for how to militarily destroy the tunnels without hitting said food bank etc. I've seen many suggestions by people who have watched too many Hollywood movies, though.

Where were these Haaretz and WSJ op-eds before the ceasefire? Did they pressure and propagandize in favor of the measures that must be taken to destroy Hamas, to avoid "the evils that come from kindness" in war, to paraphrase Clausewitz? Or have they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, to claim that waging war in an urban environment is inherently inhumane, bht to also bemoan the peace that international pressure brought Israel to?