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We're all living in Amerika

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We're all living in Amerika

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 December 29 10:51:01 UTC


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Thats what I would have thought as well, but then why does the old link say "Removed", if it was deleted by the author?

They can propably still prosecute them if they lie under oath about a pardoned offence.

Ok, now Im confused. Last week I asked nara about this post, which says "Removed", but was apparently deleted by the author. I thought ok, maybe theres only one lable used for both - but now this one says "Deleted by author", when its apparently filtered?

Im saying it makes sense that people are less concerned when Trump does it, because the character implication is less. Im not saying what the right absolute level of concern is, because Im not sure how to think about that when the implication is gone.

Fair point about HBD. Is there a simple name I could have used instead? Socialism is not really about the parts you quoted, but about the very extensive discussion of what you "deserve", even if not directly about money. If I had to pick a quote, it would be

The best reason not to say that is that we view Ramanujan as intellectually gifted. But the very phrase tells us where we should classify that belief. Ramanujan’s genius is a “gift” in much the same way your parents giving you a trust fund on your eighteenth birthday is a “gift”, and it should be weighted accordingly in the moral calculus.

I kind of buy the liberal claim that, because we all know Trump is corrupt and depraved, and the way in which he is so is incredibly funny, people don't hold him to the same standards they'd hold their political enemies, or anyone else.

Theres something to that, but its not everything. Cats try to steal your food, stay sitting on your legs when you want to get up, and scratch up your furniture. Do we accept this because "we all know they are selfish and incorrigable, and the way in which they are so is incredibly cute"? Again, thats part of it, but also, an adult human doing this would be a worrying sign, in a way its just not for the cat. Its not about a slice of ham, its about sending a message. In the other direction, you should be suspicious of a serious mormon who drinks like a normal person, even if normal drinking behaviour is not concerning per se.

contradicts at least three of the core tenets of gender ideology

Sure, because they are highly sensitive to any deviation, but you shouldnt take that too seriously in looking forward. The "haha yes we are transing your kids and its good" branch already does pop up occasionally, and if* the cause keeps progressing, its plausible that this could grow more visible, incorporate stuff like

Before anyone gets too excited about this, I want to stress a version of the point Bures got right earlier: there is no neutral culture. Having lots of transgender people is downstream of cultural choices. But having lots of cisgender people is also downstream of cultural choices. There isn’t infinite flexibility - evolution ensures a bias towards heterosexuality, for obvious reasons. But there’s a lot of flexibility - Spartan men married and had sex with women, but they thought this was a dumb annoying thing they had to do to have children, and sex with young boys was the obvious enjoyable satisfying option. Even within evolution’s constraints, culture can do some pretty weird stuff. I think you could probably have a culture where 99% of people were transgender, where it was generally accepted that everyone transitioned on their 18th birthday, and where only a few people (disproportionately schizophrenic) would object or see anything wrong with this.

...and remain accepted/eventually become the standard.

*uncertain in the near future, and independently of current events, I give it a good chance that trans isnt part of the progressive vision long-term.

Wait, would they be self-governing, or share a government with the Israelis? I think youve gone back and forth.

I don't believe that the Palestinians are inherently violent and evil subhumans incapable of existing in polite society.

If they were magically placed somewhere where they cant interact with Israel, and theres noone they can blame for this event, I think theyd mellow out over 50 years or so. In the real world, it would take a kind of denazification on steroids, and whoever does it would be branded much worse than Israel is now.

Palestine as is, and as was ca 1970, can not self-govern in a way that keeps the terrorism in check. If some government could do that, it would drown in international support. Egypt is strong evidence for this, because their options would be strictly more than those of a local government, and they still dont think they can do it.

There's also the tail end of this article, in which he alludes to transgenderism possibly being a Western culture-bound syndrome.

Hes mentioned it again since, and I think he believes it - but this doesnt mean he is anti trans. This is the guy who was ground zero for the HBD therefore socialism argument. @self_made_human

All subs Ive seen work like that now.

Egypt doesnt accept gazan refugees, and has previously rejected control of the territory. I believe they would reject it again. They know that it would then be their job to keep the terrorism in check, and they seem to agree that this is a shit job where people will hate you for doing whats necessary - even without the preexisting hostility they have towards their current rulers, and with the prestige of saving your arab brothers.

To make sure they actually don't cross it, they introduce ever more procedural requirements - the more you have, the closer to the pit you can venture while still feeling safe.

But then you wouldnt take on new procedural costs that exceed the benefit of getting marginally closer. Total procedural costs would be bounded by the difference in profit between sitting precisely short of the edge and the best spot thats distant enough to be safe on its own. Its weird that this would be so large.

Maybe this suggests replacing "sharp-edged" bans with "terraforming" taxes.

I think a lot of regulatory burden comes simply from the sheer number of requirements you need to consider. Theres a sort of phase transition where its not worth to consider any course of action besides those established as ok, because the legality is too complicated. Even requirements that are naturally tax-shaped often are done with a sharp cut-off to limit the number of people who have to think about it, and conversely, smoothing existing edges without loosening standards in some place means more people have to deal with it.

yes, we figured some patients would get birth defects, but in expectation the funding cuts looked better than the amount of people we would need to divert to shepherd additional tests

Why would they avoid diverting people? If anything, management likes to maximise their number of subordinates. Whatever the merits of the smooth regulations in general, I dont think you can correctly steer the state bureaucracy with them. Frankly, the expectation that a legislature can do that at all seems crazy to me.

Ah, I was just confused because its the same wording then.

At least one moderator prefers to not moderate people when they are clearly asking for it

I dont know what youll do with my opinion these days, but I note that I disagree. "I dare you punish me" (which, Im not sure thats what hes doing, but assuming it is) should be punished even if there is no underlying offense. That posture is part of the instinctive ape power toolset and gauges your capability. To ban him is to tell the truth to him and onlookers.

PS: What is up with the top-level post here (I am unable to get a direct link)? It says "Removed" but no modhat comment.

This would make sense if the "anti-white" policies of the left were actually only anti-red-tribe, and didnt harm blue tribers.

If you are in the NRA and the Labor block and you vote Dem, I would expect that you at least dislike the Dem policies on guns. But white liberals dont dislike Dem policies on race. Why not?

@hydroacetylene because I think your objection is similar.

Affinity groups around tribes or causes is how electoral politics work

Why do you think white people vote for the left? On the "tribal power" model, it would have to be something like "Theyre being freeriders in the common white cause, and prioritising their other interests". Does that seem true? It looks to me that they dont just accept minority demands, they way you would give your allies their due. No, they generally consider it a positive to support these demands even at their own expense - not necessarily if that expense gets very large, but still. Dem primary candidates outwoking each other is for whites, the black machine voters gave us Biden.

Politics is never just interest blocks smashing against each other, not until you collapse all the way, at which point its war and diplomacy, rather than politics. Without a shared Nomos there is no polity, but only something like Realist international relations, which US domestic politics is visibly not.

It’s like a cognitive kill switch to bring up the idea that they are allowed to have ancestral pride, advocate for their interests, and promote their culture just like everyone else.

I agree, and it can be valuable to talk about this - what I disagree with is your model of what happens when that changes. You seem to think that theres some stage where theres a politically viable white movement that competes with the other ethnic movements, and sometimes one wins and sometimes the other, and I think you actually win before it gets there. "Stop listening to the black movement" is an easier ask than "start listening to the white movement".

This is just misunderstanding how and why these advocacy groups work. WN talk as if minorities are "stronger" than whites collectively due to this advocacy, and that current racial politics are caused by their "winning". This is not how things work outside Zimbabwe et al. Its pretty clear Blacks cant actually threaten the US government if you think about it for a bit. These organisations exist because liberalism thinks they should, and they are given concessions because it thinks they should """win""". A white organisation mirroring them is pointless, because its not the internal structure that makes them work. If you could convice mainstream whites that it would be ok to have one, you have already convinced them on the way there to stop this theater, and then it wouldnt be necessary anymore to have one.

Meanwhile, in the Savile case

Savile wouldnt just be the same ethnicity though, but also high-status. Transgressions by high-status people are practically a human universal, and below a certain point people just resign themselves to it. I wanted to make a comparison here between a sheik visiting and having some kind of Epstein scenario, vs normal british bloke who somehow noone feels like stopping, but couldnt think if any plausible versions of the latter.

These were advanced modern nations that had already done most of the work to build state capacity and a national identity

Indeed, they are arguably the best in the world at obeying an empire.

This might be old but its so off I have to comment. That comparison is absolutely not apples to apples. The second one is in a different place, with what seems to be very different lighting (and not right out of a hot shower) - unless shes putting the makeup all the way down her neck to below the shirt, thats most of the skin change. Colour resolution is worse on the left, which hits faces hard. Her hair is combed, shes looking at a different angle, and her head is more pushed forward. More generally, you are looking at still images. If you see people in real life, with the environment, and all sorts of angles and postures, differences are much smaller. I think the only real difference here is darkening the brows and eyelashes - and those are visibly unnatural. Not at first glance, but as I looked at the image enough to write this comment, my brain adjusts to the fact that no skin really glows like that, even with makeup, and they start to look comically dark. In real life you would notice much quicker, and interact with her much longer. Similarly, I think her natural eyelashes would propably be fine in reality (not sure about the brows) - the resolution really distorts fine hairs (and rewards comically intense chunky ones). This close to the level of falling for those freeze-frame protraits they use as article thumbnails these days.

Just came back to this and looks like you were wrong. They got engaged 3 months after this comment.

Theyre talking about gold and silver coins, which I would think are still legal tender simply by being dollars, no? A modern US coin could become valuable and trigger the same issue, gold standard or no.

The farthest-right segment of the church is actually led by Cardinal Muller

Do you mean this one?