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Yeah this is my thought too. Nothing about this makes HRs or walks less valuable, and it's highly unclear it makes them more difficult relative to other types of hits.

Also moving the mound back is a lot more invasive than making the mound higher/lower, and probably would achieve similar results. Indeed this already happened in the 60s when pitchers were getting too dominant - they lowered the mound, which gives a little advantage to hitters.

This case is about someone 17 weeks into pregnancy. At that stage it's early enough that the Doppler is not that reliable. Usually the Dr can find a heartbeat, but sometimes they can't due to a variety of reasons, and that's perfectly normal. I don't think pro-life fanatics would take an early pregnancy negative Doppler as meaning much of anything.

C) Health insurance companies have a terrible reputation. But it's hard to fix. It's a viscious cycle which goes something like this:

  • Company has bad reputation

  • Due to bad reputation, the company has trouble getting talent, so they compensate by paying a lot

  • This selects for people who care more about money than reputation

  • Money-grubbing behavior leads to bad reputation

If you were next in line at United Health, how would you fix the problem?

I don't think that vicious cycle is the main reason health insurance companies have terrible reputations. I'm not even sure if that vicious cycle even exists - it has a lot of assumptions baked into it that may or may not be true. Do health insurance companies actually have a lot of trouble getting talent? Do health insurance companies actually pay a lot more than other companies for equivalent workers? Do workers who care about money more than reputation actually lead to products that customers hate? Is money-grubbing actually the main reason health insurance companies have bad reputations? Maybe some of those are true to some extent, but I am highly skeptical that all of those things are true and that they explain the core reputational issue.

IMHO there are many reasons health insurance companies have terrible reputations, but I think the main two are:

  1. They are massive bureaucratic organizations, and massive bureaucratic organizations are really annoying to deal with when you venture off the happy path. And that often happens due to the complexity of the healthcare system.

  2. Health insurance companies are the part of the healthcare system that is mostly responsible for billing people and rationing care, which means they are highly visible to people.

Neither of those problems are really fixable as the CEO of UHC. The healthcare system will be massive, no matter what I do. And a health insurance company does need to charge money and ration care.

I hope that whoever is next in line at UHC is not worrying about fixing these impossible problems, and instead is focused on running the company as best he can.

Yeah a lot of this has been debated to death. But I'm not sure if "eating more food and exercising less" is the normie belief. A lot of normies seem to believe in other stuff - some kind of poison in our food, some kind of environmental contaminant, some metabolic issue where 1000 calories/day doesn't result in weight loss, the belief that obesity is normal, etc. There may not be a majority belief about the cause of rising obesity, idk.

Yeah, side effects from the Hep B vaccine are so low that the very low risk of Hep B itself (I know 99% of cases come from sex tourism in Thailand, but there's still that niggling 1% remaining) makes it worth it. But that probably is the closest one to not being worth it, after Covid.

Mental illness is social contagion and increased diagnosis. Autism is increased diagnosis. Obesity is eating more food and exercising less. Obviously there are other factors, but overall they don't seem too hard to explain. But even if they were hard to explain, idk why vaccines seem more plausible than 5g or chemtrails or whatever. It's all just vague gestures at stuff with no mechanism and no evidence.

From my research, they are all pretty clearly worth it in cost/benefit terms except the Covid vaccine (cause Covid hardly affects young kids). I have a baby and the pediatrician didn't even bring up the Covid vaccine - idk if she's tired of getting yelled at or also agrees with my analysis. But I'm happy to have given my baby all the other vaccines.

The main health difference between kids today and 35 years ago is obesity, and it's hard to imagine a mechanism where vaccines cause obesity. Especially when you look at the crap people feed their kids these days. So I'm just going to try to minimize that crap and I figure that'll probably prevent me from having a fat kid. Wish me luck! If your plan is to achieve the same thing just by not vaccinating, I wish you luck too, but you might need a lot more luck than me.

Obama had a somewhat similar paper trail https://time.com/3816952/obama-gay-lesbian-transgender-lgbt-rights/

In another questionnaire for Chicago LGBT newspaper Outlines, Obama says he supports same-sex marriage. In 2009, a copy of his typed responses was unearthed and printed in the Windy City Times. “I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages,” reads the questionnaire bearing his signature at the bottom. Later, Obama aides will dispute that he actually filled out the questionnaire himself.

the best embryo is implanted and the rest destroyed

Not true. The rest are frozen and saved for later. And "later" is often pretty soon, because each embryo transfer has a pretty high chance of failure.

Possibly they are destroyed at some point if they are no longer wanted. But in general, the challenge with IVF is having too few embryos, not too many.

Maybe they already do that!

I had a relative in a nursing home with dementia during the Trump/Hillary election. Someone was going room to room IN THE DEMENTIA WARD OF A NURSING HOME "helping" people fill out absentee ballots. My relative voted for Clinton because he recognized the name. I only know this because another relative happened to be visiting at the time and watched it happen. That other relative is extremely liberal and said that despite the extra vote for Clinton, she found the whole thing very disturbing.

That sounds like it could be a conspiracy... but towards what end? This happened in a solidly Republican town, and old people are even more Republican than baseline, so this could have been some kind of scheme from Republicans to turn out the vote.

To be fair, Embiid was on fire the last couple months of the season last year, and the race baiting wouldn't have worked if it wasn't at least a close race.

It's quite curious how rationalist (or rationalist-adjacent) figures will go through the trouble of creating a pseudonym, but then make basic mistakes in opsec that will link them back, thus rendering the whole effort pointless.

To be fair, you don't notice all the cases where people do it correctly.

Since currently IVF is done mostly by people with fertility issues, it's more common for the problem to be "not enough embryos" than "too many embryos".

You could retroactively change the statute of limitations for political purposes, like New York did to get Trump in his sexual assault case.

TIL that "ART" in the context of medicine could mean either "assisted reproductive technology" (like IVF) or "antiretroviral therapy" (like HIV drugs). I feel bad for people with both HIV and fertility issues!