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joined 2024 July 26 23:50:45 UTC


User ID: 3154



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User ID: 3154

I value the comforts of modern society too much. No chance of going back, no matter how many captured raid slaves you throw at me.

The bullet wasn't really a back and forth debate. Neither was Biden, speaking facetiously.

And if there's no decline, why does his team not want open mics for him?

I can see that being very effective. Even if you're not fond of girlbosses, not being able to hold your own in a debate is a very telling weakness.

If having unmuted mics worked for Trump last time, why is his team not agreeing to it now?

I'm thinking trumps cognitive decline is far worse than expected and his team is worried about how he'll look.

It does, which is why Trump's connections to Epistein are constantly posted and talked about.

I actually think the AC thing may have been completely free, given how Ubisoft helped out massively for the reconstruction of the Notre Dame.