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User ID: 886



0 followers   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 06 20:53:06 UTC


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User ID: 886

I'd love a thread with replies for every EO to discuss, there is just too much here for us for one week.

I think doing the naming thing was stupid and I was thrilled for gender nonsense takedown.

prove they were born before february

I'd consider uneducated to be highschool, normal to be bachelors, educated to mean an advanced degree

i think the bigger source was just players who enjoyed grinding up to a high-ish level and then starting over. Which I can understand the appeal of!

Or they enjoyed it more than getting a real job. Definitely lots of people with a lot of free time selling their characters then and pissing off their raid by expecting to be regeared.

Healing parses are different from damage though, because you get your best healing parses on the first kill or two, the other players take less damage on later kills and you are also capped by the skill, classes and quantities of the other healers around you.

<-- World top ten Disc priest on one kill one time 15 years ago in "Heroic" SOO (would be called mythic now).

Beyond some necessary amount of time to learn a game well, people just kind of get capped out on their skills and stop improving.

I definitely agree with this. And there are (were) a lot of personality hires in any raid group.

If the point is that they're making incredibly basic mistakes... yeah, the above still applies. You could look at damage logs after and see highly geared players doing things like failing to keep DoTs on targets, letting their own buffs fall off for significant chunks of fights, and other egregiously incompetent play.

This kind of analysis was my favorite thing about raid leading. Making me nostalgic (I haven't played a video game with others in 8 years).

I think I first noticed it in Dawnshard, the therapist speak. I think his older work is much more balanced and not as grating in this way. (WOK still rocks, I reread 1-3 and then read Dawnshard and Rhythm of War in Nov/Dec.

Wind and truth is a slog, honestly. Sanderson is spending a lot of time on modern mental health issues for every single viewpoint character. There is character building and then there is exhausting navel gazing....

For what?

I couldn't find your explanation on that page, can you repeat it here?

You can use any remote storage you want, you only pay obsidian if you use their storage. There are guides to sset it up with dropbox or google drive, for example. I choose to pay them because I want to be divesting from google.

I love this metaphor.

Obsidian is the platform I use*. Everything is stored locally (don't have to worry about google scanning your drive for wrongthink) and markdown files so you don't have to worry about proprietary formats. The concept you are looking for is sometimes called building a second brain (book by same name by thiago forte, but the videos should give enough of an idea) or a personal knowledge base. I have an extension that syncs my kindle clippings to my obsidian database, where I can review them, delete them, or otherwise organize them. Otherwise I just make notes for anything that occurs to me and search for it if I need to. A lot of people get more elaborate with their systems.

For quotes I've liked I have kept spreadsheets and in the past made screensavers. Currently I just make an anki flashcard which means I will be exposed to each quote more often and then less often. I haven't brought nearly as many things as I should into anki, however. I downloaded an app that can put a quote on one widget page of your phone, which sounds great but it doesn't have any way to upload new quotes in bulk so I don't actually use it anymore. I'm not going to phone keyboard retype my favorite quotes.

*In the past I used Notion, Evernote, Google Drive.

In every one of those situations she's moving away from her base.

My guess is that the word "consensus" tested well with the base as the thing to say to justify the change.

So yes, that base is women but otherwise "consensus" has nothing to do with the actual decision making process.

I don't think a scientific response is what you are looking for but....

It seems from animal models that growth hormone increases growth speed but not where you end up? Not sure why you hope this is a silver bullet. People are probably dismissive because it doesn't seem to be something that is currently possible. It is of course possible there is an unknown mechanism, but that wouldn't be helpful advice, either. Most men reach their peak height by 16. I certainly wouldn't suggest anyone on an internet forum follow a medical intervention (as you are suggesting with a combination of HGH plus "something to keep the growth plates open") if that medical intervention doesn't actually exist as a testable efficacious thing.

I don't think this is culture war related contempt, like you are implying, but rather just people thinking people are asking for something unreasonable. Like if I went on a similar forum and asked what I could do to turn my eyes purple. In the future, there might be a safe way to inject pigment into the iris or similar, but for now people would tell me to get over it.

Can I recommend you read "The Now Habit" as a non-drug aid for the ADD problems?

I've taken the mushroom coffee before, it definitely had a gentle effect, but they changed the flavor and made it worse so I only bought it twice (I had the kind that comes in the kcups, this was probably 4 years ago?)

Did you pick Liberia for a specific reason? They have their own history that is unique in Africa, namely having been colonized by richer blacks from America which held onto power for generations of corruption.

There are some people who get to enjoy the company of various women in a short duration of time in their youth and I wish to be one of them. If I meet a girl who I find attractive and wish to engage with

That sounds like sex with euphemisms.

I made a few jokes about how she will be sucking me off too at which point she stopped and told me that this is not happening. I left and later told her to fuck herself when I saw her again.

This is... not how to talk to women. Not ever. Not women that tease you, not women that frustrate you, not anyone. You'll give every woman the ick.

Most vitamins are much more dense and bioavailable in animal products than vegetable products. Exception being Vit C, which possibly carnivores don't need. Also fiber.

There is a hypothesis that vitamin c is only necessary for digesting/using carbs, and that is why inuit/carnivore diets seem to do fine without it.

I use Freedom... but I also know how to log out of Freedom.

yandex also just has great image search, for whatever reason. maybe because it isn't passing everything through a pc puree

Does Kagi do the same political filtering on search like google and duckduck? (sorry, I mean, "helpful weeding out of misinformation")

Also, would any drug addict voluntarily undergo treatment that would leave them as addicted as before but without any ability to get a fix? How is it supposed to work to solve the problem?

There is a medication that works this way for alcohol and some alcoholics do willingly take it.

A pill means you only need self control 2 minutes a day rather than 24 hours a day.