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joined 2022 December 08 22:25:25 UTC
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User ID: 1970



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User ID: 1970

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Further evidence that debators are far less clever than they think.

You have no idea what that dog was trying to do.

  • -23

Im sorry they like different things than you do.

  • -13

This is completely false.

  • -19

What is wrong with being a woman?

They will not probably make someone sick.

Yes, you are the asshole for assuming the only reason people might take their dogs out is to enjoy imposing themselves on others. I'm not an asshole, so I assume they enjoy the companionship.

  • -14

Are there any old norms you don't care about? Males wearing hats, females wearing hats and gloves? My grandmother had to wear a dress to go to the doctor. She thought there was a time and a place for everything, and pants and going into town just didn't mix.
Are you truly amazed that your pet peeve is not universally enforced?

  • -11

Horror stories is a little strong, to be fair.

My cousin had a sarcoma that the doctors said was nothing for about a year, then he ended up going to an expensive clinic for a ton of surgery chemo radiation. My brother's shoulder pain has been ineffectively treated for about two years, being referred from specialist to specialist. And there are long waits for any appointments with a specialist.

My primary care dr told me he gets way more time with patients at the VA then when he was at the local privaye clinic. Unfortunately he left to do research. Now I have a Nurse Practitioner whom I haven't seen yet.

I meant "What about itis abysmal?" Your examples refer to hospitals, not clinics? I ask as it is my only source of care. All the horror stories (mostly undiagnosed conditions) I've heard were in the private systems.

Why do you say that VA care is abysmal?

I do!

Is the 16 years old gambit being used to cover up the fact that they really just wznted some good old fag bashing?

I didn't Notice any eliding of the Chris Hansen angle. I think our biases are informing our perception.

How have the social conservatives been thrown under the bus on abortion?

Too be fair, doing anything with a live cat while driving is pretty dangerous. And god help you if it sees a flashing light.

This is why rugby union has become my favorite code - more violent than soccer while way fewer stoppages than American.

Mea culpa.

I can assure you the EIC is not missed out on.

You think blue collar workers don't know how to get the EITC, but your outgroup does? Are there no tax preparation services where you live?

15% seems like a typo.

That's a pretty bold statement.

LMFAO! BOO Bernie and his followers!

i THINK I can tell ketchup with and without HFCS apart, but have never done a blind test. They seem more tomatoey and less sweet spice flavored. Ketchups often have different ingredients, and, of course the term"spices" can have a lot of variation. My mom switched a store brand graham cracker crust and I could tell immediately.

Not really.