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It's time to start telling people to trust Trump's appointed law enforcement and national security experts. Sometimes you need to put civil liberties aside and trust the experts.
Prediction on Expert Trusting in 2025
After reviewing Dave Collum's Year in Review (you can search for it on the Peak Prosperity Website), I was rather impressed that Professor Collum was still claiming that the Covid-19 Vaccine caused more deaths than it prevented. It seems like such a wild and bold claim might discredit a lot of his valid criticism regarding scientific overreach, censorship, and other less contested points.
I have extreme doubts about the safety profile of the mRNA vaccines, but have not taken to spreading such a wild claim. Rather, I try to gently introduce people to the mRNA as one of the strongest adjuvants ever created, and there was a successful campaign to essentially rebrand therapeutic "flu shot" like products as a MUST have, even if they offer risks beyond your normal protein adjuvanted product. Personally, the youngest patient I ever saw was a young man with an abnormal EKG 2 days after a Moderna booster shot. He stands as one of my youngest patients that ever showed ST Elevations. However, I also saw a young man who had an abnormal heartbeat (a-fib) before the vaccine was available, after a rough bout with an early strain of the SARS-2 Virus. Articles about treating Cancers in the body with mRNA have been exciting: a disease like cancer is a grave illness that might require aggressive and invasive cures. I look forward to seeing their results.
What I am most interested in is the transition from a "trust government appointed experts of lead federal agencies" to a more nuanced narrative of "do not trust THESE appointed experts of lead federal agencies. Simply put, almost everyone who told me they were just going to "do what they were told" when I questioned them on intrusions on peacetime civil liberties, leans left, and I assume on matters of economics, immigration, and justice they will suddenly throw salt on the soil of "following instructions of our experts." I know that a "national security expert" has a different strata of respectability as a "epidemiologist virology expert," but there is an exciting transition that must take place to allow distrust of institutional experts to occur. Perhaps there will be an elevation of contradictions "oh well systemically this field is not equitable or good faith, while this field has the best interest of humanity in mind." I think it will be a solid argument. The bricks of essentially nullifying some laws in favor of outcomes have been laid very well by media and academia. If you bring up "following national security experts," you will once against be called racist, Islamophobic, or whatever de jure insult to make you reconsider being an expert-truster. I'd love to hear someone's else opinion on this.
Personally, I expected conservative NIH, CDC, and FDA staff to be, well, disappointingly conservative about their recourse. I happen to think the "greatest peacetime intrusion of civil liberties in American history" (paraphrased, Chief Justice Gorsuch) should be heavily interrogated. I think we will be disappointed though. RFK's platform has a ton of "red meat" to chew on as far as overhauling various recommendations that have nothing to do with Covid-19. I would say the inspection of Autism and Vaccines is a possibly unfortunate red herring for those who want to see more discovery in the Covid-19 saga.
Structurally, some "force" made sure that Americans and the Western Developed world at large was only offered novel biotechnology vaccines. You can probably get Novavax or some other protein-adjuvanted vaccine now, but the FDA delayed their approval beyond most vaccine passport schemes, vaccine mandates, or general (let me take glib liberty here) "you now have to take novel biotechnology flu shot equivalents to be considered a good or serious person) structural endeavoring. Luckily, with the overturning of Roe V. Wade, there is now an even structural battleground of medical autonomy and physician paternalism. I have let some staunch public health advocates know that while I am pro-choice, each state now has the right to consider a fetus a vulnerable member of its public health community. Ouch.
So, as the next Republican cabinet is formed around the basis of immigration, economy, national security, or any other topic the executive / congressional government manages, whether you are Right or Left, let's enjoy standing up, lifting the table, turning them, and enjoying a drink together to ring in the New Year. You know, RFK says alcohol is something he avoids, so I think you should have a drink. Personally, I'm not taking that stuff.
Fair points made, I think there is unnecessary generalization occuring.
However, anecdotally, when my liberal friend calls Elon Musk an evil bastard, he takes a glance at his girlfriends reaction while going on the tirade.
Did you know most people who get divorced, will get remarried?
The overall picture is that stability has crashed. Also, I hope you learned your lesson / enjoyed the reminder about blue vs red state demographics..
It's a matter of comparison---the most direct analogue is the literal president of the US encouraging an attempted violent overthrow of the >legislative branch.
Didn't the Speaker of the House say there should be "uprisings all over." That means when a police station in Fort Green Brooklyn was overrun by a mob, and their vehicles torched with molotovs, it was a violent overthrow of the normal functioning of the judicial branch.
I just think leftists only apply this histrionic analysis in service of their own political goals, you are a great example.
Inflammation from widely distributed nanoparticles. Look up inflammation, its complicated.
An induction stove can affect some pacemakers if someone is COMPLETELY up against the stove and the pot is not covering the pad completely. Touching the pot creates a circuit (a long touch), and the pace maker will switch modes.
Interesting share.
I guess that was part of the show. Vaccines were already so safe and bullet proof, people cannot notice when one that's 10x dangerous is released, and information censored online, and physicians told to be disinterested.
Novavax is a novel virus-like particle. I personally would much prefer Novavax over mRNA, and probably over adenovirus vectors.
I just don't like the threat of heart problems that mRNA presents. Such a large, dark downside to the products, to remodel your heart.
Most of my vitriol came from my education. I've been wear of mRNA since summer 2020 when it was announced as a candidate. I've taken undergraduate STEM, but most importantly, I worked with "science and technology studies," where we looked into a century of scientific ethical dilemmas.
So many people got the vaccine when they were told it would stop transmission - I had read the original clinical paper, and saw this was a messy conclusion. Then data from Israel came out that protection was waning, then the censorship began, and later on the mandating piggy backed on the censorship of waning efficacy.
Agree with this.
I think Omicron is a large narrative tool.
Omicron is so much more deadlier than Delta because of its transmissibility, but this translates to less threat to each individual. I always grin when I see people "celebrating" omicrons rise, or remark how they avoided nastier variants, and now play host to the most transmissible pathogen in recent years. If you can catch a cold, once again, that means a 90 year old in a nursing home can catch it too.
Thanks for coming in and adding your input. I would note to all readers that Chrisprattalpha and I had a more detailed vaccine back-and-forth that I thought was productive. Mr. Alpha linked to it in his post.
Overall I disagree with the idea of the "very safe" label. People should go look at our previous exchange to see where I disagree.
As for the vaccines, if they don't update them I'm not planning to bother unless forced to by my employer.
Well, once conventional vaccine alternatives are available to "tic" the box, I would much rather choose protein adjuvanted injections over job loss.
I have not been exposed to mRNA, so it makes a lot more sense for someone like me to be choosier, rather than someone who has taken a more novel method of vaccination.
And we're all getting Covid-19.
Well yes. But those last hold outs were the hardest to get. They resisted the "the vaccine protects you from other people" misconceptions of herd immunity being pushed. It's an important percentage, and without mandates, the data gaps would have been ammo for the "dissenters" of public health.
A new New York State Covid-19 Dataset was released a few days ago. I thought it was a good opportunity to see the progress of the vaccination campaign. I think it's great data for an attack on the performative ritual of getting 'vaccinated' to encourage others to get vaccinated as well (which is what a lot of people were convinced to do). Obviously, those who got vaccinated to "protect other people" stand on shakier ground now.
First, let's establish something important. mRNA vaccines have a established, not fully understood connection to peri-myocarditis. mRNA can cause heart damage in a way that other vaccines seem to avoid. I would say this is an important explanation for the following data:
Percent of New Yorkers ages 18 and older with completed vaccine series - 85.5%
We all know how this was done. OSHA directed mandate, NYC mandate, banning people from shows, restaurants, bars until they receive an EUA injection, healthcare worker mandate, bribing people 100$ a shot. Science communication and incentives couldn't get people to take a novel vaccination method. NYS is almost 20% unionized, and the mandate was really helpful in boosting the low minority vaccination rate, since so many of those individuals work unionized, mandated jobs.
Now that these incentives are gone, let's see what the uptake is:
**Percent of all New Yorkers who are up to date - 14.1%
Most New Yorkers ignore CDC guidance now. Covid-19 will be gone in a few years. Covid-19 will be retired as a word for "novel entry of pathogen SARS-2," SARS-2 will be renamed HC-391237 or OC-32871 (random examples) or something, and the "covid-19 vaccine" will be rightly seen as a genetic version of a "flu shot" like intervention.
Consumers who want "flu shot" like vaccines, will eventually come to prefer conventional, protein adjuvanted vaccination methods.
Why would a 19 year old ever get an mRNA injection, when they could get a shot of Covaxin? The main purpose of the shot being to end the harassment from the public health infrastructure, and gain employment or education.
**Percent of New Yorkers ages 0-4 with completed vaccine series - 7.9%
This makes me think the vaccine could be seen as dangerous to parents. Keep in mind that all high-risk (on ventilator) children have probably been vaccinated, but some likely have not.
The vaccine campaign was a performance. Young healthy people were asked by the CDC to pretend that genetic Covid-19 vaccination was completely benign and well understood, with the goal of ultimately getting high-risk patients to take the higher risk vaccine.
If 20-29 year olds were allowed to say "no, that vaccine causes heart damage, obviously not worth getting," skepticism would trickle up to individuals who should arguably take advantage of the more advanced vaccination method. May the benefits outweigh the risks. No one believes in "do no harm" in the age of state-mandated genetic injections.
Yes. Imagine someone saying "Let's try injecting the antigens into their heart!"
Well, we know the mRNA enters the bloodstream, so it could transfect any cell...
Well, the carbohydrates will not fold into a protein. Carbohydrates mainly going to enter the blood stream as glucose, simple principle of digestion and metabolism in human physiuology.
Using your muscle cells, vs. using one of your cardiac muscle cells, is why you do not want mRNA droplets in your blood stream interacting non-specifically with your organs
While it may not be appropriate to call it astroturfing, I wanted to point out that it is uncommon to see a detailed pro-vax analysis on the motte. It uses very quick "off lamps" that are supported by fact checking / expert trust / credentialling institutions.
Rather than say AstroTurf, I'd say there is a peppering of shallow, short cut arguments that never develop fully into an authentic, organic long form idea.
Agreed, I will be much more careful to use a short cut like that, and avoid needless linking to an outgroup that's not the main topic of my concern.
This is not the right take.
You should be much more concerned about the size, shape, and ability to move through your body compartments with a Vaccine, than with a virus entering your mucosa.
The virus, if anything, is very limited by ACE2 receptors, whereas the lipid nature of the mRNA droplet allows it to merge into literally any cell and make it into an antigen producing cell. Much more than ACE2
This is a strong candidate for a contributing factor to deaths. For example, I'd argue that loss of job due to a vaccine mandate will carry worse outcomes than actually receiving a vaccine, or getting Covid unvaccinated. So in a way, our own public health response could be responsible for causing harm to people
This is not all proven - the vaccine entering body tissues because there's no known characterization of nanolipid particle pharmacokinetics is the main issue her. There's no concentrated ACE2 receptor in testicles, but the nanolipid particle will be exposed to the testicles via the blood stream (at the testicle blood barrier, which the vaccine can cross).
I want to make a separate point to bring up your blue tribe distinction.
Every time Covid-19 vaccines come up, very low level "pro-vax" discussion starts occurring. I see extremely washingtonpost or Foxnews tier discussion of these products.
If you check my post history, I have a complete throw down against the mRNA products. Currently, the pro-vax perspectives coming in this thread could have been completed by Reuters fact checks or some other political organization.
So, I offer the following:
Astroturfing in the provax camp is occurring on the Mott OR
Only less educated, less biologically inclined 'pro-vaxxers' are appearing in these threads with years old talking points and critical obfuscations of what happened during the mRNA / adenovirus vaccination campagin.
"Electronic databases (MEDLINE, Scopus, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and the WHO Global Literature on Coronavirus Disease) and trial registries were searched up to May 2022"
This is old data now, and every single undetected case of Coronavirus during that time period was not counted into that rate. This is what all the health authorities used to make light of the heart damage that mRNA can cause, just like you are doing now. There's incidentally been hundreds of millions of natural infections since then, undetected, making the rate of myocarditis by covid essentially become asymptotic to 0 as everyone becomes naturally immune, possibly twice.
Here's a post-mortem that shows the same WBC in your injection site, infiltrating the tissue of the heart and causing sudden death. You must not keep up with Pathology journals about people found dead after the mRNA vaccination, or they're not talked about or published in your countries.
"The relative risk (RR) for myocarditis was more than seven times higher in the infection group than in the vaccination group"
Even at best: you're telling me we are giving a vaccine that causes heart damage, only one order of magnitude less than a novel clade of beta-coronavirus that spilled out so fast we couldn't even count all the cases? And that's a good thing?
Good point, Sweden is doing well despite giving the mRNA vaccines. I'm happy you found a single western country that used mRNA and is not experiencing a precipitous increase in death. And they have excellent foresight to avoid giving risky vaccines to children.
I know Sweden acknowledges that the risks of the vaccines are only useful when comparing against the risks of the virus.
"Conspiracy theorists." Why are you drawing conclusion on a single countries demographics? This is not a good faith accusation to people who are worried the novel mRNA vaccine is causing unnecessary morbidity and mortality, even Sweden has decided to stop putting children at risk. Is this responsible for their better mortality statistics? Hard to tell but I know you need to update your priors here.
There is a radical difference in allowing 5 year olds, and 12 years olds, to receive nanolipid particle injections. And you failed to mention that.
Inaccurate. If you look at the mRNA vaccines in particular, they can cause a heart condition that can cause death. Its a well recognized condition called peri-myocarditis. Are those deaths worth protection from covid? That's the argument that's falling apart right now.
"Lingering effects of novel viral illnesses have been well-documented" Did you mean to use the word novel? There are lingering effects possible of all viral illnesses, not just novel ones. I would not compare this to Spanish Flu, compare it to The Russian Flu/Corona of 1800s..
The idea that nascent respiratory infection would have killed someone that had a "mild" reaction to the mRNA is completely unsupported, and conveniently forgets the introduction of the novel nanolipid particle that delivered this first generation vaccine.
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The vaccine injury patient I had was reported to enter heart failure in the ICU. Shockingly low ejection fraction. They would not meet with me about the case via zoom or communicate via email.
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