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joined 2022 September 19 02:59:12 UTC


User ID: 1255



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 19 02:59:12 UTC


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User ID: 1255

I prefer to view Trump's reinstatement as evidence that he's a spent force and no longer a threat. The cathedral wouldn't be letting him back on respectable platforms if he still had serious disruption potential.

He's right though.

Why do generative diffusion models have so much trouble with fingers in particular?

What was her motive?

What about DSL?

Roko's Basilisk, yes?

I don't think it's possible to stop this work. The cat is out of the bag. Biotech gear isn't like Uranium centrifuges: it's cheap, stealthy, and easy to get up and running. Were never going to be secure as a species by relying on research suppression. Only effective defenses against these things will save us.

Suppose you are a billionaire and want to decrease the amount of racism in the world; what decent options do you have?

Eugenics? The best way to stop people noticing group differences in IQ is to eradicate those differences. There's no reason that in principle we couldn't uplift all races to the same level.