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User ID: 1255
They're racist. Now what? They're racist in a way that's extremely common if you observe how people actually behave. Most people won't in practice date outside their race. This guy just admitted it. A healthy society is structured such that people don't have to lie all the time in public about their honest preferences.
Why is it a problem for certain professions to require safe stimulants for the highest tier of success? Your post treats the wrongness of this idea as self evident, but I don't accept it. We require that athletes train, after all.
human capital to pretend like their drug use isn't a crutch for a gappy upbringing.
And there it is --- the puritanical idea that people experience unavoidable suffering because suffering is good for the soul.
Might it be possible that you don't need all that ceremony and can just do things?
What would go wrong if you just deleted the department of education?
The pipeline absolutely differentiated. Maybe URMs didn't formally have to meet a lower bar, but if one of them failed the bar, recruiting would send them back through the loop to collect more "signal" until that URM passed. Given that interview performance has a random component, what tech did is statistically indistinguishable from lowering the bar for URMs.
Look at what happened after COVID: influential people who get things wrong don't admit they were wrong. They instead avoid the whole subject, act confused when you bring it up, and pivot to the next serious person thing.
That is --- unless the law. I imagine that thousands of white male tech workers will have good cases for suing FAANG companies for a decade of bigotry.
Even criminals need a competent defense. I mean, you and I might not agree that murdering everyone who disagrees is an optimal strategy (or at least not a Nash equilibrium) but is it so bad for someone to take the other side and at least have the discussion?
What's funny to me is that all the "splitters" magically become "lumpers" when we're talking about hominids
So? You can fight wars against people on the "same" side of the same/other sociogenetic divide
It applies at all scales from the family on up. Still, there is a threshold of distance between A and B in genetic space below which A and B perceive each other as partners and beyond which they perceive each other as competitors. All white Europeans are inside the genetic similarity threshold.
Huh? That Russian neighborhood looks pretty nice. Intact curbs, lots of landscaping, and no piles of trash. There's even an under-construction sign.
Why don't we just auction off H1B slots and let the market find the right price?
What stops the pardon power in the limit becoming a blanket grant of immunity to federal law?
Brilliant people lie by telling truths.
Not unless they go full tanks in the street, which is still IMHO a slight probability. If Trump wins, the blob is defanged. They'll do literally anything to stop it.
I don't normally post AI summaries, but this one is unsettling:
"Key aspects of angelic psychology in Catholic doctrine include:
"Intellect and Knowledge
- Angels possess pure intellect without need for sensory input
- They understand through direct intuition rather than reasoning from premises to conclusions
- Their knowledge is innate rather than learned over time
- They cannot change their minds once they've made a decision (hence the permanence of Lucifer's rebellion)
Time and Consciousness
- Angels exist outside physical time but can interact with temporal events
- Their consciousness is not sequential like human thought
- They can apprehend multiple concepts simultaneously rather than sequentially
Would you like me to elaborate on any of these aspects? I find the medieval philosophical arguments about how pure intelligences might function to be particularly fascinating."
Excuse me. I'm going to have to inspect my CUDA code for signs of the holy ghost.
The text above describes a mind eerily similar to the ones we summon transiently in LLM activations.
I really don't want to become a Trad Chad who wants to put the ladies back into some parochial 17th century box. But if one of the issues is giving too much power to people who can't properly wield it--and it has a gender bias--what on earth do we do?
Why not? Maybe the 17th century got it right and the 20th got it wrong. Perhaps female participation in public life really does everything the anti-suffragists (many of whom were women themselves) said it would. I believe that "longhouse" is a real phenomenon, a failure mode of societies lacking enough masculine energy. Perfectly encapsulated:
I believe the 19th amendment was a mistake. Most expansions of suffrage have been. Can't be fixed without a societal reformation, and these reformations usually involve coups, wars, and collapse. The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and bloodshed return!
What structural intervention would you make to reverse the MBA-ization of essential industries?
The phenomenon isn't unique to the left. Sidney Powell torched her career for no reason last time. Occasionally, people (even smart ones) just self immolate pointlessly. There but (mostly) for the grace of God go I
Is her credibility shot? One thing we've learned over the past four years is that people with connections can be wrong about everything all the time and still be lauded as experts so long as they maintain the right social connections and mouth the right pieties.
Most people don't object to advertising cookies either, yet here we are.
Everyone likes a winner. Making your side look good inspires enthusiasm and demoralizes the other side. Much bigger bump than making your side incrementally more afraid.
A 6'7 NBA player has a qualitatively different experience from a 5'1 ballerina, but they're both humans with minds.
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Judicial power ultimately relies on popular buy-in. The courts don't have very many divisions. The energy of this moment is so intense that an attempt by courts to stop it would do nothing except damage the legitimacy of the court. A few more "Hawaiian judge" rulings and the administration will begin covertly defying the court. A few more after that, and the administration will openly and brazenly defy the court. This is a civilizational moment and it can't be stopped by some guy in a robe.
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