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joined 2025 January 01 20:03:02 UTC


User ID: 3443



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2025 January 01 20:03:02 UTC


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User ID: 3443

that's the joke

Don‘t worry about it. If the powers that be treated every left-of-center opinion as trolling, why, there would hardly be any left-wingers left. Heh.

Anyway, how would the interracial mandate work? Would intraracial couples be put on waiting lists if the quota wasn‘t met? Would love be forced underground ?

And all that gets you is a spectrum of races, the basic hierarchy would be maintained, brasil-style.

No, the real solution requires forcing everyone into a marriage with opposite color at once, so that the entire population-solution is blended into chocolate milk. And to maintain homogeneity after that, outliers are re-blended, and immigrants have to go through the procedure, they can live out their interracial lives on ellis island while their children go on to the post-race paradise.

The greatest predictor of divorce is whether a white woman is involved:

White woman + black man: more than twice the white/white divorce rate (wwdr)

White woman + asian man: 1,60 times the wwdr

Whereas white man + asian woman is at the wwdr and white man + black woman at half that.


On the one hand, it‘s likely clickbait. By itself that would be morally irresponsible.

On the other hand, imagine this: a foaming-at-the-mouth crazy person with a gun keeps saying how much he hates his discussion group, wants to kill people, and doesn‘t believe in discussion; and most of the group‘s responses are completely ignoring his main point, tone, and the reality of the situation, instead showing off how not-insulted, and what great decouplers they are, by using the ramblings as a jumping off point for a purely academic when-is-violence-legitimate discussion. Meanwhile, he puts cartridges in the chambers.

It‘s pathetic bluster on the father‘s part. If we still lived in a society where such threats were made in earnest, the suitor would have to answer with murder or a duel. Ignoring the threat would mark you as his inferior, a guy he has right of life and death over, his kidnapping victim, his servant. To add insult to injury, your morals are questioned. The only peaceful response would be to lowkey threaten to cut the father‘s head off if his daughter ever reports that he raised his voice to her, sir.

I was going to treat this like a spicy polemic, post another cute response, argue that discussion is worthwhile and I don‘t mind 4chan norms etc, but then I had a frightening thought: what if you‘re serious? Truth is hate, so you start spilling innocent blood. On the off chance that you mean it, and you think that people will go along with your indiscriminate violence, I‘m just saying: I won‘t. No matter what the woke have done, you‘d have to die first.

The state was happy to provide them with feminist social workers and police for their restraining orders against Nigels living with them, but when Muhammad started raping them, the women reverted to the mythical english untouchable status.

Under feminist lobbying the state has replaced the husband and father as provider and protector of women. Behold its performance.

You’re overfixating on like a handful (if that) of fathers.

OK. What about the mothers?

You‘re diffusing responsibility too much. Whether ‚most english‘ cared is besides the point. Some people whose job it was to care (police, social workers, teachers+ parents ) failed. Apathy is not sufficient to explain this group‘s behaviour. It‘s one thing not to care about preserving victorian england, it‘s another not to care about your daughter‘s rape or not to care about doing your job at all. I presume that‘s why kulak and arjun suspect enemy action or at least ideological blinders.

As a pro-ukrainian european I‘ve warmed to a freezing of the conflict on something like the trump plan:

  • everyone stays where they are
  • no recognition of lost sovereignity by ukraine
  • no formal defensive guarantees for now
  • continued arms shipments for ukraine
  • limited sanctions relief for russia

Zelensky should just accept trump's compromise and when putin likely rejects, enjoy increased american support. If putin accepts, the plan is to wait until he dies. It‘s unlikely he can mobilize his population and economy much further if there is no war on, so given some western support, ukraine can likely maintain enough strength not to be eaten bit by bit on the short timescale of putin‘s remaining life. Putin‘s also very unlikely to try anything else against nato if there‘s unfinished business/ a large ukrainian army waiting for an opportunity to reclaim their land behind a ceasefire line.

Most modern conflicts are caused by pride/patriotism.

The pride of the afghans who could not admit that their ancestral culture and religion was not conductive to human flourishing.

The pride of the americans who after going on a revenge rampage had to pretend it was really a civilizing mission, so stayed for 20 years and destabilized the region even more.

The pride of the africans who kicked out their colonial masters who could have kept the civil wars dormant and the economy running.

The pride of the russians who went chasing a revanchist dream instead of letting the gasoeuros flow.

The afghan army did not need more patriotism. They needed less. They were american stooges. They could promise their people a good life by submitting to the international liberal order like germany and japan. Of course on the patriotism scale the taliban would always have them beat.

I don‘t believe you can‘t do sports. Or that it would take you longer than your life expectancy to achieve anything else. I generally don‘t believe depressed people when they make grandiose claims of incapacitation, exceptional uglyness, unworthiness, being ‚too adhd to work‘, etc. The causation goes: you‘re depressed, therefore you think you can‘t do anything, not : you can‘t do anything, therefore you‘re depressed.

He didn't say "all the conspiracy theorists were correct", he said "all the "conspiracy theorists" were correct", meaning, all the people who were called conspiracy theorists for disagreeing on the points he cited were correct.

Another proof that authorities dishonestly expanded the definition of a pejorative term to include their critics/political foes and burned through yet more of the public‘s trust.