Do you mean temporary alcohol induced psychosis or permanent schizophrenia? Alcohol can induce psychosis like symptoms since it blockades NMDA receptors and this reliably induces psychosis like symptoms. I have never heard of it triggering schizophrenia though.
At this point, I'm ready to declare family systems therapy a cause of psychogenic illness, whatever good it might have done it's now clearly driving people mad.
Scott had a whole book review where he strongly suggested this was true. One of the main practitioners of family systems therapy wrote a book claiming demons are real and he was literally exorcising spirits. Scott thought he was just creating psychogenic illness in people.
Telling southeast Asian people to side with us sounds a lot less impressive when it turns out that the Soviets did a fair bit of the liberating and at much greater cost.
I think people in southeast Asia care a lot more about their liberation from Japanese occupation then anything going on in Europe. WW2 wasn't just a European war.
Poland was always a more Western European country than Eastern European. The East Slavs have always been different and they are in much worse shape.
Jesus consistently presents his moral teaching as a return to the origins
So did Zoroaster and Confucius. So did Mohammed and Joseph Smith. This is the standard play book of monotheistic cults. They claim they are just reclaiming the truth that the one true god proclaimed thousands of years ago.
Lies are a social technology
Murder and Rape are social technology with a purpose, still evil, no matter your goals.
Go back to the abyss! Fall into nothingness that awaits you and your master!
but it's certainly been a funny thing to notice given how much critical theory, in practice, is about conveniently eliding between various definitions of words in different contexts to get people to reject or accept certain ideas (e.g. racism, sexism, white supremacy, feminism).
That is also critical theory in practice. It goes back to Hegel's dialectical method and the idea that the philosopher can overcome apparent contradictions through clever arguments and that all of history and reality was about contradictions being made whole again, back to the unity of god. This gets turned into a social theory of resolving all social distinctions like class, sex, race, etc. through clever arguments and revolution.
You don't have to be a cynic to think that. The guy who coined it spells it out for you. All this far-leftist stuff is cynical and power driven, they explain why this is in detail in their writings. The conspiracy is out in the open for everyone to see.
Knowledge production as socially constructed and a means to power. The glorification of revolutionary violence. It's all there in Marx and all the various critical theorists.
Taborrak tends to justify his points in a very academic style with lots of citations to studies and statistics. Tyler lives on vibes and has strange infatuations with people like Girard and Zizek, not to mention his continual infatuation with Austrian economics. His greatest weakness is his belief that any prominent public intellectual actually has something meaningful to say and isn't just a charlatan.
My impression is Johnson's brain got eaten by the sorta connection-stitching that normally gets thrown up on Pepe Silvia walls.
I think my grandparent's called that paranoid schizophrenia. Everything is connected, if you are mentally ill enough.
The Church didn't ban cousin marriage in Western Europe, though. Aversion to cousin marriage is an ancient Indo-European tradition and something smuggled into Christian law by the influence of the Indo-European peoples who became Christians. It was something introduced into Christianity by peoples long disgusted by cousin marriage.
We are talking about a 6 point IQ difference here. East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are already more than that compared to Whites. And there isn't any evidence for significant downsides in terms of mental or physical health, just the opposite.
Could be an old CT scan from a casualty of one of those Arab weddings where they fire guns in the air indiscriminately.
A profit maximizing monopolist increases production and lowers prices when their marginal costs decrease, the same as in a competitive market.
The way you signal your status as person of intellect and culture is by sneering at "the normies" and describing anything and everything that a normal guy might be expected to like, be it football, cars, red meat, or conventionally attractive women as problematic.
I remember liberal journalists, academics and activists doing this during the Bush years. I'm not old enough to have first hand knowledge of what things were like before then, but what media I've consumed from the 80s and 90s paints a more tits and beer style liberalism that wasn't afraid of earthly pleasures that weren't 'queer coded'.
It's a kind of hatred of everything that isn't a part of their bubble of prestige colleges and media companies. A desire to make sure no one could ever think they could vote Republican or even think any thought that could be found in the head of someone who worked at Fox News.
Exactly! They are acting in the way true believers would act in a world where UFOs and the supernatural aren't real. A world where the supernatural and UFOs are fake, but they believe they are real. They are psyopsing themselves.
There is no psyops, just gullible boomers. Just like there never was a Christ who could do miracles, just gullible Galilean Jews. There was no Zarathustra, who received visions from Ahura Mazda, just gullible Iranians. And, there was no Joseph Smith, who found golden tablets, just gullible Mormons. The list could go on and on.
Once the automation happens their bargaining power is gone. The now retiring boomer dock workers also want to pass on their jobs to their sons and nephews. Unions always oppose automation and labor saving technologies. It erodes their bargaining power in this one industry they control, even as it raises wages for workers more generally, but they only care about the rents they can extract from the docks, something automation kills.
The purely fascinating aspect of this is that either there actually exists some sort of supernatural thing everyone is acting totally fucked-up around, or we have hugely powerful and influential people in our governmental black programs roleplaying about parapsychological things for no apparent reason other than to psyop their own black-world colleagues. It makes absolutely no sense.
It makes perfect sense. Even the most intelligent powerful people get swept up in religious cults and movements. Some might have schizophrenia-esque disorders, or even low key schizophrenia. Others might just be the kind of people easily swept up in this kind of thing. Some of it is fraud and some of it is true belief.
There isn't anything that needs explaining about people getting swept up in religious cults. We have countless examples throughout history that haunt the world to this day. Just accept that the supernatural isn't real and that people are in general prone to schizo-reasoning. From Siberian shamans, to West African witch-doctors, to psychics in 20th century America.
The thing that strikes me about your friend's building -- if I understood you correctly -- is that somehow in some intentional way it is not harmonious. That is, Moneo intentionally wants to produce an effect of disharmony. Maybe even of incongruity.
PE: That is correct.
CA: I find that incomprehensible. I find it very irresponsible. I find it nutty. I feel sorry for the man. I also feel incredibly angry because he is fucking up the world.
Audience: (Applause)
PE: Precisely the reaction that you elicited from the group. That is, they feel comfortable clapping. The need to clap worries me because it means that mass psychology is taking over.
Is this good enough for you?
Transcripts are easily available online.
The Germans had trains and barges to connect the mines and factories in their own territories and move goods and people. This doesn't help your army on the march.
Why is it hard to argue? It's an empirical question and empirically these companies do work better than state run monopolies. You are also eliding all the foreign competition and small firms that could scale up if the big ones ever get bad enough.
Generally, 2A advocacy groups fight in in the courts, or in some places on online forums (lol), but not in big displays of protest.
Sure, but fighting in court is what we've been talking about this whole thread, not protests. Environmentalists also do silly protests, but those aren't what we are talking about and I'm not making a 1 to 1 analogy or making this especially about the 2A.
It feels like one of those intentionally bad metaphors. It's so bad I can't make heads or tails of it, but, also, to quote Bertrand Russell on Marx,
"His theoretical errors, however, would not have mattered so much but for the fact that, like Tertullian and Carlyle, his chief desire was to see his enemies punished, and he cared little what happened to his friends in the process."
I feel the same about all these people who look down on centrists and Talleyrand.
In their defense they are like the various right wing commenters here who refuse any compromise on guns, abortion, environmental law, etc. on the grounds that the left will just run rampant over them if they compromise and the only winning move is complete defiance and opposition to anything the enemy does. Even if each action is indefensible individually. I don't have a high opinion of either group.
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He's claiming Swedes aren't white. Swedes are obviously completely maxed out on whiteness genetically like all other Northern Europeans. We know Swedes, Germans and Russians are pale as can be and Franklin is an outlier and just plain wrong here.
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