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English Supremacist

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joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


User ID: 2301


English Supremacist

0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2023 March 31 13:26:28 UTC


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User ID: 2301

An actual historian may correct me, but once upon a time in my AP History class going on 25 years ago, we learned that early on in America the President and the Vice President were directly voted on by the Senate, and could even come from different parties!

Before 1804 there was still the Electoral College system for electing the President, but whoever got the second-most electoral votes became the Vice President. The Twelfth Amendment was then made which gave us essentially the system we have today.

I know this because @aaa blocks me, though I know not why.

Same here, and I'm not even sure if I've ever had any interaction with him. I'm glad to know it's not just me.

In the end, there is no substitute for good judgment, and no technology (social or otherwise) that can make up for bad decision-making.

I find cars to be tempermantally unpredictable while moving with a delicate sensuousness - obviously female coded.

I'm not sure if this is a typo, or the next front in the culture wars.

As a Michigander, I would be delighted to add another peninsula to my home state!

Those are still all "won't" instead of "can't", though. If a building that has stood and remained in constant use for centuries isn't up to code, the fault is with the code, not the building.

you can't exactly build that way anymore.

The laws of physics haven't changed. If your society isn't building beautiful buildings, it's not because it can't, it's because it won't (and the people who make those decisions have names).

For it to be a true ring, though, some future iteration of the species would have to be able to interbreed with one of the past ones.

How did the water rise to begin with? Where did those larger atoms come from? Burning.

Hey, programmers have to stay employed somehow.

There are scammers who are aware of Kitboga, so it's certainly a possibility.

♪♫ We didn't start the fire! ♫♪

My guess would be that they fear the damage done by a ghetto school would outweigh the benefits.

Can Taylor Swift be bribed? Threatened, sure, but she's a billionairess. If anything I'd be more worried about her bribing the average glowie agent.

Given that at least in my home country of germany we're already at a TFR of 1.6 again

Is this number just for Germans or does it include immigrants too?

Strategies like this won't work because the goal of trans women is to be accepted in all the same spaces that real women are, and if you give up the older definitions of "real women" and retreat to new ones, the trans movement will attack the new ones too. This is not a conflict that can be solved with clever wordplay.

His name is on most of the papers but that's standard for a PI and doesn't prove he did anything except fund the work.

Perhaps that should change, and perhaps one of the ways we could make it change would be to penalize the names on the papers for fraudulent work.

What elements of the situation would make Musk's arrest by a US ally over twitter moderation less disruptive to the status quo than Griner's arrest by an enemy for narcotics possession?

Race, gender, and sexual orientation, for three.

You have another use in the first paragraph.

Mike Lynch and Stephen Chamberlain were co-defendents in a high-profile fraud case in the US. They were acquired in June.

Now that you have offended a bunch of people for not capitalizing White, will you start to capitalize it too, in order to avoid causing such offense in the future?

And assuming that it works consistently and can't be countered by an adblock adaptment.

I second the Starsector recommendation, although do note that the game is still in development and the main storyline is currently only half-finished.

I know a kid named Eoin, pronounced "Owen". Is "Ewan" pronounced the same way?

I think the steelman of the "deep state" concept would be the Iron Law of Institutions as applied to the Executive Branch. The people in the deep state would be primarily concerned with expanding the power and authority of the Executive Branch (regardless of the wishes of any particular president), and any threats to that would be resisted (typically not violently, because typically violence is not necessary).