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Making bad arguments to piss people off is not against the rules

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joined 2022 September 06 12:31:44 UTC
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User ID: 847


Making bad arguments to piss people off is not against the rules

0 followers   follows 5 users   joined 2022 September 06 12:31:44 UTC


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User ID: 847

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You are correct; amongst his older videos you can find classics like Spawn Karthus.

Why not post your theory in full instead of just hinting at it?

They are still attracted to the ability to say no to suitors; once you are married you don't want your partner cheating.

-I teach French, but can also teach math. Have no degree in either. Fellow teachers universally baffled that, in the 20 years after university, I have learned other things to slightly above high-school level. I say “you can learn new things.” One says “NO, I CAN’T.”

I have heard this exact phrase from a teacher before: "I'm not here to learn." ("Je ne suis pas la pour apprendre.")

The total lack of intellectual curiosity is no joke.

It works even better; the target knows that an insult that ends in -cel is obviously no good, but can't admit to not knowing what it means.