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insufferable blowhard

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joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC

The things you lean on / are things that don't last

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User ID: 107


insufferable blowhard

1 follower   follows 13 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:24:43 UTC


The things you lean on / are things that don't last


User ID: 107

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For anyone wondering.

A Da Vinci is a robotic surgical setup meant to be less invasive. I had thought they were relatively new but that Wiki link says they were introduced in 2000.

Much clearer now that this is a set of allusions that not unsurprisingly flew over my head. Thanks. The Motte really does keep me on my toes.

Just an aside and nothing personal against you, but I really dislike:

  1. the use of embedded links as glosses of esoteric terms.

Why: I dislike the continual minimizing/maximizing of windows and the break in flow of thought

  1. linking to a website instead of simply explaining in words what it is you yourself have intended in your post. (You intended as the hypothetical you, not necessarily you.

Why: it seems dismissive and rude, like when someone asks where the restroom is and you just point at a sign instead of speaking. Sometimes one might intend to be dismissive and rude, and sure, maybe this is just me clinging to more traditional mores. Could be.

I realize people are sometimes short of time or impatient but damn.

I take rosuvastatin and it has had a dramatic effect on my cholesterol levels. (Dramatically good).

once I've had all the kids I plan on having.

Knowing you are male this wording made me chuckle internally. I get your meaning, however.

Putin says it's an "Oreshnik" missile and claims Western defense capabilities are useless against it.

random X link

I'm only needed physically at work between 3 and 4 days a week at present, which helps considerably, and I have a workout plan that puts me in the gym 3 days/wk on a shifting schedule.

Pullups suck. I don't mean they're bad, I mean I hate them because they're hard. I used to be able to do 10-15 and now I'm lucky to do 3. But that's improving. Wide-grip pull-ups suck worse. Neutral grip are the easiest for me. You're doing well Any other exercises or muscle groups your working on?

With a nod to the humor in your post, the answer seems obvious: Lack of judgment. This phrase can be read as a double entendre of course but I mean the lack of feeling as if your interlocutor is holding gavel and ready to bang it the moment you unburden yourself. That feeling diminishes basically as you move from left to right in your scale there.

More now than when? I agree with you on some level (what you say seems undoubtedly true at least in terms of real-world interactions as opposed to say, MMPORPG or whatever) but as someone who was a kid in the 70s and teen in the 80s there was a lot of therapy talk even then. Maybe just in Hollywood? Because I have some pathology where I remember things, I recall clearly the lines from the 1989 film Sex, Lies and Videotape:

"My therapist says--"

"--You're in therapy?"

"Aren't you?"

The talk therapy boom, at least in the US, arguably seems to have started from the mid 20th century (when "shellshock"morphed into PTSD) and has just ballooned since then. I'll be the first to say I'm out of touch with current US norms, but I certainly remember the ethos of "Talk it out" even from childhood.

Is this an effort to trump my response? Or to take the discussion to a place where humor has no foothold (i.e. bringing up assault etc?) You're learning loads.

I don't encounter this as much as I might in an English-only environment (though I am sometimes in those), but I find and have always found that a sense of humor works wonders. Even if you don't change anyone's mind, at least you've made someone laugh (even if that someone is only yourself.) I can't script your situations obviously so this advice may be useless to you, but generally I wouldn't take such jibes particularly personally. There's a whole ethos taking this kind of I'm With Stupid (and stupid is Men) as some kind of norm, but also women may have been through any number of situations that may have embittered them or otherwise turned them shrewish. Take the high (and humorous) road if possible.

The reddit link has its top post reading "Removed by Reddit." God I hate what that site has become.

It's not just political subs. Reddit is a web of lies, misrepresentation, shills, fraud, and trolling. Believe me I wish it weren't the case. I mean I have a long train commute.

My condolences. You surely know this already, but if you are blessed enough to live long, you will see a similar tableau many times over--relatives, your own parents, acquaintances, and friends. I could quote a poem to you, and almost did just that as a reply, but it seems dull to do so.

Delete if you want but I think this site needs a bit more personal raw honesty about concrete matters and your post certainly qualifies.

Interestingly (to me) another euphemism for sex is etchi or エッチ which is itself the pronunciation of the letter H, which in turn is a representation of the romanization of the word 変態 (hentai or perversion).

The term's arduous journey softens the tone from the original hentai meaning--エッチ really just is a noun for sexual intercourse --but it's one of those weird words in Japanese.

There is a term 性行為 or sēkoi which means sex, but it's a clinical term (think "intercourse"). Sēi means sex or gender, koi means "deed" or "behavior."

Read every word. Interesting on many levels, not least that your perspective is from IT but really hits on all sorts of larger policy effects. Thanks for posting and taking the time to post.

I do not doubt you. I think though what people imagine when they imagine "Trump supporter" is a demon of their own creation, not the actual humans in voting booths with reasonable perspectives. I think also with dialogue that (at least some) people can be made to realize this.

I feel like if I typed that I'd get a visit from some agency.

They are not. Others here are probably more cognizant of the machinations of politics in Japan than I. On the macro level the LDP or Jimintō party is typically the winner, with only a few brief periods of upset. The LDP is weirdly partnered with (New) Komeito, which is affiliated with the Soka Gakkai sect (some might say cult) of Buddhism, which has great social and political sway in Japan (if to some degree implicitly).

There are of course randos in Twitter who have opinions, but typically elections pass without great interest, with voter turnout not great, but similar to that of the US.

It's nowhere near as circus-like as in the US. Elections do make the news and on election nights the results are covered on the Japanese TV networks (which still receive considerable viewership despite Netflix) but there's not the wild and woolly atmosphere. It's rare (for me) to hear anyone discuss politics openly, which may or may not be gor cultural reasons (e.g. desire for social harmony )

Sorry to disappoint. Mine was not an attempt at comeback, simply a suspicion that we actually do agree in the essentials and that any point of argument isn't really worth the candle for either of us.

I'm not going to try and co-pilot your conversations, obviously, and I trust you know what you're doing. I would suggest if she decides to bail on you for this there may be a lack of emotional maturity worth thinking about--and which may itself be a consolation to you. This is regardless of whether you or she is the one "in the right" politically.

I would like to think, however, that she resists the urge to just walk away and rid herself of the cognitive dissonance that seems to be at play, and that this is a kind of wake-up call for her.

The fact that I do not live in the US certainly weighs in on this view of mine, no doubt. I was recently in conversation with solid blue tribers who did not disavow me as a friend, though we did agree to change the conversational topic.

voting for Trump "that time" doesn't define your whole personality.

We are in agreement.

Sure, part of, yes. But disagreeing with your choice for president needn't be "hating who you are." That's the kind of thing that reasonable people really need to get past--it's buying into a pop culture meme way of looking at the world, a tacit acceptance of the premise that vibes are some existential manifestation of selfhood.

I'm sure for many here it is outrageous to suggest that core principles can be shared by people on both sides of the political aisle, but I certainly believe this to be true.