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User ID: 2096



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User ID: 2096

Maybe I just don't understand HBD but does accepting it mean giving up on looking for improvements via culture?

I would hope so. It is often overlooked that conservatives also adhere to the blank slate theory, but they attribute societal issues to factors such as education, families, and perceived laziness, rather than systematic racism allegations as is commonly associated with the Left.

Maybe it would get both sides to shut up, lol.

I do wonder if effective altruists are missing cognitive enhancement as a neglected area considering they're concerned with economic growth.

I've been researching HBD for the first time lately.

Question: Could acknowledging HBD have any underappreciated benefits?

Although there is valid concern that it may be exploited by bad actors (such as white nationalists), the idea that intelligence being genetic (and therefore outside our control) could potentially reduce stress for Black Americans.

No more nagging from conservatives about pulling your bootstraps.

I apologize if HBD is discussed a lot here; I wonder if there may be some understated positives to it (though also potential for it to be used by bad actors).

Could it mean that since IQ is independent of the actions of black Americans, it lower pressure on them and whites?

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