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Lacks all conviction

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joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC

Fruck is just this guy, you know?

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User ID: 889


Lacks all conviction

1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 06 21:19:04 UTC


Fruck is just this guy, you know?


User ID: 889

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Whoa whoa, tell me more about your Balzac! Seriously though, can you give us an example of what you mean by their casual relationship with historical accuracy and sexual morality?

Do you look at weird shit on your YouTube account? These days if someone sends me a bizarre YouTube I copy it into Firefox and that seemed to end the uncanny valley bullshit for me. Alternatively do you fall asleep with youtube autoplay on? After a few hours of "random" videos (like not all woodworking or all spider bites or whatever floats your boat) it can start to get pretty weird, and although it's not supposed to treat autoplay videos with the same weight as your picks, it still has an influence.

Aww, well it's still great even though it wasn't on purpose. Basically guess posted a common (in my experience) progressive misunderstanding of a popular argument here (the actual argument being not that men shouldn't teach boys not to rape but that we already do, and rapists are defectors) and you cut through it by holding them to their word, a rebuttal technique they've used often in the past. Throw in the fact that in isolation someone reading these posts might conclude that guess is right wing and you are left and it's chef's kiss chaotic beauty.

I need to find a poet to immortalise this sequence of events. Brava!

I have dated several girls who refused to believe there are any innate differences between men and women. To the point of melting down a bit when they tried to play wrestle with me and discovered that their exercise regimen of an hour at the gym every day doing cardio and weights was no match for my exercise regimen of lying on the couch every night inhaling chips ahoy.

If you didn't learn about Farfour the Mouse last time, here's another chance to see the level of fanatical indoctrination aimed at Palestinian children. I can't stress how illuminating it is to see footage from the Hamas TV show Tomorrow's Pioneers.

Wow, you really weren't exaggerating, I had heard of farfour the mouse, but I never watched a video of Tomorrow's Pioneers before. That video is beyond fucked up, watching those little girls smiling and singing along to a song begging for martyrdom has put me closer to tears than anything I can think of in a long time. They don't realise what they are singing, their fucking parents and other adults put this song together signing their fucking lives away for a fucking desert cesspit and these kids are just happy to hug teddy bears and sing with a talking dolphin. Watching that little girl's eyes light up when she realises she gets to sing along, essentially disputing the lyrics through her actions while tacitly agreeing to them in song broke something in my heart.

It's funny reading this post claiming the right has been ever-escalating their persecution complex, just two posts down from you gasping about how every republican is an insurrectionist.

Yeah, it kind of looks like that's who you meant too.

Fairies are tiny, and afraid of iron. Few mythical creatures are easier to enslave and force to clean your bathroom than the fair folk. Then you can start pimping them out to others with dirty bathrooms and watch the money roll in.

Excellent piece, great work all round with an important point I hope gets through to the ea community. To be fair to that Oliver guy re the hypothetical I can't blame him for thinking that "ignore complaints from the target and publish on time, they're probably lying anyway" is the standard for investigative journalism, because regardless of what professional journalists are taught (and taught to say), that is often how the majority of them behave. Which is not to say Herzog or Singal behave that way, or even Lewis (I don't recall ever reading investigative journalism by her, but I know she is a very careful and serious journalist), just that if Oliver hadn't been an amateur looking on from outside the profession he would have known there is only one answer any journalist who wants to maintain their reputation can give.

To be charitable to Oliver, that could also be why he thinks deadlines matter at all outside scheduled publications, although from other points you made in the piece I think it's clear he just wanted to publish it as soon as possible (which should have been a red flag for anyone close to him prior to publication that his motives were skewed.)

I didn't say it was a good path forward.

To get real though, as someone who is crazier than Freddie I believe you are sincere in your concern, which is wonderful. But that's because we've interacted a bunch and I know how you argue. If we'd never interacted before it would take a lot of evidence to convince me this wasn't an argument tactic.

Actually there is just no way I would ever hear that from someone who isn't within my personal sphere. There's no way I could - giving credence to mental health diagnoses from strangers on the internet would be an early warning sign for the blossoming of psychosis and the people in my life who help me watch for that would treat it as such.

So if you are so worried about Freddie you feel that you must do something, reach out to his partner or find one of his close personal friends and reach out to them. If there are warning signs in the article, they'll know how to do something about it in a way that doesn't cause more problems.

He's got that ants in the machinery thing going on throughout, but that was my first thought too. There's a path forward for folamh though - just go blast it all over social media that Freddie has gone gamergate and is sneakily slamming the gamers rise up button and he'll get run right out of town.

Even the aggravating kind can be incredibly fascinating and insightful at times. Terry Davis was (although ymmv, he could be fun and amusing at times too.) John Nash too.

Well I wish they would, the cool forums are going to make fun of us if they read this thread and then they won't invite us to parties.

Wait, like the sink? So just out in the middle of the bathroom, with not even a stall door keeping you away from just anybody being able to walk in? That makes the hypothetical more appealing to you?

Yeah man, what's a stranger who walks in going to do? Stand and judge your form? What would you do if you walked in on that? Personally I'd avert my eyes and pretend not to notice, and that's what everyone else does too.

I mean, you could always jam the door to the bathroom shut if it's that big of a deal to you (I can't sing the praises of the sink over the toilet enough, it's just a vastly superior place to have sex) but in my experience that would likely kill your partner's enthusiasm - women who want to have sex in bathrooms are usually getting off on the exhibitionism.

I dated one girl who wanted to have sex in the stairwell to the car park of her corporate office. At fucking lunch time! Now that's insanity, but she almost broke up with me when I refused (nightclub sex became our compromise). It's not something society talks about much, but women's sex drives can short circuit their critical thinking too, and when it does the sex is amazing.

Actually I think that's where the idea of crazy chicks being dynamite in bed comes from - some moonbat with 5 cats and 70 'babies' made out of furballs and googly eyes isn't going to be amazing in bed. But a woman who has found a sexual stimulant which drives her crazy will be crazy good in bed, unlike a man who will just be crazy fast.

I'm sorry if this is inappropriate, but do you not think that might be an outgrowth of the fucked up things that happened to you in prior relationships with women? The way I viewed the hypothetical - a proposition from a beautiful stranger that becomes the highlight of your life - we are talking about the kind of hot that short circuits critical thinking. Not knowing someone is usually not enough of a concern to cut through that.

(Edit: fuck I'm an idiot, there's also the possibility you didn't read the hypothetical that way, I'm sorry.)

It looks like I'm the outlier around here though, based on the other replies in this thread. Personally I think it's demographics based - we'd get a different response if the motte skewed younger, more progressive or richer/poorer.

Although I also get the impression a lot of people are visualising having sex in a stall with a broken door, scraps of discoloured toilet paper draped haphazardly over everything, the bowl full to the brim with murky brown water and unsettling bubbles and a roll of toilet paper that has been soaked in piss and then dried out. But really you would go for the washbasins - they're cleaner, there's a mirror, and they're usually at a really good height logistically.

And it's just a coincidence that the sexiest men in the world are all of an age appealing to the last generation to still buy magazines?

Are you forgetting the beautiful stranger part? I feel like you are thinking with the wrong head, which is to say your actual head, which is not the head most men would think with in that kind of situation. Of course, most men will never be in that situation too, which only increases my belief they'd do it, because they know they won't get another chance.

Well man I have to say - change starts with us! The first step is associating that shit with roguelites and keeping roguelikes distinctly cprgs balanced for iron man mode, preferably with random generation and ascii graphics.

A Jewish man is making threats that I would have guessed came from a Muslim, which tells me about my bias and the level of passion on both sides of the conflict right now.

This is precisely why it's national news. He threatened to behead the kid - and beheading is Arabic in the zeitgeist. The bait and switch was the reason the story was published, although I bet it didn't hurt that this gives both moral busybodies and people opposed to Israel the chance to chew others out for making bigoted assumptions.

Dude you've got to dial it back a bit or you are going to get dinged.

In one of his many many rants against rationalism and in favour of social justice Arthur Chu said:

"“I rigorously manage my own thinking and purge myself of dangerous ‘unthinkable’ thoughts—‘mindkill’ myself—on a regular basis.

This is what you have to do to be a feminist anti-racist progressive, i.e. a social justice stormtrooper, You have to recognize that there is no neutral culture, neutrality is impossible, that culture is a cutthroat war of memes and that you have to commit to picking a side and setting yourself up as a neutral arbiter of memes is impossible and is a form of surrender. You have to constantly “check your privilege” and “unpack the knapsack” and all those other buzzwords.

You need to understand that the only way to be “rational” in this world is to be irrational, that the only way to be “fair” is to pick the right side and fight for it.

The people who genuinely win are the people who do this. The people who refuse to do this are the ones who sit on the sidelines and never even lose because they aren’t really playing.”

For more wisdom from the "Asian American icon" (his words, sorry Asian Americans), check out In favour of niceness, community and civilisation. (I know you're familiar with it grognard, but for anyone else who sees this who is less familiar with the history.)

See that's just US politics to me, but I see your point, maybe it's better described as an escalation. A dramatic escalation. Gamergate marked a change to me not just as an event, but because it coincided with complete US control over the Western cultural hegemon through social media. It went pro and spread from politics to everything, and from the US to everywhere (in the west). I have been politically aware since 2004/5, but trying to get Australians to talk about US politics back then was like pulling teeth. Even during Obama's election people mostly just saw it as a curio - he's going for the record for the fastest assassinated US president they'd laugh and then change the subject. 2012 wasn't much different - Obama was going to win or else Americans are all bigots so what's there to talk about? But after gamergate started, people started paying attention to US politics too. Suddenly every politically aware Australian I knew wanted to talk to me about the midterms! I didn't even want to talk about the midterms. But a lot of Australians and Europeans became very interested in US politics from then on, and I had to start explaining that I was an expat so other Americans wouldn't tell me to shove my opinions up my ass.

So the way I see gamergate is as the engagement where the scolds tried out their new weapon to great success - mind killing themselves in the face of empathising with the enemy. And it hit my shitty little corner of the internet - tech and gaming journalism - just before spreading everywhere. I wrote neutral stories on many of those previous events, and the only one I got push back on was Eich, because Eich himself supported his ousting. I'm sure there was bitching and sniping behind my back about what a chud I was, but it stayed behind my back. Then when gamergate came around, merely asking for a link to gjoni's post had people threatening to blacklist me. The ideology had become so totalising that not even enthusiast press could escape it - and enthusiast press has always been one of the most trivial things in existence.

Did Zog put rocks around fire? That nanny state bullshit!

Hey now, you can't stop there - what is it actually?