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User ID: 930



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User ID: 930


claims that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sara have a legal contract between them that gives her sweeping control over core aspects of Israel’s national affairs

This is the most jewish concept I've read about in a year. A "contract" between her and her husband for control of isreal?????

The squad

The squad are also a very bad example. They folded like paper tigers when it came to re-electing Nancy Pelosi as House speaker. They could have used their leverage to secure medicare for all or do any number of things they stated they would do. They chose not to. They are completely in the DEM machine's pocket.

The article on Cultural Marxism/Frankfurt school was deleted and redirected to a "Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory" article by a self avowed god damned Marxist. Their profile on wikipedia stated their proud support for Marxism. This is the kind of shit that goes on in wikipedia. The inmates run the asylum.

On the other hand, there is no way to write a gun control law that takes ethnicity into account without making it completely obvious that you are running an ethno-state and thus looking really bad to a lot of people in the broader world.

But they are already running an ethno-state. No outsider considers it not to be an ethnic state unless they are making PR mouth noises pretending to the contrary.

would it be worthwhile to do so

No. Striking violently and possibly in a suicidal way to achieve taking your oppressor's life is paramount. Sacrosanct. I would not want to live with a people who have had this urge lobotomized out of them. Indeed I would look at them as lesser beings.

Skin color should no more determine your more relevant qualities than the shade of lipstick you choose to wear.

Yeah, that's never going to happen. We don't have full control of our genes and I'm going to bet even slight tweaks to skin color will have a measurable effect on intelligence. (In either way. Who knows, maybe 300% melanin will actually make us hyper intelligent or whatever).

Whatever genes you alter to change faces, hair, body size. Literally any structural or outward appearance of a human will also alter their brains. It's all interconnected.

How are we characterizing the border breach

We are characterizing it as massive. Israel got caught with its pants down this time. You should check out some of the videos on odysee. They were literally driving convoys of flatbed trucks through destroyed walls.

I’m not convinced the media has the ability to black out a candidate who would genuinely have widespread appeal anyways,

Sure it can. Google has proven itself more than capable and willing to put a finger on the scales of goog search and youtube. Legacy media is owned by like 3 companies or so. If "they" really wanted to. "They" could blackball a candidate. Right now only Twitter of the mass media is "based" enough to resist such a political deplatforming campaign.

It's extremely preoccupied with "REPRESENTATION" and general left leaning things. But I'd grant you its not infected with brainworms level of political toxoplasmosis.

Breadpanes, which is extremely cringe. And also coincidentally and humorously also suffers from walls-o-text.

Oh yeah, let me describe in detail the absolute necessity of reconciliation with Jews for the destiny of the white race. A group of people with an extreme representation of thinkers and political figures responsible for everything that is wrong with white western societies as they exist with their current modern memeplexes. That sentence coming out some one who's supposed to be pro-white. At a certain point you need to call bullshit to pure trolling.

I see reconciliation between gentile whites and Jews as an absolutely necessary part of the destiny of the white race.

You're so wrong it literally pains me in my bones.

Any real white nationalist with 2 braincells to rub together will be in favor of whatever it is that needs to take Israel down.

Why don't you use several prompts and do the compositing yourself?

I don't consider even AOC to be AOC level progressive. When it mattered the most she backed old-dems and didn't use the squad's leverage to get what progressive voices wanted. Her progressiveness is entirely performative, check out some video by Jimmy Dore, he dismantles her shit pretty thoroughly.

Can you please hand out bans for repeated deletion of comments?

Modern society isn't immune from violent disruption. It skirts by only on the grace of people not being sadistic and maniacal enough to go for the really hard to replace infrastructure. If one really wanted to hurt people, targeting the electric grid and drinking water supply could really, really do some damage and doesn't require nation state actor level of sophistication or weapons.

My dude 4chan's /v/ and /tg/ are the foremost exemplars of pure scholarly DnD thought. In no other place can you formulate an assassination plot against a king involving a purely naked dwarf concealing an entire party decked out in war gear, safely hidden inside his ass.

Firstly, it means inheriting the legacy of the Holodomor. Attempting to claim a moral right to rule a people after you attempt to genocide them is...something.

It's geopolitics, who the fuck cares. If tanks and jet fighters required newborns to be put in blenders in order to function, nothing about our world would change.

So the interest of the military industrial complex cut off from corrupt Afghanistan contracts, and deranged Russiagaters bloodthirsty over imagined wronged converged.

Did it converge or was this a 4D chess move by the military industrial complex to stoke animosity for russia in the halls of power? During Trump's presidency talking heads were chomping at the bit to have a war with Russia itself, even before Trump gained power from the way Hillary was talking it gave the viewer the impression she's rather have a direct war with Russia instead of a proxy war and the only thing that spared us WW3 is her not winning.

What should the military do then?

Lock the borders down and start kicking out people who aren't supposed to be here.

Only thing that I can come up with is leftist elites personal ethics turn off too many people in their own base to rise. AOC is the only one on the left besides Biden who seems to come off likeable though her weakness is she’s probably a bit mid intellectually.

They literally had to go out casting for AOC. If anything she's a perfect example of their lack of talent.

We separate prison pop by gender and bad-dude-ness, why exactly aren't we separating by ethnicity too?

Oh no, we'll definitely get a social collapse before we can get ourselves singularityed. It will be a bullshit one like a mix of The Camp of the Saints with flavors of Idiocracy. Complex systems will collapse, and when that happens you will not have a proper functioning power distribution system, to speak of a global "internet" will be hilarious. More like a few hundred local networks.