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joined 2022 September 07 05:34:11 UTC


User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

I watched them both with my kids multiple times. No regrets. someone rabidly anti woke

And that "spiderman-but-black" shit didn't crawl up your ass and bite your spine hard enough? The animated spider things were fine but very much inspite of the diverse characters. Like the race swap with morales has always stunk to high heaven.

Too much Disney+ material fatigues people.

It's clear Loki and the Wanda thing should have been full feature films, I guess they had to "degrade them" into being tv shows due to covid?

proto-woke side was the atheists Well some of them at least. Like a third? Maybe a third-ish. There were the atheists who hated their dad and then there were the atheists who were too autistic so they made the unfortunate mistake of actually reading the bible. The atheism+ side disintegrated into a million little pieces mostly by canceling each other and purity spiraling, but not before killing the fun for everyone else.

This is a girls' handwriting if I've ever seen one. How bad can you be at recognizing gendered writing not to see this.

You know you're getting reamed when you're buying Zeiss

How do you get bullied into changing a name for a bird. It's bloody bird watching. What kind of pansies run this org? Just tell the miscreants to pound sand. Is this just a case of ideological capture?

Indefinite jail or send them back to be some one else's problem.

Israel is making themselves objectively more unsafe because they don’t want to be mean to the Muslims. Incredible.

Sounds like its on par with the rest of the "western" world.

It's always been ethnonationalism for me but not for thee with these types.

LMAO WHAT, I thought Rama Rama was just a meme.

Ayo how come OUR rootless cosmopolitans aren't based. Sucks we get stuck with the wrong KIND of international interests in our own back yard.

'The No campaign's speculative rebuttal of a potential aspect of the Voice is inaccurate since we've yet to establish what the Voice actually is/does'

This whole debacle sounds like an episode of The Thick of It but in Australia instead of the UK.

They can all go fuck themselves as far as I'm concerned they have literally NOONE left on that network even remotely close to being human. Gutfeld comes close but his writing staff is milktoast as fuck.



They got bought by the owner of Telemundo around the time of the Trump VS Hilldawg election. It's been churning out unfunny democrat agitprop ever since. The old writers were absolute masters absurdist comedy.

The interface also wasn't complete trash like it currently is. Some of the older barely web 2.0 with very sparing use of js versions were way better.

Is lolcow news a service? If there was an ongoing internet kerfuffle there would be updates there. Often from primary sources and people directly or peripherally involved.

They could at least TRY, you know. Right now there are editors on wikipedia that have bloody hammers and sickles on their profile bios. And nobody bats an eye when they edit some bullshit with their political bent.

There's conservapedia. Just nobody uses it.

simply hire a cadre of busty women who would stand in the beer aisle at the grocery store wearing an American Flag bikini and offering to fellate anyone who bought a case. Boom. Apology accepted.

We need to get prostitution legalized and in the constitution. Because frankly, we DESERVE to have our dicks fellated at the mart.

murder is cowardice

What an absolute soycuck tier shit to say and feel as if you've said something profound. I've lost the last bit of respect I didn't even know I still had for Bill Maher.

Capitalism can work. Not so sure on the free trade. A level of protectionism is needed because people aren't just fungible objects that will emigrate on the dime to "better work environments". Some would. But on the whole that's a destructive state of affairs.

It will improve the world so so much.

It so definitely wouldn't. If it ever becomes a viable technology be ready for HUNKY GRADE-A BEEF Jarheads, coming of an assembly line, roided up naturally and ready to fight in endless wars.

and lots of the deep state genuinely mean what they say about supporting democracy around the world.

Press X to doubt. Are we talking about the same deep state that believes in "democracy" and "fighting misinformation" but only when they get their way? How about that deepstate that can't help itself dethrone democratically elected leaders for purely monetary (even banana republic tier) and geopolitical goals?

Maybe i'm a bit naive here but what exactly are they going to be repressing? Both sides speak the same language, have roughly the same genetic makeup, eat the same foods, have the same religion. What are they going to be repressing? Waving the flag? Wearing blue jeans?