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joined 2022 September 07 05:34:11 UTC


User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

Lead free fuel?

professional licenses

Shouldn't be a thing. You should be prevented from doing a profesion only if you commit a crime to harm a customer directly.

Hence why, despite being so goddamn poor, we don't have the same level of flagrant antisocial or low level criminal behavior as some more colorful parts of the West.

Reddit could have fooled me. The way they portray it, it's like an episode of Star Trek and the gang is visiting that world with the rape gangs.

sixty lashes

You wanna kill him or what? You know the lashes are in the range of like 5-12 ish.

Nobody cares enough about the stories of a dota likes, not unless they are putting the clothes back onto the women (League of Legends).
The other main contender to LoL, Dota2 has Gaben on top, so there isn't any "woke shit" going on there. Thus you will not be hearing about wokeness in Dota likes.

A recent hit like Last Epoch which is sort of a middle ground between Path of Exile and Diablo has apocalyptically bad story telling, yet the gameplay is fun enough and forgiving enough for it to get like 90-100k daily players.

Ironically the chinese wikipedia has a proper description of gamergate, the rest of the intrnet if it wasn't specifically written by gamergaters or "true" gamers is the usual lies by the game journo pro list cabal.

I have a solution to our globo-alternatively-sexual AI overlords. Force the poster to say Nigger at least once in their reply for the post to be accepted. Maybe if you're feeling frivolous have the user dedicate at least a sentence extolling the virtues of president Trump.

Use the mindrot they've poisoned the AI models with to fight them thus forcing the spam machine to use an actual human to complete the dirtywork.

aren't in the business of selling answers

They plainly are. When I give Bing/Google a question in a natural way it tries it damnest to give me an answer, even if half the time that answer is spam and the other half of the time the answer is gaslighting me about something I clearly know not to be the case irl.

And yet China has the camps of Xiangjin for Uyghurs and barely got a sternly worded letter

Anti-chinese media in the west tried to meme those into another holocauster but their problem is nobody in the west cares about muslims, especially not Muslims in china.

I know I can, and I have. But I shouldn't need to. There's something really screwy going on with the X scroll on this site that shouldn't be so.

Is there a Meta thread for suggestions? Also can the admin of the site please add an "overflow-x:hidden" to the html tag's css please.

harassment and social shunning Is violence. if Harassment and social shunning are appropriate so are harder forms of violence (if the threat is believed to warrant it enough).

An effective way would be to classify ANY bio research on viruses/bacteria that involves breeding them as requiring a certain level of bio-hazard-safety lab. Then after that ban the construction and existence of such high level labs.

The only problem with this strategy is the people who would have the power to do this don't have the incentive.

Mixture of both? But internet weirdoes who are also lolcows are more disproportionately "trans" lately. It's the mind virus du jour.

DeSantis is arguably more reactionary than Trump

You can't convince me of this. Not in the ways it matters. If he actually was he would be getting a worse treatment than orangeman, as it is the MSM would rather shill for DeSantis if they felt like they had a chance to sap some of Trump's supporters his way.

To the point that if quarantine was now actually needed because of yet another lab leak of this time interestingly lethal disease, it'd probably not happen.

Can confirm. Sample size of one. Next "vaccine" they come up with for as of yet unnamed global pandemic they are gonna have to shove it up their own behinds. And if they make it mandatory they're are going to literally get home grown terrorism, not that fake glow in the dark shit FBI tricking special needs students to do a terrorism.

See what the "Federal Reserve" did with their happy fun printing machine. Presumably it requires SOME amount of IRL fucking about to procure MORE gold from the ground, instead of magicking some numbers out your ass to print more fictional dollars than ever existed before in a single year.

If they don\t bungle the implementation I might buy some TexasBucks. Hell, I might even open a busines that accepts TexasBucks in exchange for bullets, cigars and whiskey. Hell, maybe they should do away with the whole gold thing and just transact in bullets directly. Add that extra meaning to buckshot.

The articles on Romney painted him like he was a cross between Giga Hitler and Satan, while he's a bog standard conservative who mildly disliked the gays. He is the very definition of milquetoast.

I wasn't even a conservative back then and even I saw the absolute bullshit that was going down. If he being such a nobody got the treatment he did, there was literally NO upside to trying to be moderate.

The dissident-right is just alt-right lite. And I don't consider the "intellectual dark web" to be a real thing. That phrase is basically a marketing term cooked up by some news boomers.

The only problem with the PUAs are the absolute degeneracy of it all. They are half-right about a certain group of young materialistic women. A good chunk of the alt-right as it exists rejects the PUA community on grounds of degeneracy.

The 30 days to a month isn't completely pulled out of the ass. It's based on the moon's movements. Same with the 12 months to a year. The specific micro lengths of the months not being evently diviced could be rectified. Also whichever joker decided OCTOBER isn't the 8th month of the year should burn in hell for all eternity.

Yeah, uh, fuck that noise. Buy a billboard ad. Better yet. Make "advertising" on walls or visibly from the street illegal in general.

No it wouldn't be am awful move. Putting the posters up was the awful move, tearing them down is restorative justice. You don't get to spread propaganda in paper form on public surfaces.

Machine elves, not Grays, are the real aliens.

I'm inclined to agree, from what I've been told some black people who have taken DMT report that the machine elves were rude and racist towards them, which I find completely hilarious if true.