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User ID: 930



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User ID: 930

once people have enough money to keep buildings repaired.

The people also need to have the desire to keep the buildings repaired and their environemnt free of refuse. (as a perfect example, see any gypsy "gheto" in the EU). The people aren't exactly poor there, for every two poor families there is one "well enough" to have a properly painted house. And yet the neighborhood streets are always litered with trash. There are randomly scattered burned out cars or tires. (for some reason it's always old car tires without the wheel rims).

The people are unable grasp the concept of shared communal ownership or are seemingly fine with trash littered everywhere.

There are news articles of the time from the US, Britain, and France that say torture was done to nazi officers for a variety of reasons including to gain false confessions. Family members of these officers tried to alert others of the torture but it largely fell on deaf ears as Germany lost the war and there was not much sympathy for these officers. One of the biggest efforts during the torture process was to get signed documents "admitting" they had exterminated jews in camps. Some claims by the nazis is that their families were threatened, they were assaulted all over their bodies particularly in the genitals area, and other general torture methods. Just one famous site that the nazis were tortured in was the "London Cage". The allegations of torture to captured nazi soldiers are pretty extensive, but the losers of the war didn’t get to have their voices heard.

There wouldn't be an actual endgame as the regime would get toppled as soon as the vast police presence was pulled back.

There could be another endgame. Kill everyone. Every last one of them.

This Was all Proven at Nurember

Nothing was proven at Nuremberg. If you're going to be crushing the prisoners' balls to extract confessions absolutely NOTHING they say can be trusted.

and western governments stand by it, and you can be jailed decades for questioning it in Europe

Exactly because a government must use force to control ideas they must be rejected apriori.

I can believe that about Germans, it also spills into the electronics and machines they develop. I've seen overwrought designs with double and triple redundancy with security and safety interlocks so overcomplicated that the final product can't even perform its intended function properly. That is until you go in and remove half the safety interlocks and defeat some of the redundancy to get a workable solution that will work non stop for years.

The difference between flyovercountry crackheads/american fatties and the videographical apocalypse in that 4chan video is the lack of shit all over the place and rats. I am visually viscerally disgusted on a level unable to be put into words far more than the racist words spoken by the ai.

But when it came to it, the FSB could not do this. The Russians, for all their immense capability and cunning, were so addicted to the grift that they were unable to salvage their own intelligence operation because they were too busy enriching themselves.

The hell are these people on about. We're supposed to believe they couldn't fudge some numbers in a bank's database with the help of not one but TWO countries spy agencies? I'm calling bullshit.

Underclass whites are feckless normies without aspirations or desire to affect or own the world around them? Shocked, I am shocked I say.

The media is still trying to gaslight boomers that "nothing is going on" even as the DNC pursuing a program of importing future voters. The federal government is fighting tooth and nail vs texas so as not to have a proper border. And yet even while all of this is happenign there will still be some one gaslighting me about it even here. (see hlynka's usual shtick)


Because they were lied to and the media was tightly controlled? "It's just a liiiiitle bit of immigration you see, not enough to upset anything". It wasn't mask-off white replacement tier back then. Not for a long time.

Taking the artificial hormone will downregulate your own production. When you stop the drug you get whacked.

No, better yet make it a command economy. They can't set the prices over 3x what it costs to manufacture the drugs.

I'd like to take the low effort opportunity of warning anyone reading this NOT to take Ozempic or any other GLP-1 agonists for shits and giggles. (That is, take it to loose weight).

Attention economy feedback loop.

Oh there definitely is an explicit low priority pool, but before you get slapped with that one, you can be assigned a hidden pool where it just ques you with other people who are getting excessive reports be it for verbal abuse or griefing. To this day the hidden pools remain unacknowledged by valve publicly.

While they did say they have "hidden pools" for hackers and voice/text abuse in CSgo/CS2 they have not admitted to the same in Dota2. Both games are running on the same base engine and both games also are part of valve's Overwatch pseudo AI moderation system.

The question is -- why don't we do this with "toxic" players?

Dota 2 already does. There is what's colloquially called "hidden pools". If you get reported for flaming in chat or being obnoxious you start getting preferentially matchmaked with other such people until your hidden metric for obnoxiousness/abuse improves.

I know this because I pretty consistently play in a team with a hothead who just can't help himself but start flaming in all chat, usually the following few games we get matched next are also with people like that. When I que solo, it's fine. When we que together and he has been "a good boy [tm]" the matchmaking is fine also, until he starts talking shit again in all chat. Then it's back to the hidden pool.

or those stupid stickers that rednecks were putting on gas pumps when gas got to 5 dollars a gallon with biden saying "I did this!"

Those were pretty funny, you have to admit.

But the US is entitled to refuse to trade with anyone it feels like

Maybe it is, but it shouldn't be.

Biden is not very bright, and he's certainly lost a step

Biden is not in charge of Biden's foreign policy. Biden is not in charge of much of anything anymore.


Are there a lot of Fremen in Ireland?

Speaking of software conspiracy theories, My favorite conspiracy theory is the whole Woke Rust thing. There is an attempt to replace C/C++ with Rust as THE programming language, while at the same time Rust's council is full of the wokes. That whitehouse statement doesn't alleviate my paranoia in the slightest.

Because the authors are commie goons (ex Something Awful posters). If you choose explicitly fascist or strasserist options "the world" (the writers) will punish you.

the shadiest scammer who's taking advantage of miserable people

That one, he was shilled to me by the youtube algo as well. Blocktube took care of that. He knows how to play the algo game, I don't TRUST people who are ontop of their youtube algo game.

Almost all the headmates/tulpa nonsense is faking for attention, I'm sure there are some genuinely real schizos in the mix but "hearing-voices-schizophrenia" is so rare in young adults that most of them have to be bullshitting.

"Society" isn't becoming more violent. You aren't pwning noobs /playing DnD and partaking in the ol' ultraviolence with your mates after recess. It's a specific group of people who are doing the murdering and raping disproportionately.